Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet

Bari, 2 settembre 2024 (Cerimonia di apertura)

3-5 settembre 2024 (Congresso)

Received Abstracts

  • Abbassi A., Cipollari P.*, Rabiee A., Rossetti F. & Cosentino D. : The upper cretaceous Pietraforte formation (Monti della Tolfa, Northern Latium, Italy) in a source-to-sink perspective
  • Abbassi A.*, Cipollari P. & Cosentino D. : A new proposal for the stratigraphy of the "Tolfa unit" (CARG project, 364-Bracciano)
  • Abbassi A.*, Cipollari P. , Zaghloul M.N. & Cosentino D. : The mesorif unconformity in the external rif (Morocco): new insights from stratigraphical and biostratigraphical constraints
  • Abdallah IB.*, Dastoli S., Corradetti A., Taddeo C., Mercuri M., Curzi M. & Agosta F. : Fault roughness associated to fault growth mechanisms along high-angle normal faults, first results from the field-based structural analysis of the Monte Capo di Serre Fault, Abruzzo, Italy
  • Abdallah IB.*, Hollis C., Healy D., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : Multidimensional structural analysis of reservoir-scale fault damage zones flanking the eastern side of the High Agri Valley Basin, southern Italy
  • Accettella D.*, Savini A., Cuffaro M., Diviacco P., Muccini F., Zgur F., Buca M., Cova A., Facchin L., Santulin M., Romeo R. & Viola A. : ISOBatA's contribution and strategy to Antarctic Seabed Exploration
  • Acunzo G., Pagliaroli A.,, & Giallini S. : P4Quad a Pre- and Post-Processor for QUAD4M 2D site response analyses
  • Adanti B.*, Corrado S., Cecili A. & Coppola D. : Virtual geological walk to discover the historical-artistic heritage of Rome and its lithoid resources: the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura
  • Addante M.*, Herbert T., Caruso A., Girone A., Marino M., Scopelliti G. & Maiorano P. : Calcareous plankton and bio-geochemical climate signals during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition in the Mediterranean area
  • Addante M.*, Maiorano P., Girone A., Herbert T., Marino M., Scopelliti G. & Caruso A. : Improving climatostratigraphic signals at the Gelasian GSSP type-section
  • Adinolfi G.M.*, Carducci A., De Matteis R., de Nardis R. & Romano M.A. : Advanced tool for fault plane solution reliability assessment
  • Agate M.*, Todaro S., Maiorana M.G., Caldareri F., Lombardo C., Severini A. & Sulli A. : Seismo-stratigraphic analysis of middle-late Quaternary shelf margin prograding deposits in the Western Sicily offshore (central Mediterranean Sea)
  • Agius B. & Mamo J.* : Characterising rainfall-runoff processes and recharge rates in Mediterranean ephemeral streams with small impoundment dams
  • Agrosì G.* : From Earth's Mantle to Cosmo: case studies by imaging techniques
  • Agrosì G.*, Manzari P., Mele D., Tempesta T., Rizzo F., Catelani T. & Bindi L. : A second AlCu-bearing micrometeorite from Monte Gariglione (Italy): Insights on the origin and growth conditions
  • Agrosì G., Mele D.* & Manzari P. : Identification and characterization of Martian chips by non-destructive analyses
  • Agrosì G., Mele D. & Manzari P.* : A preliminary non-destructive characterization of Tarda meteorite
  • Akaki M.*, Sato H., Onoue T., Maron M., Ishikawa A. & Rigo M. : Geochemical studies across the Norian/Rhaetian boundary in the Pignola-Abriola section of the Lagonegro Basin, southern Italy
  • Alberghina M.F.*, Ricca M., Ruffolo S.A. & La Russa M.F. : The valorisation of Cultural Heritage and the archaeometric studies as effective tools for disseminating scientific culture: the experience of the ADELE-RS project
  • Aldrighetti S.*, Di Toro G. & Pennacchioni G. : Asymmetric microfracture pattern associated to seismic rupture (Gole Larghe Fault, Italy)
  • Alessandrini M. & Menichetti M.* : The geology of Mt.Vettore area in the Sibillini Mountains, Northern Apennines of Italy
  • Alisi C., Biddau R., Calandrelli T., De Giudici G., Dore E., Fancello D., Marras P.A., Medas D.*, Musu E., Paganin P., Pili S., Podda F., Siclari G. & Vacca S. : Investigation on bioaugmentation as a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers: preliminary results
  • Alvioli M.* & Melelli L. : URGERE: URban GEodiversity for a Resilient Environment
  • Alvisi F.* : The disappearance of sand: just a false alarm or a global emergency?
  • Alvisi F.*, Cheimonopoulou M., Koulouri P., Mogias A. & Mokos M. : The dissemination of marine geosciences in schools as a contribution to the Ocean Literacy process: from teachers' training to hands-on activities
  • Amato V.*, Aucelli P.P.C., Auciello E., Cesarano M., Pappone G., Petrosino P. & Rosskopf C.M. : Timing and lithofacies of the intermountain basins quaternary infilling from 1:50.000 geological maps (Piedimonte Matese, Isernia and Castel di Sangro sheets)
  • Amato V., Ebrahimi P., Matano F.*, Mattera R. & Scepi G. : Using a large dataset of field-based measurements to statistically estimate thickness of fallout pyroclastic deposits in the peri-volcanic areas of Campania region, southern Italy
  • Ambrosino M.*, Palarea-Albaladejo J., Albanese S. & Cicchella D. : The geochemical domains map of the Volturno river basin (South Italy): usefulness and comparison with the geological map
  • Amelio A., Doria S., Faieta D., Pagliaro S., Piacentini T., Pondrelli M.*, Ranieri B. & Vessia G. : The challenge to promote equal opportunities in the daily life at university: searching for best practices
  • Amodio S.*, Barattolo F., Bravi S. , Cesarano M., Angiolilli D., Auciello E. , Girardi G., Randisi A. & Pappone G. : The Jurassic-Miocene Apenninic limestones in southern Matese: biostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution from geological mapping of the Sheet 418 Piedimonte Matese
  • Amore F.O.*, Argenio C., Di Vito M.A., Fistola R., La Rocca R.A., Messina M. Y., Panarello A., Rastelli A. & Zingariello I. : The paleontological heritage and innovative communication modalities for the territorial development
  • Amore F.O.*, Argenio C., Faranda C., Ferraro L., Gliozzi E., Magri D., Michelangeli F., Russo B., Siciliano J., Vallefuoco M., Mauro A., Meo A. & Senatore M.R. : Multi-proxy analyses to reconstruct the environmental evolution through the composite section cropping out at San Giuliano Lake area (Matera, Southern Italy)
  • Amoroso O.*, Gargiulo M.V., Napolitano F., Russo R. & Capuano P. : An educational escape room experience for teaching younger generations about seismic risk
  • Amoroso O., Giampaolo V.*, Baccaro A., Balasco M., Blasone M., Bubbico D., Capuano P., De Martino G., Gargiulo M.V., Napolitano F., Perrone A., Panebianco S., Russo R., Serlenga V. & Stabile T.A. : A multi-messenger geophysical approach for geothermal resource evaluation and sustainable energy exploitation: two case studies in Southern Italy
  • Andò S.*, Barbarano M., Caruso P., Gambarotta O., Garzanti E., Limonta M., Malusà M., Paglia S., Pastore G., Resentini A. & Vezzoli G. : From the micro to the macro-scale: the contribution of the "Provenance Centre" (Unimib) in the study of sedimentary archives
  • Andò S.*, Perotti M., Zurli L., Torricella F., Colizza E., Ferrante G.M. & De Santis L. : High-resolution mineralogical and petrographic analysis of marine sediments in Antarctica: from silt to gravel
  • Anderlini L.*, Anselmi M., Braun T., Errico M., Garcia A., Morelli A., Pezzo G., Saccorotti G., Serpelloni E. & Zaccarelli L. : What we learned from geodetic monitoring of subsurface industrial activities
  • Andrenacci C.*, Lavecchia G., Bello S., Pietrolungo F. & de Nardis R. : Quaternary stress and strain patterns in the Italian peninsula from QUIN's data
  • Andrenacci C., Bello S.* & Lavecchia G. : Get to Know the QUIN Database: Applications and potential insights from fault traces and over 8000 structural-geological data points in the Quaternary Extensional Belt of Italy
  • Andriani G.F.*, Diprizio G., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Milella D., Morelli P. & Parise M. : Dynamic properties of soils obtained by means of combined resonant column and cyclic torsional shear tests for the Seismic Microzonation studies of Apulia (SE Italy)
  • Animali L.*, Corrado S., Bartoli M., Mitillo N., Tuccimei P. & Giorcelli M. : Characterization and use of biochar, a sustainable material, for water purification and carbon storage
  • Annese C., Bellopede R.*, Intini P. C., Intini P., Lamanna L.M., Marini M., Merico A., Quartulli A. & Sivilli S. : Itria Valley limestone: a multidisciplinary study on the use of the Apulian georesources in the Cultural Heritage
  • Annibali Corona M.*, Guerriero L. & Calcaterra D. : Geomorphological evolution and activity of some large earthflows in southern Italy
  • Annibali Corona M.*, Calcaterra D., Cappelletti P., Izzo F., Langella A., Mercurio M. & Guerriero L. : Mineralogical analysis of clayey earthflow materials and implications for assessing susceptibility to solid-to-fluid transition
  • Antonelli M.*, Caldara M.A., Sacco E. & Spalluto L. : Geological map of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate units cropping out in the southern Gargano Promontory: new stratigraphic constraints for the tectonic evolution of the area
  • Antonucci A.*, Rovida A. & Locati M. : Sharing seismological data related to historical earthquakes in Italy
  • Anzelmo G.*, Forzese M., Iacopini D., Carbone S., Catalano S., Montalbano S. & Maniscalco R. : Building a 3D model of CARG Ragusa Sheet 648 (Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily, Italy): evaluating/mitigating uncertainty through the integration of structural data at different scales
  • Anzidei M.*, Trippanera D., Bosman A., Brunori C.A., Alberti T., Vecchio A., Bignami C., Serpelloni E., Tolomei C., Aucelli P. & Mastronuzzi G. : Vertical land movements and relative sea level rise scenarios up to 2150 along the Italian coasts: implications for multi-risk assessments
  • Aquilano A.*, Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C. : Giving new life to granite quarrying waste: a case study from Buddusò (Sardinia, Italy)
  • Arboit F.*, Ceriani A., Decarlis A., Gasparrini M., Corrado S., Chew D., Collins A., Min M. & Lasseur E. : The importance of being multi-proxy, trivial provenance analyses for serious tectonic reconstructions
  • Argenio C.*, Balestra B., Flores J.A. & Amore F.O. : Palaeoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes during the Marine Isotope Stage 5 at IODP Site 1385
  • Argentieri A.*, De Ritis R., Fabiani M., Fittante L., Fubelli G., Lafavia C., Liggio F., Rotella G., Scaroni C., Seitone F. & Vitali P. : Landslides monitoring for the protection of the territory: the San Vito Romano study case (Rome metropolitan area, central Italy)
  • Argentieri A.* & Tortonesi E. : The world in 2D: Alfonso Di Pasquale, between paintings and geological maps
  • Argentieri A., Ballarini V., Bordoni P., Cara F., Cultrera G., Doglioni C., Naso G., Orsini G., Perniola B., Pischiutta M., Puglia R., Rotella G.*, Spina D. & Stecchiotti R. : From top to bottom: characterizing the strategic site of Palazzo Valentini (Rome)
  • Argentieri A., Centamore E., Petti F.M.* & Tavarnelli E. : Two forerunners of Northern Apennines tectonics: a tribute to Roberto Signorini and Carlo Ippolito Migliorini
  • Argentieri A., Occhigrossi B.C. & Rotella G.* : Tommaso Tittoni, a geologist to the Prime Ministership
  • Argentieri A., De Caterini G., De Ritis R.*, Romano M. & Rotella G. : Science in the Riviera dei Fiori: 'traces elements' of geology in Italo Calvino's literary output
  • Argentiero I.*, Bovenga F., Borrelli R., Massimi V., Nutricato R. & Nitti D.O. : Analysis tools for supporting the exploitation of MTInSAR products in monitoring landscape evolution
  • Argiriadis E.*, Denniston R.F. & Columbu A. : Trace organic compounds in speleothems as a pioneering approach to high-resolution paleofire reconstructrion
  • Ariano M.*, Fantozzi P.L. & Albarello D. : A systematic analysis on Italian national territory to test the role of local topographic effects.
  • Arizzi A.* & Cultrone G. : The use of raw materials and residues for the manufacturing of sustainable lime mortars
  • Arras C., Calia M.*, Biddau R., Murgia A. & Da Pelo S. : Evaluation of recharge sources and nitrates origin in a karst spring: a case study from the Nurighe spring (NW Sardinia, Italy)
  • Artegiani F.*, Cipollari P., Cosentino D., Rabiee A., Rossetti F., Cipriani A. & Fabbi S. : The record of the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE) in the Apennine carbonate platform: Insight from the geological mapping of the Sheet 390 – Frosinone (CARG project)
  • Artoni A.*, Cioce S., Campana D., Martini A., Calabrese L., Lambertini L. & Tinterri, R. : Unexpected results from 3D geological modelling in already extensively investigated area: the SE termination of the Salsomaggiore Terme tectonic window (Northern Apennines foothills, Parma province, Italy)
  • Artoni A., Chizzini N.*, Basso J., Torelli L., Polonia A., Gasperini L. & Qadir A. : Oblique plate collision remnants of the Southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc boundary revealed in the offshore Bradano Basin (Ionian Sea - Central Mediterranean)
  • Attardi A.*, Cocco F., Deidda M.L., Sedda L., Funedda A. & Naitza S. : CRMs prospecting through comparative ore deposit modelling in SW Sardinia
  • Attardi A.*, Cossu D., Deidda M.L., Fancello D., Sedda L. & Naitza S. : The Mo-LREE-(W) greisen and F-LREE-(Mo) hydrothermal mineralisation in the Oschiri – Alà dei Sardi area (N Sardinia)
  • Aversa L., Cornacchia I.*, Aldega L., Catanzariti R., Gori F., Marianelli D. & Brandano M. : Clay minerals, trace elements and stable isotope geochemistry reveal increased biogeochemical weathering during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum: The Ligurian Alps record (northern Italy)
  • Azzoni R.S.*, Forti L., Pezzotta A. & Zerboni A. : The Derna dam collapse erased a century of urban sprawl 
  • Bacchiani A.*, Ferranti L., Iezzi F. & Pavano F. : Structural setting and tectonic evolution of the Central Matese Fault System, Southern Apennines: preliminary observations
  • Baio M., Violanti D., Pezzotta A.*, Tantardini D., Zerboni A. & Crippa G. : Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of the upper central Po Plain (Northern Italy)
  • Balassone G.*, Serritella A., Rizzo M.L., De Bonis A., Valente E. & Boni P. : Archaeometric investigations on iron slags from the metallurgical workshop of Caselle in Pittari settlement (Campania region, southern Italy): a first look
  • Baldassarre G.*, Fiorucci A. & Marini P. : Exploring critical and strategical raw materials recovery potential from mining waste: findings from some Italian historical mining districts
  • Baldassarre G.*, Mori De Oliveira C. & Marini P. : Laboratory-scale reprocessing trials of historical mine waste from the Traversella mining district (Piedmont, Italy).
  • Baldassarri L.*, Fanti F., Dinelli E. & Bais G. : Geochemical analysis and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the laminated limestones from the Villaggio del Pescatore fossil site (Trieste, Italy)
  • Balestra V.*, Fiorucci A., Marini P. & Bellopede R. : A research to study the unstoppable subterranean journey of microplastics
  • Balestra V., Peruzzi A., Marini P. & Bellopede R.* : Monitoring of lampenflora growth on speleothems exposed to LED lights in show caves
  • Balestrieri M.L.*, Olivetti V., Chew D., Zurli L. , Zattin M. , Drakou F. , Cornamusini G. & Perotti M. : Multi-proxy single-grain provenance analysis to tackle growth and retreat of West Antarctic Ice Sheet: insights from  apatite and zircon U-Pb dating coupled with fission-track age and geochemical analysis of apatite.
  • Ballato P.*, Balestrieri M.L., Dunkl I., Balling P., Paknia M., Biralvand M., Heidarzadeh G., Zeilinger G., Ghasemi M., Faccenna C. & Strecker M.R. : Tectonic evolution of the northern sectors of the Iranian Plateau: insights from thermo-kinematic modelling into Neogene plateau building processes
  • Ballato P.*, Brune S. & Strecker M.R : Linking sedimentary loading-unloading cycles and faulting in intermontane basins of the broken foreland of NW Argentine Andes: new prospective from numerical modeling and field observations
  • Balsamo L.*, Caldareri F., Parrino N., Maltese A. & Sulli A. : The isoradiometric shoreline extraction method as a proxy for Medicane impact quantification: a case study of Bals event along the Sciacca coast (southern Sicily)
  • Balsamo L.*, Sulli A., Agate M., Budillon F., Gasperini L., Monaco C. & Carbone S. : Offshore geological map in south-eastern Sicily: the "Siracusa - 646" (CARG project)
  • Balzan S.*, Botezatu C., Faccini B., Ferretti G., Galamini G., Mattioli L., Tassoni G. & Coltorti M. : A Comprehensive Study of Ammonium Removal from Livestock Effluents Using Zeolites in Various Operational Scenarios
  • Balzano S., Ghani J., Bettinelli A., Zhao Y., Guo L. & Funari V.* : Mine tailings characterization and potential pychoremediation
  • Bambini G.*, Medori A., Grillini G.C., Moro D. & Valdrè G. : Restoration of the14th-century Murals at the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore in Bologna, Italy
  • Barale L., Console F., Mosca P.* & Pantaloni M. : The problem of the age of "greenstones" in the Western Alps: the perspective of Carlo Bruno (1831-1916)
  • Barbagallo V. *, Brandano M., Borzì L., Catania G., Cornacchia I., Distefano S., Pellegrino A., Macrì P., Mancini A., Marianelli D., Maniscalco R. & Di Stefano A. : Integrated stratigraphy reveals Oligo-Miocene paleoclimatic phases: a Central Mediterranen insight from the western Hyblean sedimentary succession
  • Barbagli F.* : What is the role of Natural History Museums in the future of our planet?
  • Barbarito L., Lillo A.*, Marzolla M., Menga H. & Ricco G. : The sea: life's source
  • Barbero E.*, Festa A., Saccani E. & Catanzariti R. : The redefinition of the Ligurian Units at the Alps-Apennines junction (NW Italy) and their role in the evolution of the Ligurian accretionary wedge
  • Barbero E.*, Marcelli I., Irace A., Festa A., Catanzariti R., Da Prato S., Livio F. & Fioraso G. : From geological map to 3D model: integrating surface and subsurface datasets from Sheet 177 Tortona of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale (CARG Project)
  • Barletta M.L., Benedetto S., Genchi L., Ippolito M.P., Lillo A.*, Longano D., Ratti L. & Valletta S. : Science Nights at the High School Complex in Monopoli (BA)
  • Barni L.*, Marras G. , Morana M., Angellotti A., Cinque G., Mikhailenko D.S. , Bindi L. & Stagno V. : Heterogeneity of N distribution into diamond single crystal: a closer look into the role of inclusions in the distribution of N aggregation state
  • Barone A.*, Madonia G. & Rotigliano E. : An experimental approach to improving the teaching-learning process in the geosciences
  • Barone G. Carbone C. Fugazzotto M. Mauro D., Merlini M. Nazzareni S.* & Pratesi G. : The SIMP Commission on Museums: a network for sharing and promoting museum activities
  • Baroni M.*, Baschetti B., Pisello A., Massironi M. & Petrelli M. : FRESCO, a Python open source tool to democratize CRISM spectral data management, analysis, and mapping
  • Barrera Acosta D.*, Toscani G., Amadori C., Colombera L. & Di Giulio A. : 3D Reconstruction of Regional-Scale Unconformities in the Po Basin: Integrating Well Data and Seismic Profiles to Improve the Understanding of Plio-Pleistocene Evolution
  • Barrera Acosta D.*, De Matteo A.-, Maesano F., Toscani G.-, Seno S.- & Basili R. : Probabilistic Analysis of Slip Rates Over Time of Offshore Buried Thrusts in the Central Adriatic Sea (Italy)
  • Battaglia F.*, Torricella F., Belt S., Capotondi L.*, Colizza E., Colleoni F., Di Roberto A., Langone L., Giordano P., Mollenhauer G., Pochini E. & Tesi T. : GRETA (CoolinG oveR thE VicToria LAnd (GRETA): resolving the Ross Sea response to continental climate change during the last two millenia
  • Battifora C., Ferrando C., Crispini L. & Rampone E. : Reactive melt percolation in spinel mantle harzburgites from the Wadi Tayin Massif (Oman ophiolite)
  • Battistelli M.*, Ferrarini F., Carafa, M.M.C., Cardinali M., Bucci F., Merryman Boncori J.P. & Brozzetti F. : Do faults play hide-and-seek? New hints on the relationship between active deformation and surface faulting in a seismic gap zone of central-southern Apennines – A multidisciplinary approach
  • Battiston T., Comboni D.*, Lotti P. & Gatta G.D. : Exploring Pressure-Induced Crystal Structure and Fluid Interactions in ABC-6 Zeolite Group
  • Bausilio G., Tufano R.*, Calcaterra D., Guerriero L. & Di Martire D. : Multirisk analysis of the city of Naples (Italy) using the Rock Engineering Systems (RES) method
  • Bausilio G.*, Di Martire D. & Calcaterra D. : Anthropogenic sinkholes' susceptibility assessment in Palermo, Italy, using a machine learning algorithm
  • Bellini F.*, Sabato S.* & Tropeano M. : Exploring Geodiversity through Historical Fountains and Ancient Springs: Geotouristic Paths in the Premurgia Region for Sustainable Development (Puglia, Southern Italy)
  • Bellini F.*, Colacicco R., Marra M., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Digital Geotourism: Unveiling the Geological Heritage of Laterza (Puglia, Southern Italy)
  • Bellinvia L., Gasparrini M., Montano D.*, Mangenot X., Berra, F., Decarlis A. & Ceriani A. : Diagenesis and paleo-fluid characterization of the Bathonian-Callovian platform carbonates from the southern Paris Basin sub-surface
  • Bellotti P.*, Barrera A. D., Stendardi F., Pezzoli S., Toscani G. & Di Giulio A. : Linking the exposed belt to the buried one: preliminary data and results in the framework of the project CARG 160 Pavia
  • Belmonte D.* & Carbone C. : Development and valorization of the historical and modern mineral collections of the Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV), University of Genova
  • Belviso C.*, Abdolrahimi M., Lettino A., Cavalcante F. & Peddis D. : Magnetic properties of bauxites and pre-fused hydrothermal product (zeolite)
  • Belviso C.*, Mancinelli M., Abdolrahimi M., Sturini M., Cavalcante F., Lettino A. & Peddis D. : Red mud treated with KOH: from disposal material to new resource
  • Benedetto S., Genchi L. & Valletta S.* : Caving and hiking activities for promoting  knowledge and landscape preservation
  • Benigni M.S., Catalano C.*, Giuffrè M., Endreny T. & Rugani B. : The neglected side of post-disaster temporary settlements: how to manage it with NbS for sustainable urban development 
  • Benvenuti M.*, Barbagli F., Fabrizi L., Manca R. & Moggi Cecchi V. : An "enlightened" museum of Nature, Art and Science. Rediscovering Specola 250 years after its foundation
  • Bernabale M.*, Cognigni F., Contessi S., Silvestri S., La Penna G., Spagnoli F., De Vito C. & Rossi M. : Investigating corrosion systems in archaeological artifacts from Motya (Sicily, Italy): A Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Correlative Imaging approach
  • Bernardini S.*, Della Ventura G., Sodo A. & Jovane L. : Micro-Raman mapping of the oxidation state of Mn in deep-ocean polymetallic deposits
  • Bernasconi A.*, Beretta M., Curetti N., Tribaudino M., Pavese A., Francescon F. & Sartori R. : Application of mineralogy to waste reuse in ceramic materials
  • Bernasconi A., Mantovani L. & Tribaudino M.* : Bottom ashes from MSWI in ceramics: a higher value reuse of waste
  • Berra F.* : Soft‐sediment deformation structures and Neptunian dykes across a carbonate system: Evidence for an earthquake‐related origin (Norian, Dolomia Principale, Southern Alps, Italy)
  • Bertino A.*, Caggiani M.C., Fugazzotto M., Portale S., Starinieri S., Mazzoleni P. & Barone G. : Application of pigmented geopolymers in Cultural Heritage conservation and aging studies on a geopolymer mock-up
  • Bertoni D.*, Diana E., Luppichini M., Trembanis A. & Sarti G. : Spheres vs disks: Real-time movement of pebbles in the swash-zone of coarse-clastic beaches
  • Biagioni C., Pasero M.*, Sejkora J. & Števko M. : "Carbonato-apatite" is not a fake: the first reliable SCXRD proof of the incorporation of [CO3] groups within the apatite framework
  • Bianchini G.*, Brombin V., Tagliacollo L., Bonadiman C. & Tassinari R. : Outdoor Science Experiments, Hands-On Learning in Nature: the Nirano Mud Volcano (NMV, Fiorano Modenese, Italy) open-field laboratory
  • Bigaroni N., Trippetta F.*, Noel C., Giorgetti C., Pozzi G. & Collettini C. : Evolution of the Vp/Vs ratio during deformation tests at high fluid pressure: implications for earthquake mechanics
  • Bigi S.* : Examples of multidisciplinary approach as a strategy to reduce uncertainties in geological models
  • Bilotta A.M., Canali M.G., De Caterini G., Fiorelli C., Lucarini M.*, Milighetti C., Nappo E. & Mattei A. : Children's Eco-Museum (I.C. Via Santo Savarino, Rome): History and memory of the Genius loci of the "Agro romano"
  • Bindellini G.*, Benton M. J., Petti F.M., Bernardi M., Rubidge B., Hancox J., Romano M. : Middle Triassic tetrapods: a triumphant faunal return after the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction
  • Bindellini G.*, Manucci F. & Romano M. : From bones to bulk: a 3D volumetric approach to estimating theropod dinosaur body mass
  • Bindi L.* : Are there more out there? The possible prevalence of quasicrystals in the universe
  • Bindi L.* : The strange case of a mineral with pyroxene chemistry and HP-olivine structure
  • Binetti M.S.*, Massarelli C. & Uricchio V.F. : Monitoring and identification of environmental crimes: a satellite imagery and machine learning approach
  • Bini M.*, Caroti A., Cantini F., Fabiani F., Fornaciari A., Isola I., Lazzarotti M., Luppichini M., Mensing S., Palli J., Piovesan G. & Zanchetta G. : The last 2000 years of floods from Arno and Serchio rivers (Tuscany) from historical, geoarchaeological and stratigraphic data
  • Bini M.*, Zanchetta G., Lazzarotti M., Luppichini M., Gemignani G. & Tarantino I. : The didactical experience of the "Laboratory of climatology and environment" of the Master Course in Environmental Science of the University of Pisa
  • Biondini E.*, D'Orazio F., Lolli B. & Gasperini P. : Comparative Analysis of alarm-based earthquake forecasting models in Italy
  • Birarda G., Bonanni V., Buosi C.*, Caridi F., Casu M.A., Costanzi E., De Giudici G., Gianoncelli A., Longo E., Marras P.A., Medas D., Meneghini C., Onnis P., Pili S., Pivetta T., Sabbatini A., Tromba G., Vaccari L. & Zizic M. : Response of benthic foraminifera to plastic pollution
  • Bloise A., Fuoco I.*, Vespasiano G., Pacella A., Villella S., Piersante C., Malvasi G., Campopiano A., Ballirano P., Bruno M.R., Bruni B.M., Sinopoli F., Di Carlo M.C. & Apollaro C. : Evaluating mineralogical and geochemical characteristics for understanding groundwater quality and secondary asbestos exposure risks: the case of Calabria Region
  • Bokanda F., Cavalazzi B. & Franchi F.* : Geomicrobiology of the concretions of the Makgadikgadi pans (Botswana): An astrobiological perspective
  • Bolla A.*, Pinto D., Lenaz D., Del Fabbro M. & Paronuzzi P. : The clays involved in the 1963 Vajont slide: mineralogy, geotechnical characterization and geomechanical implications
  • Bonadiman C.*, Bianchini G., Braga R. , Tagliacollo L. & Tassinari R. : Geochemical and petrological study of eastern limb of Rustenburg Layered Suit (Bushveld mafic complex)
  • Bonadonna D.* : Depicting the unknown
  • Bonelli P.*, Abbatangelo G., Becci G., Cardinale D., Conelli A., Liuzzi G. & Morigi M. : An early warning system experiment for landslides in Grassano (Matera, Basilicata, Italy) with the active participation of the local population and self-made open-source instruments
  • Bonetto S., Caselle C., Frasca G. & Mosca P.* : A geological and geotechnical modelling of Alpine sulphates: the SALT project
  • Bonfardeci A.*, Agate M., Gasparo Morticelli M., Incarbona A., Avellone G., Gennuso M., Rizzo G.F., Moscariello A., Muraro C., Bonomo R., Parrino N., Pucci S. & Sulli A. : Late Pliocene - Pleistocene stratigraphic evolution of the Menfi wedge-top basin (south-western Sicily - Italy)
  • Bonini L.*, Basili R., Burrato P., Abbate A., Areggi G., Bertone N., Del Ben A., Maesano F.E. & Ponton M. : Geometric and kinematic assessment of the seismogenic sources of Northeast Italy
  • Bonini S.*, Asti R., Viola G., Tartaglia G., Rodani S., Benedetti G. & Vignaroli G. : Addressing fault structural complexity and geometric interference in seismic hazard assessment for railways design
  • Bonorino L.*, Beccaris G., Chiozzi P., Cogorno A., Filippi E., Narizzano R., Prandi S. & Verdoya M. : Lithological control on the indoor radon concentration: the case study of western Liguria
  • Borghini G., Crotti C.F. & Fumagalli P. : Pyroxenite generation via high-pressure crystallization of a MORB-type basalt: an experimental study at 1-2.5 GPa
  • Borrelli M.*, Kairouani H., Micheletti F., Zaghloul M.N., Fornelli A. & Perri E. : Microbial signatures in the Early Jurassic phosphatic sandstones of the External Rif (Northern Morocco)
  • Borrelli M.*, Perri E., Heimhofer U., Umbro B., Santagati P. & Le Pera E. : Role of microbes in the the Pliocene giant cold-seep system of the Crotone Basin
  • Borsatto F.* & Jabbour C. : Analysis of practices with the potential to create sustainable value for the natural zeolite sector
  • Borzì A.M.*, Cannata A., Panzera F., D'Amico S. & Aster R.C. : Exploring the relationship between the Microseism long-term Energy trend and Wave Power in the Mediterranean Sea during the period 1996-2023
  • Borzì A.M.*, Minio V., De Plaen R., Lecocq T., Cannavò F., Ciraolo G., D'Amico S., Lo Re C., Monaco C., Picone M., Scardino G., Scicchitano G. & Cannata A. : Distinguishing between Medicanes and common seasonal storms using microseism
  • Borzì L.*, Marino M., Stagnitti M., Sciandrello S., Cavallaro L., Di Stefano A., Foti E. & Musumeci R.E. : Coastal land use transformation as a key driving factor for coastal erosion, the case study of Southern Sicily (Italy)
  • Boscia S.*, Grifa C., Germinario C., Mercurio M., Langella A., Izzo F., Pauciulo A., Gliubizzi R. & Pappalardo D. : Mineralogical characterization and alkaline activation of commercial metakaolins: potential applications
  • Bosi F., Lapaire J., Meisser N., Pasero M.* & Rumsey M. : On the preservation and the availability of holotype minerals
  • Bosman A., Trippanera D.*, Anzidei M., Greco M., Vecchio A., Muccini F., Alberti T., Serpelloni E., Doumaz F., Charalampos G.  & Raso E. : Relative sea level rise and storm surge scenarios along the coasts of Cinque Terre National Park (Liguria, Italy)
  • Bozzano F., Antonielli B., Bigi S.*, Calzolari L., Della Seta M., Coltellacci D., Medeghini L., Pacella A., Piacentini D., Sannino A., Scuderi M., Tinti E., Tullio C., Scacchia E., Ruspandini T. & Vergari F. : Gender equality plan (GEP) of Earth Science Department in the framework of the Science Faculty and Sapienza University
  • Bozzolan E., Cecchetto M., Doolaeghe D., Taffetani E., Brenna A., Surian N. & Bizzi S. : Systematic monitoring of river landform evolution across scales: from localized change detection to catchment connectivity
  • Braga R.*, Ballato P., Barani S., Bentivenga M., Bordoni M., Buosi C., Ciarcia S., Donato P., Fanti R., Forni F., Francese R., Giovanardi T., Invernizzi C., Lozar F., Morsilli M., Pondrelli M., Punturo R., Ragaini L., Renzulli A., Rigo M., Saldi G., Sciascia L., Sottili G. , Tavarnelli E., Tropeano M., Vezzoli G., Vitale S., Zini L. : A nationwide effort to engage secondary school students in geology - The new Progetto Nazionale Geologia of the Piano Lauree Scientifiche
  • Brandano M.*, Raffi I., Mancini A. & Marianelli D. : The Oligo-Miocene Carbonate ramp succession of Maiella Mountain, the record of changing oceanographic conditions in the Central Mediterranean
  • Brandano M.*, Cornacchia I., Catanzariti R., Mancini A. & Marianelli D. : Bioclastic intercalations in the Tortonian hemipelagic marls of the Latium-Abruzzi carbonate platform domain (Central Apennines): the link between oceanography and climate
  • Brandolini P.*, Faccini F., Ferrando A., Bollati I., Pelfini M. & Azzoni R.S. : Geoheritage along the high rocky coast of Eastern Liguria: an emblematic case of interaction between natural hazard and human impact
  • Brenna A.*, Poletto G. & Surian N. : Evaluating the effectiveness of "River Morphodynamic Corridors" for flood hazard mapping: Insights from an application in the Cordevole River catchment (Italy)
  • Brigida S.*, De Giglio O., Bagordo F., Grassi T., De Carlo L., Savino A.F., Turturro A.C., Montagna M.T. & Caputo M.C. : Review of laboratory-scale studies to assess factors affecting the fate of microorganisms in porous media
  • Brocker K.*, Border E., Montagna P., Rigo M., Áki Ragnarsson S., Valdimarsson H., Hilma Ólafsdóttir S., Therre S., Fohlmeister J., Trotter J., McCulloch M., SchröderRitzrau A., Lausecker M., Blaser P., Reverdin G., Colin C. & Norbert F. : Seawater temperatures, pH and water mass provenance reconstructions over the last century from cold-water coral geochemistry in the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Brodu G.*, Murgia S., Norio N., Arca M., Aragoni M.C. & Columbu S. : Role of the application method in the Calcium phosphonate consolidation of pyroclastic rocks used in the environmental heritage
  • Brogi A.*, Liotta D. & Zucchi M. : Neogene evolution of the inner northern Apennines and the related geothermal systems: insights from the Elba Island
  • Bronzo L., Cascella A.*, Bonomo S., Morigi C., Cacho I., Margaritelli G., Frigola J., Pena L.D. & Lirer F.  : Calcareous nannofossil response to Holocene climatic events in the North Ionian Sea
  • Bronzo L., Morigi C.*, Carbonara K., Caricchi C., Musco M.E., Douss N., Gois Smith F.S., Villa G., Cascella A. & Lucchi R.G. : Paleoclimatic reconstruction of the past 30,000 years through analysis on calcareous nannofossil assemblages on the west Spitsbergen margin
  • Brum da Silveira D.*, Thordarson T. , Höskuldsson Á. , Moreland W. & Jónsdóttir I. : The 3ka Búrfellshraun Lava Flow Field, Northeastern Iceland: Lava Dynamics and Surface Morphology.
  • Brunelli D.*, Cipriani A., Verhoest L., Hemond C., Maia M. & Soltanmohammadi A. : Alkaline MORBs mark low-T domains along Mid Ocean Ridges
  • Brunetti M. T.* & Peruccacci S. : Landslides on solid bodies in the Solar System
  • Bruno F., Mollo F., Di Cuia P., Cozza M., Sardella R., Iurino D.A., Strani F., Franzese F. & Bellucci L. : Interactive exhibits, gamification and digital storytelling in Scientific Museums: the case of MUGEPA in Rotonda
  • Bruno L.*, Cicala M., Festa E., Marroccoli M., Parisi A., Sabato L., Tropeano M. & Vescogni A. : Surface and subsurface geology of Gravina in Puglia, Southern Italy
  • Brustia E., Lucarini M., Pompili R.* & Primerano P. : A journey in the Caput Mundi geodiversity
  • Bruzzone L.*, Gaggero L. & Pallecchi S. : Reconstructing Pompeii's Past: Insights from Fossilized Archaeological Remains in Reused Amphorae from Civic Building 3, Via dell'Abbondanza
  • Bruzzone L.*, Gaggero L., Zucchiatti A. & Molera J. : Evaluating Erythrite as a Potential Source for Arsenic-Free Cobalt Blue Pigment Production: Replication of Historical Recipes and Thermal Treatments
  • Buffardi C.* : A geological-geotechnical approach to analyze the causes of subsidence in the Volturno River plain (northern Campania, Italy)
  • Buoninsegni J.*, Tessari U., Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C. : Integration of microplastic gravimetric separation protocol considering sediment texture and composition
  • Burnelli M.*, Melelli L. & Alvioli M. : High-resolution geomorphodiversity and anthropization indices of Italy for urban geomorphology
  • Busetti A., Corradetti A., Leone C., Rai P., Zini L. & Calligaris C.* : Storm-induced coastline sinkholes monitored by means of uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) in the gulf of Trieste (NE Italy)
  • Bussolesi M.*, Battiston T., Comboni D., Cavallo A. & Grieco G. : Georesources: finding the perfect mixture between science and dissemination in PCTO activities
  • Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G., Cavallo A. & Sinojmeri A. : Variability in Platinum Group Elements enrichments in supra- and sub-Moho ophiolite chromitites: case studies from the Dinarides-Hellenides belt
  • Buttinelli M., Anselmi M. & Maesano F.E. : A fresh view of the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence in light of a fusion of updated seismological and subsurface data
  • Caçador I., Dias da Silva Í.* & Pereira MF. : Syn-tectonic plutonism and extensional tectonics in the Variscan orogen: evidence from the Mississippian Reguengos de Monsaraz pluton (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif)
  • Cacciola L.*, Corsaro R.A., Reitano D., Federico C. & Messina G. : GeoChem: structure and tools of a database for geochemical data of volcanic areas
  • Cacioli M.G., Mancini M., Cosentino G., Carfagna N., Coltella M., Francescone M., Pacitti P., Albarello D., Motti A., Natali N., Simone G., Ogna M., Stigliano F. & Moscatelli M. : Update of the Level 2 Seismic Microzonation in Umbria Region: methodology and perspectives
  • Caggiati M.*, Gianolla P., Riva A., Alverà G. & Aldrighetti E. : The stratigraphic signature of the Carnian Pluvial Episode in the northern Greater Adria
  • Calamita G.*, Stabile T.A., Falabella F., Pepe A., Gallipoli M.R., Bellanova J., Serlenga V., Piscitelli S., Gueguen E. & Perrone A.. : Integrating Remote Sensing and Geophysical Techniques for Assessing Landslide hazard in an Italian Apennine Town
  • Caldareri F.*, Balsamo L., Parrino N., Maltese A., Sulli A. : A new isoradiometric remotely-sensed shoreline extraction method: a time series case study in southern Sicily (Central Mediterranean region)
  • Caldareri F.*, Parrino N., Balsamo L., Dardanelli G., Todaro S., Maltese A. & Sulli A. : A newly developed Shoreline Extraction tool from satellite imagery: case studies in Sicily (Central Mediterranean region)
  • Calderón-Cucunuba L.P.*, Melelli L., Burnelli M., Pica A., Vergari F. & Del Monte M. : Geomorphodiversity in urban areas and the role of geomorphological maps: the study case of Perugia (Central Italy)
  • Calia A., Melica D., Pellegrino E. & Quarta G.* : Surface degradation and conservation strategies in the marine environment: the case of the church of S. Salvatore, in Monopoli (Bari)
  • Califano C.*, Salone R., Troiano A., Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R. & Di Maio R. : Integrating geophysical models and numerical simulations to study the dynamics of the active geothermal system of Vulcano island (Italy).
  • Calzolari L.*, Fernandez-Martinez A., Capriotti S., Di Fazio M. & Mignardi S. : Archaeological mortars under IR light: application of IR spectroscopic techniques for the study of hydraulic Roman mortars
  • Calzolari L.*, Fernandez-Martinez A., Magnin V., Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Ancient Roman mortars under synchrotron light: Unravelling the nature of disordered phases
  • Campanale F., Liso I.S., Parise M. & Spalluto L.* : Anatomy of a small sinkhole near the Adriatic coast
  • Campo V.*, Antonietti D., Attanasio A., Coiro A. & Congi M.P. : GeoSciences IR: 'Thematic geological content disseminat*ion' web system to support users
  • Campomenosi N.* & Mihailova B. : Atomic dynamics of chalcedony under non ambient conditions: a Raman spectroscopy study
  • Cannone E.*, Manzella A., Galione M.R. & Criscuolo L. : Challenges and strategies in geothermal communication
  • Canovi C.*, Siligardi C. & Cedillo-González E.I. : Investigation of the efficiency of several TiO2 microstructures for the photocatalytic degradation of nanoplastics
  • Cantisani E., Cappuccini L., Gaucci A., Legnaioli S., Mangani S.M.E.*, Menchelli S., Rosselli L. & Volpe L. : APENNINESCAPE: a transdisciplinary approach to investigate the relationship between settlement dynamics and material exploitation in the northern Apennines during the 1st millennium BC. Preliminary archaeometric results
  • Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Agate M., Capizzi P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Carollo A. & Sulli A. : A subsoils model reconstructed integrating geological and geophysical data in the area of the town of Palermo.
  • Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Capizzi P., Bonfardeci A. & Favara R. : Characterization of the sedimentary basins in coastal plain sectors through the integration of geological and geophysical data: the case study of the northeastern Sicily
  • Capezzuoli E.*, Spina A., Molli G., Brogi A., Liotta D., Zucchi M. & Degl'Innocenti N. : Chronostratigraphy of Palaeozoic formations by means of palynological studies: the case of the Filladi e Quarziti di Buti Formation (Northwestern Tuscany)
  • Capitani G.* : Transmission Electron Microscopy in Earth Sciences: Conventional and Advanced Applications
  • Capitani G.*, Bernasconi A., Bianchi A., Bizjan B., Conconi R., Ferrario S., Ferrini S., Lavagna L., Marian M., Mauri M., Dalpiaz M., Pavese M., Squitieri L., Tarantino S.C., Vergani F. & Viti C. : Recycling detoxified asbestos cement in several commodities
  • Capone P.*, Pierri P., Romeo A., Casarano D. & Del Gaudio V. : Accelerogram selection for site response modelling in seismic microzonation
  • Capotondi L.*, Correggiari A., Gennari R., Corino L., Maiorano P., Martinelli P., Remia A., Zonno E. & Riminucci R. : Benthic Foraminiferal response to anthropogenic impact in the North Adriatic Sea during the last two centuries
  • Capotorti F.* & Tomassetti L. : Paleotectonics imprint on the southern edge of the M. Morrone structure (Central Apennines)
  • Capozzoli A.*, Paoletti V., Porfido S. & Nappi R. : Historical data revision of the 1688 Sannio-Matese earthquake: dataset of environmental effects for constraining the seismogenic source
  • Capriotti S.*, Di Fazio M., Miele F., Mattia V. & Annoscia G.M. : An Archaeometric Investigation to analyze some medieval rings from Cencelle (Tarquinia, VT)
  • Capriotti S.*, Mignardi S., Stasolla F.R., Scardapane S. & Medeghini L. : Deep Learning as new approach for the classification of Holy Sepulchre ceramics
  • Caputo M.C., De Carlo L., Doveri M., Giamberini M.S., Giordano R., Masciale R., Menichini M., Portoghese I.*, Turturro A.C. & Passarella G. : Integrated Assessment of Climate Impacts on Ecosystem Functions and Productivity of Critical-Zone Eco-Hydrology: The Italian case study of the INTERACTION project
  • Caramanico A.*, Lanci, L. & Francioni M. : Comparative studies on Martian Landslides found in Craters of Noachian highlands: New Perspectives for Mass Wasting phenomena
  • Cardello G.L.*, Amadori C., Rossignol C., Ferrero S., Cogné N., Poujol M., Persano C., Wildman M., Di Nicola L. & Casini L. : New geochronologic and thermochronologic constraints on the Variscan crustal evolution of the Einstein Telescope candidate site of Sardinia (Italy)
  • Cardello G.L., Barreca G. , Monaco C.*, De Michele M. & Antonioli F. : First Comparison of Instrumental European Ground Motion Service by Copernicus Data with Short and Long-term Geological Vertical Movements for the Italian Coasts
  • Carfagna N.*, Pieruccini P., Fantozzi P. & Albarello D. : Mapping seismostratigraphical amplification effects at regional scale from geological data
  • Caridi F.*, Sabbatini A., Howa H., Mouret A., Nardelli M.P. & Pusceddu A. : Soft- and hard-shelled foraminiferal assemblages to assess the vulnerability of Foraminifera to climate change in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
  • Carosi R.*, Montomoli C., Iacopini D., Petroccia A., Simonetti M. & Oggiano G. : Geology of the Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy)
  • Carosi R., Simonetti M., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Petroccia A. : The importance of regional-scale shear zones in paleogeographicreconstructions: the case study of the Variscan belt in the Mediterranean areaT
  • Carrazana A. & Gimeno D.* : Volcano- and chemostratigraphy of the calk-alkaline and peralkaline succession of Sulcis region, SW Sardinia, Italy: new pyroclastic units, redefinition of others, and improvement of the mapping of volcanic units
  • Carta R.*, Battaglini L., Clemente F., Lo Faro S., Petricca P. & Schvarcz T. : The CARG Project's experience in sharing geological data
  • Caruso A.*, Maiorano P. , Addante M., Cosentino C., Fasone S., Girone A., Guccione P., Maccotta A., Marino M., Militello G., Pernice M. & Scopelliti G. : The PRIN "REMEPP" project: Response of Mediterranean calcareous plankton to CO2 variability during some intervals of the Plio/Pleistocene
  • Caruso A. : Response of particular taxa to climatic and environmental variations during the evolution of the Mediterranean Sea: from the Messinian Salinity Crisis to Zanclean normal marine conditions
  • Caruso E.*, Sulpizio R., Costa A., Petrelli M., Massaro S. & Fisauli G. : A Novel Approach to Assess Magma Ascent Times through Crystal Zonation Analysis
  • Casale M.*, Gambino F., Borghi A., Beltramo R., Vesce E., Varì C., Giardino M. & Dino G.A. : Unveiling the interplay of Mining Activities and Geo-Tourism: an analysis in the Northern Italian region
  • Casarin A.*, Radica F., Iezzi G., Galderisi A., Bravo M., de Brito J., Brando G., Nazzari M. & Scarlato P. : 2D image analysis of mortars: Amount of cement paste and texture of the aggregates
  • Casetta F.*, Aulbach S., Faccincani L., Ashchepkov I., Abart R. & Ntaflos T. : Using olivine trace elements content as a tool to reconstruct the chemical log of the sub-cratonic lithospheric mantle and the evolution of kimberlite melts
  • Caso F., Filippi M., Piloni C.B., Farina F., Roda M., Piazolo S. & Zucali M.* : A journey into the Permian lower continental crust: a multisciplinary approach to reconstruct migmatization in the Valpelline Series (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Alps)
  • Caso F., Piloni C.B., Filippi M., Pezzotta A., Fazio E., Visalli R., Ortolano G., Roda M.* & Zucali M. : Combining traditional and quantitative multiscale structural analysis to reconstruct the tectono-metamorphic evolution of migmatitic basements: the case of the Valpelline Series, Dent-Blanche Tectonic System, Western Alps
  • Casoli L.* & Giuntoli F. : Evidence of strain partitioning and localization in carpholite-bearing hybrid veins: a case study from the Piedmont Zone, Western Italian Alps
  • Castorina G., Manganello P.L.*, Blumetti A.M., Guerrieri L. & Congi M. P. : Harmonization of the new release of Earthquake Environmental Effects Catalogue (EEE Catalogue) in the context of Research Data Infrastructures
  • Castronuovo R.*, Borghetti M., Ferrara A.M.S., Spatola M.F. & Nolè A. : Vegetation cover dynamics in the Mediterranean region: a spectral-based assessment of the riparian vegetation patterns  
  • Cataldi L., Zuliani D., Barnaba C.*, Magrin E., Di Bartolomeo P., Bernardi P., Galvi S., Moratto L., Tunini L., Saraò A., Poggi V., Comelli P., Rossi G. & Picozzi M. : Advancing Seismological and Geodetic Data Management at the OGS
  • Catania G.*, Barbagallo V., Brandano M., Borzì L., Cornacchia I., Distefano S., Pellegrino A., Mancini A., Marianelli D., Maniscalco R., Salerno A. & Di Stefano A. : Middle Miocene paleoclimatic phases: a Central Mediterranean perspective from the SE Sicily sedimentary succession
  • Cattò S., Ballato P., Bagheri S., Zattin M. & Cavazza W.* : Limited Neogene dip-slip tectonics in the northwestern Iranian Plateau: evidence from low-temperature thermochronology
  • Cattafi I., Sticchi A. & Braga R. : Teaching geosciences with ChatGPT during the first year of an upper secondary school
  • Catto B.*, Muzzi Magalhães P. & Tinterri R. : Control of the synsedimentary tectonics on turbidite channels dynamics: an integrated study between field and subsurface data
  • Cavalcante F., Belviso C. & Prosser G.* : Detailed characterization of mixed-layer Illite/Smectite provide new constraints for the geodynamic reconstruction of the Southern Apennines
  • Cavalcante F., Belviso C., Lettino A., Lando I.G. & Prosser G.* : Relationships between mineralogical and microstructural features in low-T metapelites from the Pollino area
  • Caviglia C.*, Bernasconi D., Destefanis E., Wehrung Q., Brombin V., Mancinelli M., Martucci A., Mantovani L., Bonadiman C. & Pavese A. : The CLEAN project: a sustainable methodology to reduce the environmental impact of MSWI fly ash and to recover strategic metals
  • Cerone D.*, Notaro A. & Prosser G. : Detailed field mapping and revised litho-biostratigraphy of the Castelvetere Formation cropping out at the NW Campania-Basilicata border (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy)
  • Cerone D.*, Notaro A., Parente M. & Prosser G. : New geological map at a 1:10.000 scale and tectono-stratigraphic review of the NW Campania-Basilicata boundary (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy)
  • Cerone D., Gallicchio S.*, Patacci M. & Tinterri R. : Turbidite systems in tectonically-confined foredeep and trench-slope basins: a comparison between Serra Palazzo Fm. and tufiti delle Gole Candela succession (Lucanian Apennines, Italy)
  • Cervellieri M.*, Scarponi D., Crippa G. & La Perna R. : Distribution pattern of macrobenthic assemblages along the Ideale Section of the Montalbano Jonico succession (southern Italy)
  • Cesarano M.*, Amodio S., Barattolo F., Bravi S., Angiolilli D., Auciello E., Bollati A., Boscaino M., Randisi A., Girardi G. , De Matteis M. , Grella M. , Rosskopf C., Silvestri S., Cipriani A., Tomassetti L. & Pappone G. : Stratigraphic and structural relationships between the Matese Mts and the Montagnola di Frosolone: new field data from the Geological Sheets 404 "Isernia" and 418 "Piedimonte Matese" (CARG Project)
  • Cheli G.*, Zanchetta G., Isola I., Dong X., Pérez-Mejías C., Cheng H., Dallai L., De Waele J. & Columbu A. : Climate variability at around the 4.2 event based on novel  δ18O- δ13C speleothem data from Sardinia (Italy, Western Mediterranean)
  • Chemeri L.*, Nisi B., Pierozzi A., Cabassi J., Taussi M., Venturi S., Delgado-Huertas A. & Vaselli O. : Assessing the origin of N-bearing species in the surface waters from the Arno River Basin (Tuscany, central Italy): insights from nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in dissolved nitrate and nitrite
  • Chiaradia M.* : Distinct magma evolution processes control the formation, endowments and metal ratios of porphyry Cu-Au deposits in thin and thick arcs
  • Chicco J.M.*, Giordano N., Mandrone G. & Comina C. : Geothermal energy as an integration of existing district heating and cooling grids: evaluation of the thermal performance of the system and of thermal disturbance on the ground from a real case study in NW Italy.
  • Chinello M.*, Schito A., Bowden S.A., Tesei T., Spagnuolo E., Aretusini S. & Di Toro G. : Origin of mirror-like fault surfaces in bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy)
  • Chiozzi P., Bonorino L. & Verdoya M.* : Lithosphere heat flow and subsidence of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin
  • Chizzini N.*, Artoni A., Torelli L., Quadir A., Polonia A. & Gasperini L. : Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Apulia plate and the role of the advancing Southern Apennine/Calabrian Arc wedge on its present-day structural and stratigraphic architecture.
  • Chrappan Soldavini B.* & Merlini M. : Synthesis and structural characterization of a new high-pressure and high-temperature CaSiO₃ polymorph
  • Chrappan Soldavini B.*, Merlini M., Gemmi M., Fumagalli P., Joseph B., Bais G. & Polentarutti M. : New thermo-elastic and crystal-chemical insights on 11.5 Å phase: a major water carrier to the mantle transition zone
  • Ciaglia S.*, Francescone M., Pagliaroli A., Amoroso S., Salvatore N., Giallini S., Milana G., Di Giulio G., Vassallo M., Cara F., Lanzo G., Basi M. & Pizzi A. : First results from level 3 Seismic Microzonation of Sulmona (AQ), Central Italy
  • Ciani F., Manca R.*, Lastrucci L., Costagliola P., Benvenuti M. & Rimondi V. : Enhancing the accessibility of the Herbaria of the University of Florence by reducing mercury contamination due to historical conservation treatments
  • Ciarcia S.* & Vitale S. : Orogenic evolution of the northern Calabria-southern Apennines System: Stratigraphy
  • Ciarcia S.*, Vitale S., Aiello G., Barra D., Di Donato V. & Morabito S. : Sedimentary evolution of the Pliocene wedge-top basins in the southern Apennines: a review
  • Cicala M.*, De Giosa F., Lisco S., Moretti M. & Festa V. : Evolution of active margins? A link with the tectonic reactivation in foreland area
  • Cicala M.*, De Giosa F., Piscitelli A., Festa V. : Reprocessed SEG-Y seismic profiles across the continuation in the Apulia offshore of the onshore seismogenic Mattinata Fault (Adriatic Sea, Southern Italy)
  • Ciccola A.*, Ioele M. & Postorino P. : The Deposition by Raffaello: a rediscovery of old cross-sections through vibrational spectroscopies
  • Ciccolella A.*, Festa V., Ruggieri G., Schingaro E., Tursi F., Ventruti G. & Fregola R.A. : Trace elements and REYs signature of ore and gangue minerals in the Zn-Pb(-Cu-Fe) mineralization of Longobucco and Fonte Argentila (Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy)
  • Cilumbriello A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : The highest regressive coastal deposits of the Bradanic Trough (Basilicata, Southern Italy): old vs new stratigraphic schemes in the official geological cartography
  • Cipressi G.M., Romano M.A.*, Bernardi P., Diez E., Franceschinel F., Garbin M., Guidarelli M., Klin P., Laurenzano G., Moratto L., Peruzza L., Pettenati F., Plasencia M., Priolo E., Rebez A. Romanelli M., Sandron D., Santulin M., Saraò A., Tamaro A., Lavecchia G. & de Nardis R. : Building a comprehensive seismic catalog of the Montello-Collalto area (Eastern Southern Alps, Italy) for seismotectonic and induced seismicity purposes
  • Cipriani A.*, Fagioli G., Capotorti F., Consorti L., Fabbi S. , Muraro C. , Pampaloni L. , Prinzi E.P. & Tomassetti L. : Towards a lithostratigraphic correlation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic carbonate platform-to-basin successions of central and southern Apennines: insights from the CARG Project
  • Cipriani A., Consorti L.*, Fabbi S. , Barattolo F. & Pampaloni M.L. : Ratifying the upper Campanian to Paleogene shallow-water carbonate unit to fill a lithostratigraphic "gap" within the Apennine Carbonate Platform succession 
  • Cipriani M.*, Maruca G., Dominici R., Muzzupappa M., Bruno F., Lagudi A., Gallo A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Bracchi V.A., Basso D. & Guido A. : ROV-based sampling as tools for geobiological determination of recent marine bioconstructions
  • Cisullo C.*, Buccione R., Caggiano J., Rizzo G. & Mongelli G. : Mineralogical and petrographic assessment of asbestiform minerals in the Timpone Seluci metabasites (Pollino Massif, Southern Italy)
  • Civitelli M.*, Critelli S. & Ingersoll R.V. : Diagenetic and hydrothermal changes in submarine quartzofeldspathic turbidite sandstones of the Butano Sandstone, central California, USA
  • Clausi M.*, Fernández-Jiménez A. & Pinto D. : A sustainable use of carbonates-rich clays for alkali activated materials manufacturing
  • Clausi M.*, Girardi G., Savino S., Manica M., Attrotto R., D'Accolti L. & Pinto D. : Metakaolin – blast furnace slag geopolymers as catalyst support for water treatment
  • Clemente E.*, Lapietra I., Colacicco R. & Rinaldi A. : Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the Kenyan Rift Valley: the case of Baringo and Bogoria lakes
  • Clementucci R.*, Uchusov E., Willett S. & Wang Y. : External forcing on drainage divide evolution in rifted margins: case of Madagascar
  • Coccato A.*, Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Prag J. : Raman spectroscopy reveals pigments on ancient Sicilian inscriptions
  • Coccia N.*, Della Porta G., Berra F. & Marini M. : The drowning of the Trento Platform: facies characterization and depositional changes across the San Vigilio Oolite - Rosso Ammonitico Veronese transition (Lower-Middle Jurassic, Venetian Southern Alps, N Italy)
  • Coda S.*, Davino S., Abagnale G., Di Martire D. & Allocca V. : Ground deformation induced by piezometric levels fluctuations in the plain of the Sarno River (southern Italy)
  • Cofano A.* & De Ceglie R. : The "Signora" of limnology. Rina Monti: geological experience, ecosystem protection and the impact of human activity
  • Cofano A.* & De Ceglie R. : Fossils, drawings and letters. Women's contribution to the development of early 19th century geosciences
  • Cofano V.*, Clausi M., Pannu D.S., Mathew J., Barkhordari D., Khorshidi Nazloo E., Santoro D. & Pinto D. : The use of olive oil-modified geopolymers for municipal wastewater treatment
  • Colacicco R.*, Lapietra I., La Salandra M., Roseto R., Bellini F. & Capolongo D. : Citizen Science for the enhancement and knowledge of the territory: the YouthMappers@Uniba experience
  • Colacicco R.* : The frontiers of the space and the sea: the records of Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
  • Colizza E.*, Geniram A., Protopsalti I. & Salvi G. : The National Antarctic Museum-Section of Trieste: integrated educational approaches for understanding environmental and climate changes
  • Colle F.*, Masotta M., Costa S., Giacomoni P.P., Marani M. & Trua T. : Petrological evolution of the trans-crustal plumbing system of Marsili volcano (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): insights into crystal mush heterogeneity from glomerocrysts variability
  • Collina C., D'Aniello M., Izzo F.*, Langella A., Repola L. & Donadio C. : Geomineralogical and geoarchaeological findings in Roccia San Sebastiano cave at Mondragone, central Italy
  • Colombo F.*, Fantini R., Di Renzo F., Malavasi G., Malferrari D. & Arletti R. : Advancements in zeolite-based recovery of Rare Earth Elements: a step towards resource security and sustainability
  • Columbu A.*, Asanidze L., Zanchetta G., Burns S., Lezhava Z., Tsikarishvili K., Avkopashvili I., Natali S., Luppichini M., Isola I., McGee D. & Fleitmann D. : Quantitative reconstruction of temperature changes during the last ~13500 years in Georgia through stable isotopes (δ2H-δ13C-δ18O) from speleothems fluid inclusions and calcite
  • Coluzzi R.*, Imbrenda V. & Fanti L. : Satellites, or the Big Eye at the time of the Anthropocene: Remote Sensing for capturing landscape changes
  • Colzada G.*, Arrigoni F., Marinoni A., Pigazzi E., Tantardini D., Apuani T. & Tartarotti P. : Recognition of a pre-LGM, km-wide collapsed DGSD in Bregaglia Valley (Italian Central Alps): A case study in the frame of the CARG Project sheet no.038 "Chiavenna"
  • Comboni D., Lotti P.*, Gatta G.D., Battiston T. & Pagliaro F. : Hydrated borates at non ambient conditions: pivotal experiments in the production of neutron-shielding concretes.
  • Comboni D.*, Lotti P., Gatta G.D., Battiston T. & Pagliaro F. : Inderborite: a comprehensive reinvestigation of its technological featuresInderborite : a comprehensive reinvestigation of its technological features
  • Comino E.*, Balestra V., Bellopede R., Fazli M., Tamietto M., Treves A. & Zambrotta M. : Building bridges between academia and high school: the experience of "Open river Laboratory"  project ( in the framework of Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l'Orientamento)
  • Comite V.*, Formenti M., Bergomi A., Lombardi C.A., Borelli M., Morale D., Ugolini S., Fermo P., Cavaterra C., Castellano C. & Della Pina C. : Exploring the role of heavy metals in sulphation Processes and Black Crust Formation on Outdoor Exposed Monuments
  • Commis L.*, Barbagallo V., Brandano M., Cornacchia I., Distefano S., Mancini A., Marianelli D., Salerno A., Tortorici G., Di Stefano A. & Catalano S. : The impact of an integrated stratigraphic and structural analysis on the updating of the regional tectonic scheme: an example from the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily)
  • Conconi R.*, Capitani G., Cossio R.,, Pastero L., Berretti E. & Lavacchi A. : Micro-chemical and micro-structural studies of minerals and clues on the associated geological processes
  • Conconi R.*, Fumagalli P. & Capitani G. : Micro- and Nano-scale investigation of (Ca-REE) fluorcarbonates: clues for REE partitioning and mobility
  • Conforti J.*, Allegretta I., Muntoni I.M., Delluniversità E., Terzano R., Angeli L. & Eramo G. : Chert supplies in Early Neolithic of Matera area: new data from Giavarra, Murgia Timone and Trasanello
  • Congi M.P., Petricca P., Castorina G.*, Tomassetti L., Roccatello E. & D'Ambrogi C. : The CARG project towards 3D geology: definition of standards for the construction, consultation, and distribution of three-dimensional geological models 
  • Consorti L.*, Cardello G.L., D'Onofrio R. & Garzarella A. : New biostratigraphic data on the hemipelagic succession at the western escarpment of the Apennine Carbonate Platform: insights from the Volsci Range
  • Conte S.*, Fantini R., Nodari L., Gualtieri A.F., Arletti R., Molinari C., Dondi M. & Zanelli C. : Red clays as alternative raw materials in porcelain stoneware tiles: the effect of iron on the sintering process
  • Contessi M.* : Anna Fiori and the balance between teaching and research in the years between the Second World War
  • Contessi M.*, Balzani R., Fanti F., Caruso C. & Managlia A. : From a XIX century museum to a 3D digital experience: the challenges of making a geological museum appealing to modern audience
  • Conti C.* : Advanced deep Raman Spectroscopy methods for the non-invasive investigation of materials subsurface: impact on Heritage Science
  • Contillo L.*, Dimola G., Giannandrea P. & Schiattarella M. : How the interplay among geological and geomorphological factors, land use, and changing climate can bias very short-term landscape evolution: an example from Basilicata, southern Italy
  • Cornamusini G., Zurli L. , Liberato G.P. , Corti V.*, Gulbranson E.L. , Perotti M. & Sandroni S. : A lithostratigraphic reappraisal of a Permian-Triassic fluvial succession at Allan Hills (Antarctica) and implications for the terrestrial end-Permian extinction event
  • Corradetti A., Tavani S., Delogkos E. & Camanni G. : Structural characterization of a quarry showing normal faulting and bedding parallel slip: Insight from virtual outcrop modeling
  • Corradino M.*, Lo Presti V., Cassataro R., Agate M. & Sulli A. : Mapping of Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Capo San Marco offshore (Sciacca, Sicily): evaluation of the lower limit using geophysical methods
  • Corradino M.*, Faraci C., Monaco C. & Pepe F. : Coastal boulder production controlled by columnar joints of ignimbrite and extreme waves along the high-energy rocky coast of Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea)
  • Corrado F.*, Sorrentino A., Chirico R., Casarotto B., Massironi M. & Mondillo N. : Hyperspectral analysis of Vanadium-bearing ore deposits in the Mibladen district (Morocco) and the Otavi Mountainland (Namibia)
  • Corrado G.*, Gioia D., Minervino Amodio A. & Schiattarella M. : New morphotectonic and stratigraphic data on the Quaternary evolution of the Vallo di Diano basin, southern Italy
  • Corrente G.*, Caggiani M.C., Eramo G., Lanzafame G., Mazzoleni P., Militello P.M. & Barone G. : Characterization of chert raw material using a non-invasive approch: The case of Hyblean foreland (South-Eastern Sicily)
  • Corsaro R.A.*, D'Oriano C., Di Muro A., Geyer A., Gurioli L., Pappalardo L., Pennisi M., Principe C., Pompilio M. & Re G. : How to organise a rock repository of volcanic samples: a proposal of metadata model
  • Cortassa V.*, Tesauro M., Gola G. , Galgaro A. & Manzella A. : Geological reconstruction of the Romagna and Ferrara folds area to evaluate its geothermal potential
  • Corti M.*, D'Alessio D., Campione M., Yivlialin R., Bussetti G., Lucotti A., Tommasini M. & Malaspina N. : Incipient carbonate phases formation on brucite [Mg(OH)2] single crystals surfaces during microwave-driven carbonation
  • Corti V.*, Spina A. & Cornamusini G. : Stratigraphic constraints on the Beacon Succession of the Transantarctic Mountains through palynological data
  • Corvò S., Montemagni C., Zanchetta S.* & Langone A. : Reconciling the onset of Tethyan rifting in the Ivrea Verbano Zone (European Southern Alps)
  • Cosentino C.*, Guastella R., Mancin N. & Caruso A. : Impact of the genus Amphistegina on the benthic foraminiferal association of the Pelagian Islands, an example of invasion in the Central Mediterranean Sea
  • Cosentino D.*, Mondati G., Giaccio B., Deino A., Arcangeli P., Bertini A., Huang H., Nocentini M., Iorio M., Angelino A., Cifelli F., Mattei M., Sagnotti L., Gliozzi E., Marchegiano M., Petrelli M., Peral M., Claeys P., Regattieri E., Zanchetta G., Spadi M., Tallini M., Conte A.M., Conticelli S. & Casalini M. : Constraining the early stage of the post-orogenic extensional tectonics in central Italy: new evidence from a long sediment core from the tectonically active L'Aquila basin (Central Italy)
  • Cossu Q.A.*, Arca B., Cinus D.*, Ferrara R., Arca A., Ventura A. & Duce P. : Technological innovation and environmental monitoring for the evaluation of the bearing capacity in tourist caves
  • Cotellucci A.*, Garcia-Ruiz J.M., Otálora F., Bruno M. & Pastero L. : Gypsum crystals experimentally grown near the equilibrium conditions: the laboratory counterpart of large gypsum crystals discovered in Pulpi cave
  • Cotellucci A.*, Otálora F., Canals A., Garcia-Ruiz J.M., Criado-Reyes J., Bruno M. & Pastero L. : Gypsum twinning laws and habits: an unexplored tool as a proxy for the chemistry of the original brine
  • Coticelli S.*, Abad I., Balassone G., Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Granitzio F., Farenzena M. & Mondillo N. : Geology and mineralogy of the S'Aliderru bentonite deposit (Sardinia, Italy)
  • Coticelli S.*, Abad I., Balassone G., Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Granitzio F., Farenzena M. & Mondillo N. : Geology and mineralogy of the Sa Pigada Bianca bentonite deposit (Sardinia, Italy): preliminary data
  • Criniti S.* & Costamagna L.G. : Detrital modes of the Pennsylvanian-Permian sandstones in Central-Eastern Sardinia (Italy)
  • Criniti S.* & Martín-Martín M. : Detrital modes of the Culm facies in the Betic-Rifean chain
  • Crispini L.*, Civile D., Ferrante G.M., Locatelli M., Morelli D., Volpi V., Accettella D., Accaino F., Busetti M., Läufer A., Armadillo E., Colizza E., Salvini F. & Ruppel A. : Geodynamic processes at the Pacific margin of North Victoria Land (Antarctica): new evidence from offshore geophysical data on the crustal structure and seabed morphology (PNRA_BOOST Project)
  • Critelli S.* : Assembling and dismantling the supercontinent Pangaea recorded from provenance relations of Phanerozoic sandstones of the circum-Mediterranean Region
  • Croce A.*, Bertolotti M., Roveta A., Ugo F., Bertolina C., Farotto M., Bellis D., Quaglia M., Carratta L. & Maconi A. : Identification of microplastics in human tissues and fluids: a pilot study
  • Crotti C.F.*, Borghini G., Fumagalli P., Tiepolo M., Rampone E. & Stephan K. : Morb Melt-Harzburgite interaction at 1-2 GPA: experimental constraints on oceanic mantle refertilization
  • Cruciani G.*, Dulcetta L., Franceschelli M., Frassi C. & Musumeci G. : Late Variscan age of a metamorphic core complex in the foreland of the Variscan belt:  insights from the Mt. Filau Orthogneiss (SW Sardinia, Italy)
  • Cruciani G.*, Fancello D., Ferrari M., Bragagni A., Tommasini S. & Franceschelli M. : Petrological constraints and geodynamic significance of a Triassic lamprophyre dyke crosscutting the Palaeozoic basement of NE Sardinia, Italy
  • Cuppone T., Palomba E. & Pratesi G.* : Mineralogical analysis and preliminary physical property results on Didymos/Dimorphos meteorite analogues
  • Curetti N.*, Bernasconi D., Servetto G.P., Vigliaturo R., Tribaudino M. & Pavese A. : Complexity of the system and plethora of crystal phases in fly ashes: a careful investigation of processes and products from cooling of the flue gas in the MSW waste-to-energy incinerators
  • D&#;Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : A global overview of desertification in karstlands
  • D'Abbicco V.*, De Giosa F., de Luca A., Fracchiolla T., Lisco S., Mastronuzzi G. & Moretti M. : Sedimentary dynamics and biological-anthropic processes on the seafloor: the natural laboratory of Taranto seas (northern Ionian Sea, southern Italy)
  • D'Addezio G.* & Besker N. : Geosciences through the eyes of primary school students: a visual journey
  • D'Agostino A.*, Porchia A. , Tortorici G. , Pavano F. , Ortolano G. , Cavuoto G. , Moscatelli M. & Catalano S. : Automated tools for the reconstruction and spatialization of stratigraphic successions to support seismic site effects analysis
  • D'Alessio D.*, Corti M., Campione M., Giuntoli F., Ceccato A. & Malaspina N. : From field to laboratory: geo-inspired strategies for the enhancement of the water-mediated mineral carbonation for the reduction of its energy and environmental impacts
  • D'Alessio D.*, Secchi V., Campione M., Malaspina N. & Monguzzi A. : Synthesis and surface functionalization of geo-inspired nanotubes for Alzheimer's Disease treatment with increased tolerability
  • D'Ambrogi C.* : Geological 3D modeling is the new geological mapping
  • D'Angeli I.M.*, Rilievo G., Magro M., Molinari S., Favero M., Barbaro A., Brenker F., Singerling S.A., Vianello F. & Salviulo G. : A new synthetic strategy to produce hollandite-type nanocrystals, useful for environmental application
  • d'Aniello F., Arizzi A., Cappelletti P., Cultrone G., Di Benedetto C., Izzo F., Langella A., Rispoli C. & De Bonis A.* : Optimizing Traditional Materials: A Systematic Approach to Formulate Restoration Mortars for improved substrate compatibility
  • d'Aniello F., Germinario C., Izzo F., Pagano S., Scanu M.*, Sernicola L., Verde M. & De Bonis A. : De-faience. Unveiling Ancient Craftsmanship: Egyptian Faience Technique in Early Ethiopian Beads
  • D'Aniello M.*, Zampella M., Dosi A., Rownok A., Delli Veneri M., Ettari A., Cavuoti S., Sannino L., Brescia M., Donadio C. & Longo G. : Interplanetary river classification: a geomorphological approach utilizing subjective and objective analysis through advanced statistical methods
  • D'Arpa C.*, Di Patti C., Surdi G. & Incarbona A. : The Arab-Norman itinerary stones: where geological history meets the local artistic heritage
  • D'Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : Desertification risk assessment using the modified MEDALUS model in the Alta Murgia karst plateau (Apulia, - Southern Italy)
  • Daković A.*, Marković M., Ožegović M., Smiljanić D., Obradović M., Kozarski M. & Krajišnik D. : Enhanced adsorption of mycotoxin zearalenone by clay-chitosan-surfactant composite
  • Dallara E.*, ChelleMichou C., Fulignati P., Gioncada A., Tavazzani L., Tattitch B. & Lelli M. : Fluid evolution in the deep reservoir of the Larderello geothermal system: insights from microthermometry and LA-ICP-MS analyses of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions
  • Dana D.*, De Cesari F. , Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. , Lenci S. & Corno A. & Carosi R. : Geology and petrology of the Northern Dora-Maira Massif in the Tredici Laghi – Conca Cialancia area (Germanasca - Pellice Valleys, Western Alps)
  • de Azevedo B.*, Panattoni F., Tardani M. & Masini C. : Innovative Modified Natural Zeolites: Effective Strategies for Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Polluted Waters
  • De Bellis M.*, Capolongo D., Marsico A. & Scicchitano G. : Application of morphometric indexes aimed to the monitoring of surface processes within the hydrographic basin of the Ofanto river
  • De Bonis A.*, Arienzo I., Ciarcia S., D'Antonio M., Ottner F., Verde M. & Morra V. : The clays from the Campania sector of southern Apennines (Italy): new mineralogical and geochemical insights to reconstruct their sedimentological and stratigraphic evolution
  • De Carlo C.*, Ferrante V., Longhitano S. & Gamberi F. : The evolution of the Mortorio submarine canyon (Eastern Sardinia Margin): preliminary ideas from a process-oriented morphologic interpretation of a shelf-indenting canyon
  • De Caterini G.*, Ferranti N., Finocchiaro G., Fumanti F., Giarda M., Guerrieri L., Leoni G., Mestriner T., Roggero F., Savoca D., Spizzichino D. & Tria N.G : Microhistory of the civilization of mines: from the golden fleece to the critical raw material act
  • De Caterini G.*, Argentieri A., Delfini C., Galetto G. & Monaco V. : "The Fountain of the Four Rivers" (Rome, Piazza Navona) as a representation of the sense of wonder in Baroque art and science
  • De Caterini G., Leoni G.*, Andrisani M.G., Carta R., De Benedetti A.A., De Corso S., Ferrigno F., Fumanti F., Guerra. M., Guerrieri L., Lucarini M., Naitza S., Olivetta L., Pantaloni M., Patanè R.A., Serra M., Spizzichino D. & Amanti M. : The relevance of the 1973 mining map of Italy: its revamping in the GeoSciencesIR project
  • De Ceglie R.* & Petrocelli C. : On the burning earth: The fascination of Vesuvius and the origins of modern geology
  • De Cesare P.* & Scarciglia F. : Integrated study of erosion rates using cosmogenic and fallout radionuclides (10Be and 239+240Pu) in a pilot stream catchment of Calabria, southern Italy
  • De Cesari F.*, Dana D., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Corno A. & Carosi R. : Unveiling the Tectono-Metamorphic Framework of northern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): Insights from Pellice and Chisone valley
  • De Giglio O., Savino A.F.*, Bagordo F., Grassi T., Brigida S., Triggiano F., Apollonio F., Colella D., Turturro A.C., De Carlo L., Caputo M.C. & Montagna M.T. : Column test to study the influence of lithological characteristics of rocks on the hygienic-sanitary quality of groundwater
  • De Gregorio E., Ferone C., Izzo F., Langella A., Mercurio M., Migliaccio C.*, Occhicone A., Roviello G. & Tarallo O. : Alkaline and acid Red mud-metakaolin based geopolymers: mineralogical and morphological characterization
  • De Guidi G.*, Cassaniti C., Carnemolla F., Prisco M., Pulvirenti A.D., Pulvirenti G., Brighenti F., Giuffrida S. & Fardella A. : Geodetic-topographical monitoring of landslide affecting the urban area of Motta Sant 'Anastasia (CT) Sicily
  • De Leo A.*, Pedrosa-Soares A. C., Lana C. & Farina F. : On the origin of spodumene-rich pegmatites in the Araçuaí Pegmatite District, Minas Gerais, Brazil: insights from mica and apatite mineral chemistry
  • De Leo A.*, Pedrosa-Soares A. C., Lana C. & Farina F. : Dating a pegmatitic lithium ore deposit: a critical thinking geochronology
  • de Luca A.*, Lisco S., De Giosa F., Gimenez G.A., Pierri C., Acquafredda P., Corriero G. & Moretti M. : Unveiling the architecture and geological significance of mesophotic oyster reefs on the Apulian Continental Shelf: a multiscale approach
  • de Luca A.*, Lisco S., Fracchiolla T., D'Abbicco V., Trani R., Ravisato M., Lazic T. & Moretti M. : Sedimentological features of sandy sediments trapped in Sabellarian Bioconstructions along the Apulian Coastline (Southern Italy)
  • De Luca M.*, Mancinelli P., Patruno S. & Scisciani V. : Exploring the Greater East Shetland Platform (Northern North Sea, UK): Integration and Modelling of Wellbore, Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic Data to Evaluate Its Storage Potential
  • De Luca M.*, Mackay E.J., Good T.R., Scisciani V., MacBeth C. & Patruno S. : Geological modelling and CO2 flow simulation: An integrated approach for basin scale storage in a saline aquifer
  • De Lucia M.*, Cafarella L. & Pignone M. : Engaging Women in Science: Harnessing Social Media for STEM and Geoscience Outreach
  • De Lucia V.*, Donati Sarti G., Protano G., Nannoni F. & Salvini R. : Drone Remote Sensing and Geopedological Analyses for Precision Farming Viticulture in the area of Montalcino (Siena, Italy)
  • De Natale G.*, Rolandi G., Troise C., Di Lascio M. & Sacchi M. : The 1538 eruption at Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera: implications for unrest evolution and eruption hazard
  • De Novellis V.*, Ascione, V., Somma R. & Zoccola M. : Science and Art in the dissemination of volcanic risk
  • De Ritis R.*, Rotella G., Argentieri A., Calderoni G., Chiappini M., Ciotoli G., Doglioni C., Fabiani M., Marra F., Nisio S., Tolomei C. & Vitali P.. : Natural risks and protection of the territory: the San Martino Valley case history (Capena, Rome metropolitan area)
  • De Santis N.*, Zanchetta G., Isola I., Columbu A., Vigna B., Regattieri E., Drysdale R., Hellstrom J. & Dallai L. : Paleohydrological changes during the early Holocene through the study of an isotope record from stalagmite of Bossea Cave (NW Italy)
  • De Simone A.*, Guerriero L., Cevasco A., Pepe G., Tufano R., Raso E. & Calcaterra D. : Stability of terraced slopes accounting for potential hydrological scenarios in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Cinque Terre, Northen Italy
  • Degl'Innocenti N.*, Niccolini G. & Bertini A. : Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs from Holocene deposits and mosses samples in the Mar Piccolo semi-enclosed marine basin (Taranto, Southern Italy)
  • Degl'Innocenti N.*, Spina A., Capezzuoli E., Brogi A., Liotta D. & Zucchi M. : Microfloristic evidence in metamorphosed rocks of Elba Island: new constraints and correlation of the early Palaeozoic
  • Deidda M.L.*, Naitza S., Casini L., Cocco, F., Funedda A., Loi, A., Oggiano G., Secchi F. Marchesini B. & Beranoaguirre A. : Distinct gold mineralisation events in the Variscan mineral system from southern Sardinia (Italy): implications for crustal sources
  • Del Rio M.*, Corradetti A., Černok A., Narduzzi F., Venier M. & Ziberna L. : Petrographic and structural study of a lower crustal mafic-ultramafic sequence from the Sesia Valley (Ivrea-Verbano zone, Italy)
  • Del Sole L.*, Vignaroli G., Moretto V., Curzi M., Aldega L., van der Lelij R. & Viola G. : Unveiling complex fault architecture evolution through (micro)structural, geochronological and petrophysical investigations: the case of the Carboneras Fault (SE Spain)
  • Dela Pierre F.*, Natalicchio M., Birgel D., Giunti S., Guibourdenche L., Pellegrino L., Aloisi G. & Peckmann J. : Authigenic carbonate and native sulfur formation in Messinian (Upper Miocene) marine sediments: Sedimentological, petrographical and geochemical constraints
  • Della Porta G.* : Micro-scale carbonate precipitates associated with microbial mats in hydrothermal travertines
  • Della Porta G.*, Wright V.P., Samankassou E., Preto N. & Morsilli M. : Carbonate platforms: what can still be learned from outcrops?
  • Della Seta M.* & Medeghini L. : REKHOVER-Science: REalizing Kits for HOspitals to Visualize EaRth Sciences
  • Della Ventura G.*, Bernardini S., Viti C., Agrosì G. & Lucci F. : Imaging techniques as analytical tools in Earth Sciences
  • Delmonaco G.*, Brustia E., Pompili R., Primerano P. & Traversa F. : The PanAfGeo Project: the role and experience of ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy for the enhancement and protection of geological heritage
  • Delmonaco G.*, Pompili R., Puzzilli L.M. & Traversa F. : Geology and cultural heritage in Petra (Jordan): evolution and degradation in relation with tourism management
  • Demurtas L.*, Bruno L. & Amorosi A. : Subsidence in the Po Plain (Northern Italy) during the last 500 ky
  • Demurtas M.*, Sharp I., Pasqualetto L., Krüger Y., Drost K., Meckler A.N. & Rotevatn A. : Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland)
  • Di Benedetto C.*, Graziano S.F., Naso A. & Rispoli C. : The Etruscan necropolis of Sasso Pinzuto (Tuscania, VT): preliminary mineralogical characterization of geomaterials
  • Di Bucci D.*, Franceschetti C. & Postiglione T. : 30 years of Women in Science in Italy through the lens of the Major Risks Commission
  • Di Carlo M.C.*, Ballirano P., Bloise A., Campopiano A., Fantauzzi M., Montereali M.R., Nardi E., Petriglieri J.R., Rossi A., Tomatis M., Turci F. & Pacella A. : Understanding the behaviour of fibrous antigorite in artificial lysosomal fluid: Evidence for toxicity assessment
  • Di Chiara G.*, Farina I., Fraternali F. & Petrillo A. : New materials for civil engineering through solidification and stabilization processes
  • Di Fazio M.*, Calzolari L., Rea C., Capriotti S. & Medeghini L. : Evaluation of an IR multi-methods protocol for the study of Cultural Heritage
  • Di Fazio M.*, Chiarello F., Miele F., Annoscia G.M. & Mignardi S. : The evolution of the corrosion process of medieval objects through IR-spectroscopy
  • Di Giovanni A.*, Di Curzio D. & Rusi S. : High-altitude minor springs in Central Italy tapped for drinking supply: hydrogeological characterization and aquifer potentialities evaluation
  • Di Giuseppe P.*, Agostini S., Rielli A., Vezzoni S. & Dini A. : Iron isotope systematics and ore forming processes: first results from the ophiolite-hosted, Tuscan Cu-Zn VMS deposits
  • Di Giuseppe P.*, Perrone E., Gennaro S., Agostini S., Trumpy E., Baneschi I., Boschi C., Cornacchia I., Pennisi M., Regattieri E., Rielli A., Salvadori M. & Provenzale A. : The Isotope Virtual Research Environment developed within ITINERIS Project: example of mixing modelling
  • Di Leo P.* : Mechanochemical technologies for decontamination of soils polluted by organic and inorganic xenobiotics based on the use of clay substrates and oxides/hydroxides
  • Di Leo P.*, Lubraco G., Corrado G., Ferrara V. & Vita C. : A multidisciplinary approach to understand exploitation of ancient georesources for the matt painted pottery production from Basilicata: technology and provenance in the north-Lucanian district.
  • Di Muro C.*, Calcaterra D., Di Martire D. & Guerriero L. : A combination of deep learning and InSAR techniques for landslide hazard assessment
  • Di Pietro G.*, D'Agostino A., Ortolano G., Fazio E.; Visalli R., Musumeci R.E. & Cirrincione R. : Web publication of multiscale geological data, methodology, and processes
  • Di Stefano A.*, Foresi L.M., Lirer F., Barbagallo V., Catania G., Cacho Lascor I., D'Andrea N.M., Cornacchia I., Sagnotti L., Raffi I., Turco E. & Hilgen F.J. : A potential Mediterranean reference section for the GGSP of the Burdigalian Stage: St. Thomas section (Delimara Peninsula, Malta Island)
  • Di Toro G.*, Gomila R., Feng W., Salvadori L., Wu W.-H., Guglielmi G., Tesei T., Yao L., Sciarra A., Cantucci B., Grassa F., Piochi M. & Ma S. : Frictional fault healing under hydrothermal conditions
  • Dias da Silva Í.*, Pereira M.F., González Clavijo E., Gama C. & Steel Hart L. : Mississippian gneiss domes and synorogenic basins: Keys to understand the Variscan collisional orogen
  • Didonna F., Liso I.S.*, Fregola R.A., Messina F. & Serrone M.-- : Sustainable speleology and cave conservation
  • Dimuccio L.A.*, Aubry T., Rodrigues N. & Cunha L. : Multidisciplinary scientific investigation supporting assessment, valorisation, and management of geoheritage: lessons from CLIMATE@COA project
  • Dimuccio L.A.*, Pratas J., Ribeiro J., Rodrigues N., Cunha L., Micheletti F. & Aquafredda P.* : Integrated paleoenvironmental multi-proxy analysis of Late Quaternary fluvial sediments in the Côa Valley (northeast Portugal)
  • Dimuccio L.A., Micheletti F., Amaral D.*, Vicente S., Mendes A.L., Simões F., Duarte M.* & Aquafredda P. : Provenance analysis of stone tesserae and mortars used in the mosaic pavements of São Simão Roman Villa (Penela, central Portugal): preliminary data
  • Dinani P. *, Bigi S., Conti A. & Moallemi A. : Carbon Sequestration Potential of Abandoned Fractured Reservoirs in Northwest Zagros, Iran
  • Dini A.*, Rielli A., Di Giuseppe P., Ruggieri G. & Boschi C. : The Se-Te-bearing VMS deposits of Tuscan ophiolites
  • Dini A.* : The supergiant epithermal Hg district of Mt. Amiata (Italy): metal source and genesis
  • Dino G.A.*, Mancini S., Casale M., Tazzini A., Faraudello A. & Rossi P. : Towards a Green transition: tools and protocols to help decision makers and companies to decide if and when applying extractive waste exploitation as an alternative to remediation
  • Dioguardi F., Chiodini G. & Costa A. : Probabilistic hazard modelling of the non-volcanic gas emissions of Mefite d'Ansanto, Southern Italy
  • Distefano S.*, Di Stefano A. & Gamberi F. : Deltaic processes and depositional canyon-heads in a narrow continental shelf: examples from the north-eastern Sicilian margin
  • Doglioni A.* : Large-scale landslide mapping based on deep-learning paradigms
  • Doglioni A., Di Taranto L., Fiorentino A., Guerricchio A. & Simeone V. : Nutcracker-like masonry bridges deformation and failure due to slow gravitational deformation
  • Doglioni C.* : Fault activation energy
  • Dolenec S.*, Pavlin M. & Ducman V. : Standardization of innovative construction products as a tool for market up-take
  • Donato P.* & Lucà F. : Promoting the Geosciences among the young women: an example in the framework of the PLS program
  • Dore E.*, Biddau R., Fancello D., Frau F., Medas D., Musu E. & Podda F. : Investigations on simultaneous Sb and As removal from mining drainages by Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs)
  • Dore E.*, Cocco F., Ferrero S., Melis M.T., Rossignol C., Biddau R., Buttau C., Dessì F., Calia F., Pani M., Da Pelo S. & Funedda A. : Geological investigations at Einstein Telescope site of Sardinia (Italy): preliminary results
  • Ducci D.* : Participation of women in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology research in Italy
  • Dumon Steenssens L.*, Lisco S., Micheletti F. & Mastronuzzi G. : Sedimentologic and petrographic characteristics of beach ridges in Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica)
  • Dumon Steenssens L.*, d'Elia M., Quarta G. & Mastronuzzi G. : 14C age determination of beaches ridges from Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
  • Elettivo G.S., Tempesta G.*, Bernardini S., Vadrucci M. & Agrosì G. : Color changes in topaz treated via irradiation and heat
  • Eramo G., De Tullio M.*, Monno A. & Mesto E. : Ever played a phase diagram? Thermodynamic graphs as musical scores for educational live performance
  • Eramo G., Monno A., Tempesta G., Mesto E. & De Tullio M.* : Gem Session: aural logos of gemstones by sonification
  • Eramo G.*, Bertola S., Carletti E., Conati Barbaro C., Conforti J., Ferrero A., Fioretti G., Moscone D., Pizziolo G., Santo A.P., Spalluto L. & Lo Vetro D. : The Openlit Project: a first step for an open access lithotheque of italian knappable rocks
  • Eramo G., Tema E. & Muntoni I.M.* : Archaometric study of two Hellenistic pottery kilns in Ascoli Satriano (FG): a combined minero-petrographic and archaeomagnetic approach
  • Erba E.* : The birth of the modern ocean and its first 180 million years of crises, speciations and extinctions
  • Erba E.*, Mariani L. & Poli S. : Geoscience communication through videos
  • Ercoli R.*, Luconi I., Renzulli A., Paris E., Buczkowska K.E., Łoś P. & Prałat K. : Innovative Approaches for Treating Industrial Byproducts: Towards Inertization and Reutilization in Advanced Technological Materials
  • Ermini A.* & Salvini R. : Three-dimensional probabilistic slope stability analysis in lunar south pole region
  • Eroğlu M.*, Barba L., Crisci G.M., Cura M., De Luca R., Kadıoğlu Y.K., Pecci A., Taranto M. & Miriello D. : Provenance of the raw materials used in the mortars and bricks take from Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey): Preliminary results
  • Esposito A., Pietrolungo F.*, Pezzo G., Govoni, A., Soldati G., Inannarelli M., Terribili A., Chiarabba C. & Palano M.-- : The continuous GNSS network of Salina Island in the framework of CAVEAT project
  • Esposito L., Fiorillo F., Leone G., Caputo M.C.*, De Carlo L., Masciale R., Passarella G., Turturro A.C., Andriani G.F., De Santis V., Lollino P. & Parise M. : Sinkhole development along the Apulian coastlines, within the framework of the project Fu.Co.Ka. (Future scenarios in Coastal Karst)
  • Ezeh S.C*, Bhattacharya J.P., Dellapenna T.M. & Carlin J.A. : Sediment distribution in the Brazos Delta: Estimation and numerical modelling of sedimentation rates and the effect of bioturbation in event beds preservation
  • Fabbi S.* & Cipriani A. : Tectonic activity recorded by deep basin deposits: a sedimentological approach to unravel synsedimentary tectonics
  • Fabbi S.*, Cestari R. & Dominici S. : The De filippi expedition (1913–1914) and the geological exploration of the Aksai Chin (western Tibet)
  • Fabozzi C.* : pH soil measurements of the Sant'Antuono CO2 gas vent in the Sannio area (southern Apennines, Italy): insights on the active Southern Matese Fault system
  • Fabozzi C.*, Albanese S., Ambrosino M., Cicchella D., De Paola C., Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R., Natale J., Pagliara F., Prinzi E.P., Troiano A., Ciarcia S. & Vitale S. : New data about Irpinian mud volcanoes: a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the relationship between fluid leakage and faults
  • Fabozzi M.A.* & Molitierno E. : Artificial cavities and risk assessment: the case study of the Cloister of Sant'Agostino (Caserta, Italy)
  • Fabrizi L.*, Moggi Cecchi V., Barbagli F. & Benvenuti M. : A dual approach to enhance the Targioni Tozzetti collection, a little-known mineralogical heritage: digital and analytical methods
  • Facchino E., Mazzei S., Locchi L. & Giamborino A.* : Il Premio Italiano di Paleoarte
  • Faccini F.*, Allasia P., Godone D. & Notti D. : Analysis of the sea cliff collapse and the subsequent fall of the Camogli cemetery on February 22th, 2021 (Liguria, Italy)
  • Faccini F.*, Ferrando A., Picchio F. & Scannapieco A. : Analysis of Coastal Retreat and Slope Movements on Rocky Coastal Cliff between Sori and Pieve Ligure (Eastern Liguria, Italy)
  • Faedda G. L.* & Pascucci V. : Interdisciplinary approaches in geoscience education: exploring the application of entomology in ichnoentomology
  • Fagiani A., Antoncecchi I., Corneli D., Sofia R. & Sterpa S. : National energy policy: a focus on georesources targets at 2050
  • Fagioli G.*, Artegiani F., Pietrosante A., Parente M. & Putignano M.L. : The Mesozoic stratigraphic succession of Mt. Massico ridge in the southern Apennines (northern Campania, Italy): new data from geological mapping (Sheet 429 Mondragone - CARG Project)
  • Fantini R.*, Bernini M., Conte S., Zanelli C., Dondi M., Gualtieri A.F. & Arletti R. : Transforming Extractive Waste into Ceramic Innovation: A Comprehensive Characterization and Recycling Study
  • Fantozzi P.L., Ariano M.*, Moscatelli M. & Albarello D. : Realization of the database of geometries and characteristic parameters of "Microzone Omogenee in Prospettiva Sismica" (MOPS) throughout the National territory
  • Fares M.*, Carluccio I., Danecek P., Della Bina E., Franceschi D., Mandiello A., Maniscalco M., Pintore S. & Tavani F. : EIDA Italian node: seismic data curation preservation e dissemination
  • Fasciglione G.*, Benassai G., Mattei G., Mucerino L., Pappone G. & Aucelli P.P.C. : Erosive effects of sea-storms, human pressure, and sea level rise on Volturno coastal plain (mid-Tyrrhenian area):  present to future coastal hazard
  • Fastelli M.*, Schmitt B., Beck P., Poch O., Zucchini A. & Comodi P. : Reflectance spectra of mascagnite and salammoniac minerals with varying viewing geometry
  • Fastelli M.*, Vivani R., Sassi P., Speranzini E., Schoubben A., Di Michele A., Zucchini A., Mortaro F. & Comodi P. : Effect of nano Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on chemical and physical properties of cement paste: preliminary results
  • Fazio E.* & Cirrincione R. : Improving geological understanding through the integration of UAV aerial survey and LiDAR scanning: advantages and limitations of a multiscale hybrid approach
  • Fazio N.L.*, Lollino P., Mevoli F., de Lucia D. & Ugenti A. : 3D limit equilibrium analyses for landslide susceptibility analyses at the urban area scale
  • Fazio N.L.*, Sollecito F., Lollino P. & Fazio V. : Enhancing the assessment of underground cave stability through machine learning-driven mechanically-based methods
  • Feriozzi F.*, Siravo G. & Speranza F. : The heritage of Tethyan oceanic transform faults within Alpine orogens: The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone (SPTZ) of Northern Albania
  • Ferraccioli F.*, Ebbing J., Wiens D., Eagles G., Gohl K., Forsberg R., Armadillo E., Young D., Blankenship D.D, Aitken A.R.A, Jordan T.J., Mather B., Ford J., Verdoya M. & Jacobs J. : 4D heterogeneity in geological boundary conditions beneath the West and East Antarctic ice sheets: what have we learnt and what do we need to know?
  • Ferrando A.*, Faccini F., Coratza P., Vandelli V. & Reynard E. : Degradation risk and sensitivity to climate change of geosites: a methodology for quantitative assessment
  • Ferrando A.*, Facciolo M., Mandarino A., Faccini F. & Brandolini P. : Ancient slate quarries as geosites: degradation risk and enhancement issues
  • Ferranti L.*, Bacchiani A., Brighenti F., Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Giuffrida S., Iezzi F. & Palano M. : Geodetic velocity constraints on fault strain accumulation in southern Italy
  • Ferrari E., Massa M., Rizzo A.L., Lovati S.*, Scafidi D., Puglia R., Varchetta F., Figlioli A., D'Alema E., Mirenna S. & Luzi L. : MUDA: the dynamic geophysical and geochemical MUltiparametric DAtabase
  • Ferrarotti M., Chicco J.M.*, Marmoni G.M., Fiorucci M., Tufano R., Di Martire D., Esposito C., Mandrone G. & Martino S. : Multidisciplinary approach on the preparatory effect of wildfires in shallow landslides
  • Ferreri A.*, Romeo A., Giannuzzi R., Cecere G., Falco L., Filippucci M., Michele M., Serlenga V., Panebianco S., Stabile T., Selvaggi G. & Tallarico A. : OTRIONS seismic network during ten years of analyses: the new microseismicity catalog of the Gargano area (Southern Italy)
  • Ferroni L., Tassinari R. , Martina A., Marrocchino E. : Comparative soil-to-plant fractionation of rare earth elements in chlorophyll-deficient wheat mutants
  • Festa R.M.*, Lo Bue G., Musa M.,Marchini A.,Riccardi M.P. & Mancin N. : Extraction of microplastics from marine environmental matrices: density separation protocol validation
  • Festa V.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : In search for a key area for geotourism? The example of "Sassi", the old town of Matera (Southern Italy)
  • Filimon D.I., Boschi C., Fulignati P.*, Gioncada A. & Rielli A. : The carbonate-hosted Sb(±Au) mineralization of Southern Tuscany: insights from stibnite and pyrite trace element composition and stable isotope geochemistry
  • Finocchiaro C.*, Occhipinti R., Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Andreola F., Romagnoli M. & Leonelli C. : Optimization with slaked lime of alkali-activated pastes based on Mt. Etna's volcanic ash: rheological and physical-mechanical assessment
  • Fioraso M.* & Riva A. : Speleogenesis and hydrostructure development in conglomerate-dominated sedimentary sequences: the "Castel Sotterra" Cave
  • Fioraso M.*, Olivetti V., Balsamo F., Rossetti F., Zattin M. & Cornamusini G. : Oligocene-Miocene structurally-controlled hydrothermal activity along the Transantarctic Mountains: evidence from apatite thermochronology
  • Fiore A.*, Sabato L., Simone O. & Tropeano M. : Natural sections of incised valleys partly filled by late Quaternary alluvial deposits perched on rocky sea-cliff of Gargano (Apulia, Southern Italy)
  • Foletti M.G.*, Menegoni N., Poggi E., Maino M. & Benedetti G. : Development of innovative digital methods for assessing the stability of rock masses in the context of railway infrastructure
  • Fontana C.*, Tomassoni V. & Giuffrè M. : Why should we bother about risk reduction at the urban scale? A methodology to assess the effectiveness of seismic prevention measures on urban system functionality
  • Fontolan G., Bertoni D.*, Bezzi A., Casagrande G., Conforti A., De Falco G., Deiana G., Orrù P.E. & Simeone S. : Beach-dune systems in a transgressive domain along the Sardinian coasts
  • Fonzetti R.*, Valoroso L., De Gori P., Govoni A. & Chiarabba C. : ML vs semi-automatic seismic catalogs: a new catalog for the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake sequence
  • Fonzetti R*, Buttinelli M., Valoroso L., De Gori P. & Chiarabba C. : How high-resolution tomographic imaging can provide new information on fault interaction: the case of the 2009 L'Aquila seismic sequence
  • Fornari G.*, El Chami D., Clausi M. & Pinto D. : Multi-methodical approach for a detailed characterization of cogeneration ashes and their valorisation in the fertilizer industry"
  • Fornasini L.*, Achilli A., Mantovani L., Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Bersani D. : Pros and cons on the investigation of geopolymers through micro-Raman spectroscopy
  • Fornasini L.*, Bersani D., Saviane L., Mantovani L., Iacumin P. & Villicich R. : A multi-technique investigation for provenance determination of white marbles from the Roman villa in Fiumana (Forlì-Cesena, Italy)
  • Fornelli A.*, Micheletti F., Acquafredda P. & Mangone A. : Crystallization of Mn-hydroxides for interaction between limestones and clay minerals in the Apulian karst (southern Italy)
  • Forti L.*, Degli Esposti M., Cremaschi M., Borgi F., Azzoni R.S. & Zerboni A. : Geomorphological reconstruction of the Umm al-Quwain (UAE) coastal-lagoon system and effects of the present-day human impact
  • Forzese M.*, Lipparini L., Chiacchieri D. , Cavallaro D. , Firetto Carlino M. , Scarfì L. , Faenza L. & Molinari I. : Regional subsurface 3D model of southern Sicily for potential seismogenic fault characterization and seismic scenarios: the INGV SPIN project
  • Foti A.*, Cianflone G. & Dominici R. : New geological evidence in the Miocene successions of the eastern part of the Catanzaro Strait (Calabria-Southern Italy)
  • Fracassi U.* : The (un)stable stewardship: The Earth Sciences amid accrued vulnerabilities, climate disruption, and resource management
  • Fracchiolla R.*, Bonamassa G., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Lorusso G. & Parise M. : Building a database for the analysis of sinkholes related to artificial cavities: the case study of Altamura (Apulia, southern Italy)
  • Fracchiolla T.*, Lisco S., Ravisato M., Pierri C., de Luca A., D'Abbicco V., Lazic T., Acquafredda P. & Moretti M. : An unusual rhodolith bed as a record of human activities in Mar Piccolo (Taranto)
  • Fracchiolla T.*, Veneziano F., de Luca A., D'Abbicco V., Trani R., Moretti M. & Lisco S. : Evaluation of microplastics in coastal and marine sediments of the Ionian Sea (Southern Italy)
  • Franceschi L.*, Menichini M. , Parisi A. , Giannecchini R. & Doveri M. : The effect of rainfall extreme events in the unsaturated and saturated zone: the case study of Pianosa Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy)
  • Franceschini M.*, Cantisani E., Vettori S., Chelazzi L., Di Benedetto F. & Ismaelli T. : Further insight into the provenancing of terracottas from the Athenaion in Castro (Apulia, Italy)
  • Franceschini M.M.N.*, Calandra S., Vettori S., Ismaelli T., Scardozzi G., Caggia M.P. & Cantisani E. : Mortars in the archaeological site of Hierapolis of Phrygia (Denizli, Turkey) from Imperial to Byzantine age
  • Francescone M.*, Ciaglia S., Giallini S., Pagliaroli A. & Pizzi A. : New insights on the Mt. Morrone (Central Apennines) active normal fault and related basin through passive seismic methods.
  • Franchini S., De Filippi F.M., Ferranti F., Barbieri M. & Sappa G. : Comparison of the isotope based early warning model application to two different municipal solid wastes landfills in Central Italy
  • Francioni M., Ottaviani F. & Ahmed M. : Survey, data visualization and numerical modelling: An overview about how the new tools and methods of analysis can influence landslide studies
  • Franza A.* & Pratesi G. : Stories for the future. The cataloging of the Italian geo-mineralogical heritage
  • Franza A.* & Pratesi G. : Geoscientific School Heritage: From the Past to the Future
  • Fredella F.*, Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J., Venisti N. & Capone P. : Modelling site amplification as factor of slope susceptibility to co-seismic failures in hill-top towns
  • Fregola R.A., Maiorano P., Micheletti F., Sabato L. & Zucchi M.* : Learning from the pioneer women in geoscience
  • Fregola R.A.*, Ciccolella A., Ruggieri G., Ventruti G. & Schingaro E. : Sphalerite from Longobucco and Fonte Argentila mineralization (Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy): crystal chemistry and genetic implications
  • Fregola R.A.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Lacalamita M., Cardellini C.,, Tieri M., Caliro S., Palmisano G., Gambini R. & Chiodini G. : Mineralization of the Kozan-8 thermal well (Kruja Province, central Albania): a mineralogical and water geochemical study
  • Freitas V.A.*, Montanini A., Etiope G., Segadelli S., Artoni A. & Moretti I. : Exploration of natural hydrogen in the Northern Apennines, Italy.
  • Frezza V.*, Garzarella A., Notaro A., Pampaloni M.L., Berti D., Chiarini E., Marino M., Romagnoli G. & Silvestri S. : Biostratigraphic data in the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from the CARG Project surveys in the Central Apennines (Italy): new evidence from the Sheet n. 370 "Guardiagrele"
  • Fugazzotto M.*, Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : "Cradle-to-cradle": waste geopolymers as precursors for new geopolymers in the restoration and construction sectors.
  • Fumanti F.*, De Corso S., De Caterini G., Andrisani M.G., Dacquino C., De Benedetti A.A., Carta R., Ferrigno F., Guerra. M., Guerrieri L., Leoni G., Lucarini M., Olivetta L., Pantaloni M., Patanè R.A., Pieruccioni D., Serra M., Spizzichino D. & Amanti M. : National databases, starting point for compliance with the Critical Raw Materials Act obligations
  • Funari V., Toller S., Nestola Y., Riminucci F., Iorio M., Mercadante A., Angelino A., Ape F., Greggio N., Dinelli E., Varola G., Graziano L., Coppola D., Vitale L., Tedesco P., de Pascale D. & Mantovani L. : Geochemical characterization and biotechnology potential of marine sediments from a small maritime area around Elba-Argentario Basin (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
  • Funaro M.*, Congi M., Campo V. & Manganiello P. : The Research Infrastructure of GeoSciences: from datasets analysis to harmonization process
  • Funedda A.*, Cocco F., Forci A., Baraille J., Salaun M., Caria I. & Piredda R. : Preliminary data from fieldwork in the framework of the CARG Project 546-Guspini (SW Sardinia)
  • Funedda A.* : The Variscan basement of Sardinia: state of the art and open questions
  • Fuoco I.*, Criscuoli A., Vespasiano G., Bloise A., De Rosa R., Apollaro C. & Figoli A. : From geochemistry to treatment: a multidisciplinary study for reuse of safe natural waters
  • Furfori I.*, Albertarelli N., Bonaccorsi E., Colotti C. & Gioncada A. : Can the interdisciplinary approach be an asset for teaching Geosciences in Natural Sciences?
  • Furfori I.*, Bonaccorsi E., Chicco J. M., Gioncada A., Greco R., Occhipinti S., Piangiamore G.L. & Realdon G. : Didactics and dissemination in the field of georesources: the experience of the GeothermiX 2023 conference
  • Furlan A.*, Contessi M. & Fanti F. : Taxonomic Diversity of Fossil Vertebrates from the Quaternary Deposits of the Karst Pit of Cà Negra (Croatia)
  • Gómez-Barreiro J.* : Textural footprint of orogenic processes: convergence, collision and reequilibration
  • Gadaleta E.*, Acquafredda P., De Giorgi M., Eramo G., Neri E., Scandale E. & Tempesta G. : Natural and artificial glass in the floor mosaic of Otranto Cathedral (Apulia, Southern Italy)
  • Gadaleta E.*, Tempesta G., De Giorgi M., Neri E. & Scandale E. : Proposal of an interdisciplinary protocol for the archaeometric study of mosaics by spectroscopic methods and history of art
  • Galamini G.*, Malferrari D., Altimari F., Orlandi S. & Barbieri L. : From waste to resource: recovery of quarry by-products for zinc foliar fertilization 
  • Galione M.R.*, Criscuolo L., Manzella A. & Trumpy E. : Enhancing the Italian Geothermal Data Infrastructure: Integrating Geothermal Data and Potential Assessment Tools 
  • Galli G.*, Morigi C., Thuy B. & Gariboldi K. : The use of macrofaunal microfossils to unveil past Holocene changes: a case study from Edisto Inlet (Ross Sea, Antarctica)
  • Gallicchio S.*, Fornelli A., Maiorano P., Fanelli G. & Micheletti F. : Late Paleogene syn-sedimentary volcaniclastic deep-sea succession of the Candela Gorges (Southern Italy). New constrains for the evolution of the Southern Apennines
  • Gallicchio S., Pepe M.*, Zucchi M., Brogi A., Del Gaudio V., Wasowsky J. & Venisti N. : Geological Mapping and Structural Analyses in seismic microzonation for Jv-based subunit discrimination: preliminary results from Gravina in Puglia (Southern Italy)
  • Gallo Maresca M.* : Geological narratives, a new approach to assensing skills
  • Gambino F.*, Longhitano N., Tazzini A., Mancini S., Ghignone S. & Dino G. : Tadelakt: a thousand-year-old technique for the production of special plasters with unique properties
  • Gambino F.*, Porrone A., Mancini S., Pereira L., Bellopede R., Marini P., Faraudello A. & Dino G. : Uncovering the Glass Ceiling Mechanisms in the Geosciences: Towards Equality in Academia and the Private Sector
  • Gambino S.*, Conigliello E., Monaco C. & G. Barreca G. : 3D Structural architecture of the front of the Sicilian Apennine (Southern Italy) as derived from well-calibrated seismic reflection profiles interpretation
  • Gambino S., Barreca G., Tarascio S., Carbone S. & Monaco C * : Quaternary faulting in the NE sector of the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily): new insight from survey within the CARG project (sheet N. 646 Siracusa)
  • Gamboa Sojo V.M., Morigi C.*, Langone L. & Lucchi R.G. : Paleoceanographic changes suggested by planktic and benthic foraminifera in the Western Svalbard Slope (Bellsund Drift) during the last century
  • Garzarella A.* : Military geology and historical archives: from De Ambrosis' monographs to Bulow-Krantz-Sonne's Wehrgeologie, the role of geology in the Second World War.
  • Gaspari R.*, Rusciadelli G., Ricci C. & Cestari R. : The Orfento Formation of the Maiella Mountain (Central Apennines, Italy): Depositional facies Model of an Upper Cretaceous Bioclastic Wedge
  • Gasperini P.* & Lolli B. : A comparison between moment magnitude scales
  • Gatta G.D., Comboni D.*, Chiappella L., Battiston T. & Lotti P. : The role of temperature on the pressure-mediated adsorption in natural zeolites: the case of leonhardite
  • Gaudiosi I.*, Livani M., Simionato M., Mancini M., Tentori D., Paolella L., Gozzi M., Pennica F., Polpetta F., Stigliano F., Trapasso F., Di Monda D., Terzo M., Argiolas F., Croce P., Piro S. & Moscatelli M. : CALIGOLA: a project for enhancing the knowledge of underground archaeological sites in the Palatine Hill through the integration of geological and geophysical data with new technologies
  • Gennaro S.*, Di Giuseppe P., Perrone E., Agostini S., Trumpy E., Assante M., Candela L., Pagano P., Procaccini M. & Provenzale A. : New Tools for Geo-scientific Data Management in the framework of the ITINERIS Project Leveraging D4Science e-Infrastructure capabilities
  • Gennuso M.*, Rizzo G. F., Bonfardeci A., Avellone G. , Todaro S. & Gasparo Morticelli M. : Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a Meso-Cenozoic slope from south-western Sicily (Italy)
  • Ghani J.*, Dinelli E., Funari. V., Giuliani. S. & Bellucci L.G. : Radionuclides Assessment in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants Wastes: A Comparative Case Study of Pre- and Post-Pandemic Periods 
  • Giamborino A.*, Petti F., Innamorati G. & Zuccari A. : The Time Machine Project – a travel into Deep Time
  • Giampaolo V.*, Calamita G., Corbo D., Fanti L. & Imbrenda V. : Land degradation: un unconventional tale
  • Gianoglio F.*, Caprioglio M.C., Castello G., Fiori C. & Marescotti P. : Geotourism as a tool for geoheritage promotion: a geotrail project in Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark (Liguria, Italy)
  • Gianolla P.*, Caggiati M., Alverà G., Dal Corso J., Riva A. & Aldrighetti E. : The Cassian Dolomite demise: basinal insights on the carbonate platforms' agony (Dolomites, Late Triassic)
  • Giardino M.*, Negri A., Storta E., Mantovani A. & Guerini M. : The role of geosciences to activate the virtuous circle: awareness of geodiversity values - enhancement of geoheritage - growth of sustainable geotourism - public engagement
  • Gioia D., Bloise L., Casella V., Corrado G., Minervino Amodio A.*, Muto F., Sfacteria M., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Romano G. & Mollo F. : Relationships between fluvio-lacustrine landscape, human occupation and historical earthquakes: a multidisciplinary study of the Santa Gada archaeological site (Pollino Geopark, southern Italy)
  • Gioiello S., Santoro L.* & Cazzaniga A. : Re-use of granite quarry waste for REEs-recovery along the industrial production chain: results from pre-concentration tests
  • Giorgetti C.*, Scuderi M.M., Bourgeois F., Wibberley C. & Collettini C. : Evolution of Hydromechanical Coupling from Quartz to Shale rich Faults and Implications for Fault Parallel vs. Fault Perpendicular Permeability 
  • Girardi G.*, Clausi M., Petti R., Vitone C. & Pinto D. : Characterization and pre-treatment of low grade-clays for the preliminary evaluation of their suitability as precursor for alkali-activated binders
  • Giuffrida S.*, Anderlini L., Carnemolla F., Brighenti F., De Guidi G., Cannavò F., Graham S. & Monaco C. : Interseismic coupling degree along the Serre and Cittanova faults in Southern Calabria, (Italy): New constraints from geodetic data observations
  • Giuli G., Nazzareni S.* & Skogby H. : Dellen crater impact melt rock: pyroxenes as a proxy for melt thermal history and water content
  • Giustetto R.*, Ricchiardi G., Bonino F.. & Barbero N. : Novel hybrid materials inspired by ancient technologies: the case of 'PALY@DAPI'
  • Gori F., Barberio M.D., Barbieri M., Boschetti T., Cardello G.L., Damato A. & Petitta M. : Groundwater-rock interaction and mixing in fault-controlled karstic aquifers: a structural, hydrogeochemical and multi-isotopic review of the Pontina Plain (Central Italy)
  • Gravina T.* & Iannace A. : Fostering Inquiry and Engagement in Earth Science: Designing and Testing a Specialized Curriculum for Italian Liceo Students
  • Gravina T.*, Funiciello F., Realdon G. & Cifelli F. : Advancing Geoscience Education in Italy Through Teacher Professional Development: Insights from the EGU-GEFO Field Officer Initiative 
  • Graziano S.F., Marone P., Trinchillo A., Di Benedetto C., Montesano G., Rispoli C. & Cappelletti P. : Processing waste of quartzite from Jaipur District (India) as secondary raw materials for cementitious adhesives
  • Grieco G.*, Bussolesi M, Comboni D. & Gjoca G. : Tests for implementing ophiolitic chromite concentrates from Albania mines to Chromite Foundry Sands quality parameters
  • Grieco G.*, Naitza S.& Bussolesi M. : Preliminary evaluation of the antimony potential for different waste materials at abandoned mines of Villasalto and Ballao, Sardinia
  • Grita S.*, Casu M., Sedda L., Asadzadeh S., Boccardo P., Melis M.T., Naitza S. & De Giudici G. : Characterization of Sardinian mine residues using Remote Sensing
  • Groppo C.*, Ferrando S., Tursi F. & Rolfo F. : Serendipity-driven discovery of a new UHP slice in the southern Dora-Maira Massif
  • Guagliano M.*, Mostoni S., Dotelli G., Finocchio E., Mesto E., Schingaro E., Scotti R., Bellotto M., Cristiani C. & Lacalamita M. : Spectroscopic study of the interaction mechanism of heavy metals and clay and organo-clays as sorbents in wastewater treatment.  
  • Guarino P.M.*, Belvederi G., Licata V., Perrotti M. & Roma M. : GNCA database for stability assessment of artificial cavities
  • Guarino V.*, Bonazzi M., Nimis P., Guitarrari Azzone R., Cariddi B. & Zanetti A. : Subcontinental lithospheric mantle stratigraphy in the SW margin of São Francisco Craton: insights from xenocrysts and xenoliths trapped in the Três Ranchos kimberlite (APIP, Brazil)
  • Guerrieri L.*, Battistoni P. , Cipolloni C., Passaquieti R., Rizzo M. & Sebillo M. : GeoSciences IR: a cloud research infrastructure for regional geological surveys
  • Guerrieri S.*, Borrelli M., Medas D., De Giudici G. & Perri E. : Biomineralization of As-schwertmannite in Acid Mine Drainage
  • Guerrieri S.*, Borrelli M., Medas D., De Giudici G., Sedda L., Musu E. & Perri E. : Heavy metal-minerals microbial mediated coprecipitation in mine tailings drainage 
  • Guerriero V.*, Sciortino A., Marini R., Mazzanti P. & Tallini M. : InSAR pattern recognition and data analysis in characterizing high-risk seismic areas: a case study from L'Aquila city, Italy
  • Guerriero V.*, Scorzini A.R., Di Lena B., Iulianella S., Di Bacco M. & Tallini M. : Climate variations and crop yields: a sustainability issue illustrated by a case study from the Abruzzo region, Italy
  • Guglielmi G.*, De Paola N., Giorgetti C., Collettini C. & Trippetta F. : Rheology of Triassic Evaporites and Implications for Seismicity of the Apennines: Insights from Triaxial Laboratory Experiments
  • Guido A.*, Fuoco I., Vespasiano G., Cipriani M., Maruca G., Scalercio A., Talà A., Calcagnile M., Belmonte G., Alifano P., Tredici S.M., Sicoli G., Gargano D., Bloise A. & Apollaro C. : Microbial activity involved in aluminosilicate mineralization in an arsenopyrite mine
  • Hameed A.*, Confuorto P., Parise M., Lollino P., Ishfaq M. & Alias Aamir Soomro M.H. : Landslide Susceptibility, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment based on Remote Sensing and GIS data models: A Case Study at the eastern Hindukush Mountain ranges, Pakistan
  • Hernández De la Cruz A., Benet D., Carrazana di Lucia A., Novembre D. & Gimeno D.* : S behavior, sulfate and SO2 emissions during a basaltic eruption in Central America: the case-study of the December 29th, 2013 eruption of the San Miguel volcano, El Salvador
  • Hu L., Donati D.*, Landi G., Zama F. & Borgatti L. : Development and application of an enhanced inversion algorithm for the reconstruction of the basal surface of landslides
  • Hudson-Edwards K.A.* : Sustainable mining of critical raw materials: opportunities and obstacles for geoscientists
  • Iaccarino S.*, Montomoli C., Pippo E., Carosi R., Cottle J. & Lanari P. : HT-LP extensional shear zones in the GHS (E Nepal): preliminary data on P-T-D conditions and timing
  • Iandelli I.*, Marchetti E., Benvenuti M., Coli M. & Maestrelli D. : A first step toward a 3D geological model of Florence area (CARG Programme, Sheet 275): First approach for the reconstruction of the top substrate surface
  • Iannucci A.* & Sardella R. : Updates on the middle and late Villafranchian large mammal faunal turnovers
  • Ibe C.U.*, Perrini M., Caggianelli A., Brogi A., Langone A., Liotta D., Stuart F., Tursi F. & Zucchi M. : From emplacement to exhumation of a granitic intrusion in a highly extended continental crust: Insights from the Pliocene Gavorrano granite (Northern Apennines, Italy)
  • Idini A.*, Masala O. & Sanna L. : Metals discharge from underground mine drainage of Argentiera Pb-Zn-Ag mine. NW Sardinia, Italy.
  • Iezzi F.*, Bacchiani A., Ferranti L., Pavano F., Di Paola C., Pagliara F. & Boni P. : Detailed geological and geophysical investigation of a segment of a major active normal fault: the Northern Matese Fault System
  • Imam C.*, Chaibi M., Ayt Ougougdal M. & Charif A. : Analyzing Coastal Cliff Stability and Recession Rates Along the Safi Atlantic Coast, Morocco
  • Indelicato V.*, Punturo R., Mineo S., Pappalardo G., Lanzafame G., Visalli R. & Cirrincione R. : Multi-analytical characterization of main lithotypes employed in the Val di Noto UNESCO sites (south-eastern Sicily)
  • Indelicato V.*, Punturo R., Visalli R., Pistorio A., Cirrincione R., Cantaro C. & Pinizzotto M.R. : Approaching knowledge of naturally occurring asbestos in volcanic geological contexts of southern Italy
  • Indovina E.*, Cacciola L., Domínguez-Cerdeña I., Geyer A., Guehenneux Y., Júlíusdóttir R., Komorowski J-C J., Labazuy P., Nave R., Puglisi G., Reitano D., Saurel JM., Spampinato L. & Vogfjörd K. : Fostering the Open Science paradigm and strengthening the European volcanology community: Contributions of the Volcano Observations Thematic Core Service to EPOS ERIC
  • Inguaggiato S.*, Vita F., Inguaggiato C., Mazot A., Schiavo B. & Cangemi M. : Decadal geochemical monitoring of CO2 and SO2 outgassing activity of Vulcano Island, Aeolian Archipelago, Italy
  • Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S., Notaro A., Tancredi S. & Santantonio M. : New constraints on the southernmost portion of the Ligurian and Sub-Ligurian Domains: insight from the Sheet "363" Civitavecchia
  • Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S.., Romano M. & Argentieri A. : One against all: fifty years after the geological scheme of Calabria by Leo Ogniben (1973)
  • Innocenzi F., Martino L., Ronca S., Agostini S. & Lustrino M.* : Carbonatitic and related alkaline to ultralkaline melts in the Quaternary Eifel Volcanic Province, Germany
  • Invernizzi C.*, Costa M., Penza G., Teloni S. & Pierantoni P.P. : Seismotectonic characteristics of the 2022/24 Fano seismic sequence (central Italy)
  • Iorio M., Meo A.*, Aiello G. & Senatore M.R. : Seismo-stratigraphy architecture of the transgressive and highstand systems tracts during the Last Glacial-Holocene and the NYT reflector in the Gulf of Gaeta ((Eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Italy)
  • Isola I.*, Bini M., Columbu A., Di Vito M.A., Giaccio B., Hu H-M., Martini F., Pasquetti F., Sarti L., Mule F., Mazzoleni A., Shen C.C. & Zanchetta G. : New insights on MIS 9e and MIS 5e sea-level highstands from Infreschi Cave and Cilento Coast (Central Italy)
  • Isola I.*, De Santis N., Zanchetta G., Columbu A., Regattieri E., Russell Drysdale R. & Hellstrom J. : Last glaciation Dansgaard-Oeschger events in speleothems from Central Italy
  • Jackson L., Parbhakar-Fox A., Colombi F. & Baldassarre G.* : The role of secondary prospectivity of mine waste for enhancing critical metals recovery in South Australia
  • Javed S.*, Dondi M., Molinari C., Conte S., Arletti R., Fantini R., Gualtieri A., Siligardi C., Miselli P., Bignozzi M.C., Ridolfi G., Spalanzani G. & Zanelli C. : Characterization and valorization of dam sediments: potential use in building materials
  • Kairouani H., Abbassi A., Zaghloul M.N., El Mourabet M., Fornelli A., Mongelli G., Critelli S. & Micheletti F.* : The Jurassic climate change in the northwest Gondwana (External Rif, Morocco): A probable control of successive mega-monsoons through the African Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
  • Kairouani H., Micheletti F.*, Borrelli M., Perri E., Zaghloul M.N. & Fornelli A. : Early Jurassic phosphatic sandstones (External Rif, Northern Morocco): evidence of mineralogical and biogeochemical processes related to the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
  • Kashi R.*, Balasco M., De Girolamo M., Graziano M., Improta L., Patella D., Pigniatiello G., Siniscalchi A., Tripaldi S., Ventola I., Villani F. & Romano G. : New insights on the deep electrical structure of the Molise-Sannio region: preliminary outcomes of a Magnetotelluric survey
  • Khatami M., Vahdati B., Gasparrini M.*, Lasseur E., Spina A., Montano D., Dapiaggi M., Compostella C., Berra F., Decarlis A. & Ceriani A. : Chemostratigraphy study of the Toarcian marine deposits from the Paris Basin southern margin
  • Khelifi F., Dino G.A., Zhao X., Tazzini A.*, Passarella I. & Padoan E. : Geochemical and environmental evaluation of trace metals within newly constructed technosols: risks and potentials for large scale applications.
  • Kim D.*, Relvini A., Forzese M., Parente M., Iannace A., Punturo R., Maniscalco R. & Ogata K. : Introducing TOOLS: climatic-tectonic modulation in the Langhian-Tortonian "megaturbidites" of the S. Mauro Formation (Cilento Group, Southern Apennines)
  • Knuever M.*, Mele D. & Sulpizio R. : Skarn Formation associated with alkaline magma chambers: Comparison of Somma-Vesuvius, Colli Albani and Merapi volcanic systems
  • Krajišnik D.*, Uskoković-Marković S., Pantić M., Lazić V., Daković A. & Marković M. : Chitosan–clay composite films: investigation of functional and antibacterial properties for potential biomedical application
  • Krizova B.*, de Winter N.J., Ziegler M., Arbulla D. & Frijia G. : Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous shallow-marine environment using oxygen and clumped isotope analyses in rudist bivalves from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform
  • Krizova B.*, Zini L., Calligaris C., Busetti A., Corradetti A., Černok A., Consorti L., Bensi S., Piano C. & Franceschi M. : Kras-Carso II Interreg European project. Multidisciplinary research towards promoting the geological heritage of the Classical Karst
  • Kushabaha A.*, Scardino G., Sabato G. & Scicchitano G. : Mediterranean Sea surface response during the cyclone events: impacts on physical and biogeochemical parameters
  • Kushabaha A.*, Scicchitano G., Refice A., Marsico A., Tapete D., Ursi A., Capolongo D. & Zingaro M. : Integrating multispectral normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to analyze land cover changes in sediment connectivity analysis
  • Lämmle L., Moreira V.B., D'Aniello M.*, Ilacqua S., Brandolini P., Perez Filho A. & Donadio C. : Coastal erosion in urban areas and socio-environmental challenges: the case of São João da Barra, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • La Gioia A.*, Scicchitano G. & Nuzzo D. : Experimental application of the Sediment Flow Connectivity Index (SfCI) in surface archaeological  inter-site survey
  • La Russa M.*, Ricca M., Barbieri L., Bruno F., Baika K., Raxis P., Silion M., Nunes C., Padovan R. & Ferreira F. : Bridging Gaps in Blue Expertise through a Triple Transition Training Model for the UCH field: new challenges in uBlueTec project
  • Labry C.*, Duque C., Blanco-Coronas A., Da Pelo S., Funedda A. & Marcia L. : Groundwater modelling in faulted siliciclastic-carbonate sequences
  • Landi A.I.*, Carli C., Capaccioni F. & Pratesi G. : Highly reduced meteorites: a comparison with Mercury's surface through minero-petrological and spectroscopic investigation
  • Langella A., Bellino A., De Feo G., De Nicola F., De Sanctis M., Izzo F., Luciani E., Mercurio M., Napoletano M.*, Oppido S., Picariello E., Romano C., Trasacco F. & Baldantoni D. : Enhancement of Microbial and plant Biodiversity by Restoration of degraded soils in Mediterranean Areas through marine Compost and zeolites Exploitation (EMBRACE project)
  • Langone L.*, Bensi M., Aulicino G., Battaglia F., Caridi F., Carotenuto A., Cerino F., Diociaiuti T., Gallerani A., Giglio F., Kovacevic V., Kralj M., Mangoni O., Mansutti P., Monti M., Morigi C., Patrolecco L., Rauseo J., Relitti F., Retelletti Brogi S., Sabbatini A., Serino E., Tesi T., Ursella L., Greggio N. & Giordano P. : Mechanisms driving formation and preservation of the laminated sediments of Edisto Inlet, western Ross Sea (Antarctica): the sub-seasonal variability of particle composition and fluxes
  • Lapadula S., Balestra V.*, Barzaghi B., Falaschi M., Ficetola G. F. & Manenti R. : Rhythmic response of cave animals to external cycles
  • Lapietra I.*, Colacicco R., Dellino P., Rizzo A. & Capolongo D. : Mapping social vulnerability to multi-hazard scenarios: a GIS-based approach at census track level
  • Lapietra I.*, Liso I.S., Lollino P., Fracchiolla R., Parise M. & Rinaldi A. : A multidisciplinary approach for sinkhole mitigation strategies: the case of the urban area of Altamura (southern Italy)
  • Lauria A. *, Longhitano S.G., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Stratigraphic patterns of shelf-type deltas in the Lower Pleistocene of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin, Basilicata, southern Italy
  • Lavecchia A.*, Serlenga V., Filippucci M., Stabile T.A., Prosser G. & Tallarico A. : Fault (re)activation and fluid-induced seismicity: an example from the Val d'Agri intermontane basin (southern Italy)
  • Lavecchia G.* & de Nardis R. : Exploring the significance of fault-earthquake data pairs in unveiling structural and seismotectonic complexities - Case studies across different tectonic regimes in Central Italy
  • Lavecchia G.*, Cirillo D., Andrenacci C., Pietrolungo F., Bello S., Brozzetti F., de Nardis R., Valoroso L., Diaferia G., De Landro G., Presti D., Totaro C., Scolaro S. & Orecchio B. : First Detailed 3D Geometric and Kinematic Curvilinear Fault Models of the Southern Italy Extensional Belt: Integrated Analysis of Surface and Deep Data
  • Le Pera E.*, Dutta A. & Riber L. : (Paleo)weathering or diagenesis as the principal control factor of sand(stone) framework grains dissolution?
  • Lenci S.*, Keir D., Molli G., Vannucchi P., Del Ventisette C. & Pagli C. : Seismological Study of Transverse Faults in a Highly Segmented Extensional Front in the Northern Apennines: The Case of Sant'Anna Pelago
  • Leone G.*, Esposito L., Ginolfi M. & Fiorillo F. : Terzaghi's effective stress principle and hydrological deformation of karst aquifers detected by GNSS and inSAR measurements
  • Leone G., Jourde H., Ginolfi M.*, Esposito L., Ventafridda G. & Fiorillo F. : Short- and long-term changes in the discharge of the Caposele karst spring (southern Apennine, Italy): statistics and modeling to understand their causes
  • Leone G., Liso I.S., Michele G.*, Esposito L., Parise M. & Fiorillo F. : Karst Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Matese and Alburni Massifs, (southern Italy), Focusing on Dolines and Endorheic Areas
  • Leoni G., De Caterini G. , Vizzini G.--, Assennato F., Bianco P.M., Decorso C., Delfini C., Ferrigno F., Finocchiaro G., Fumanti F., Guerrieri L., Lucarini M., Roggero F., Tria N.G. & Spizzichino D. : Giasone: a method to assess sustainability of georesources cultivation
  • Lepore A.*, Arzarello M., Germinario C., Mercurio M. & Grifa C. : Multianalitical study of lithic materials from the prehistorical site of Pirro Nord: preliminary results
  • Lepore G.O., Bindi L., d'Acapito F., Landi A.I & Bonazzi P. : Twinning and superstructure in janchevite, Pb9VO10.25◻0.75Cl2.5
  • Lezzerini M.*, Aquino A. & Pagnotta S. : Investigation on geopolymeric mortar production by using clay bricks waste
  • Lezzerini M.*, Aquino A. & Pagnotta S. : Lime mortar production: the case of Panchina calcarenite from Tyrrhenian coast
  • Licata V.* : Uncertainties of soil profiles for seismic response analyses
  • Licata V.* & Conti R. : A new soil constitutive model for nonlinear 1D seismic site response analyses
  • Lipparini L., Forzese M.*, Chiacchieri D., Cavallaro D., Firetto Carlino M., Scarfì L., Molinari I., Maniscalco R. & Catalano S. : 3D imaging and modelling of a complex regional fault system: the Scicli Line (Sicily, Italy)
  • Lippolis E.*, Spalluto L. & Tropeano M. : Facies analysis of a Cretaceous peritidal carbonate succession cropping out at Cava Porcili (Minervino Murge, southern Italy).
  • Lippolis E.*, Spalluto L. & Tropeano M. : A 3D model to enhance, study and make an inaccessible quarry "virtually accessible": the example of Cava Porcili (Minervino, southern Italy)
  • Lisco S.*, Marangi M. , Sini V. & Lapietra I. : Coastal and Marine hazard awarness throught citizen science in School
  • Lisco S.*, Rizzo A. , De Luca A., Fracchiolla T.,Sozio A., Bitetto F. , Ravisato M. , Trani R. , Di coccia I. , Schiavo A. , Giannattasio L., Dino Pierri & Tamma M.. : Students' engagement in coastal monitoring activities: preliminary outcomes from the Marevivo NauticinBlu project
  • Liso I.S., D'Ettorre U., Benedetto L., Ladisa V., Lorusso F. & Parise M. : Open window on water table: examples from Apulia Region
  • Livani M.*, Petracchini L., Benetatos C., Marzano F., Billi A., Carminati E., Doglioni C., Petricca P., Maffucci R., Codegone G., Rocca V., Verga F. & Antoncecchi I. : A geological and geophysical database of the Po Plain and the northern Adriatic Sea (northern Italy) as potential tool for the assessment and mitigation of natural and anthropic hazards
  • Livani M.*, Scrocca D., Gaudiosi I., Mancini M., Cavinato G.P., de Franco R., Caielli G., Vignaroli G., Romi A. & Moscatelli M. : A geology-based 3D velocity model of the Amatrice Basin (central Italy)
  • Lo Bue G.*, Musa M., Kaestner A., Di Martino D., Busi M., Shakoorioskooie M.*, Riccardi M.P. & Mancin N. : Imaging of microplastics in bio-engineered marine substrates: a neutron tomography approach
  • Lo Bue G.*, Musa M., Lisco S., Marchini A., Riccardi M.P. &  Mancin N. : Microplastic dynamics in the littoral reefs created by Sabellariid Polychaetes in the Southern Adriatic Sea
  • Lo Mauro G.*, Sgroi T., Barberi G., Gasperini L., Mantovani A. & Polonia A. : Upper plate's deformation at the edge of the Ionian slab: morphostructural and seismological analysis of the Gulf of Patti (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)
  • Lo Presti V.*, Agate M., Balsamo L., Bracci M., Cassataro R., Maiorana M. & Sulli A. : Submarine Fluid Escapes; their role on ground instabilities. Learning Examples of RETURN Project.
  • Lo Riso M., Buccione R., Rizzo G.*, De Bonis A. & Teghil R. : Preliminary results of the petrographic and mineralogical study of the Oenotria ceramic artifact (Southern Italy)
  • Lobina F.*, Da Pelo S., Biddau R., Coppola A., Vacca A., Hassan M.B.S., Arras C. & Porru C. : Evaluation of nitrate leaching processes during infiltration and transport in the unsaturated zone
  • Locritani M.*, Garvani S., Melini D., Merlino S., Grezio A., Cianetti S., Bianucci M., Danesi S., Muscari G., Lo Bue N., Alberti T., Rouwet D., Policicchio M., Magnaneschi M., Saragosa M., Maccarrone M., Martinicchio G., Saladino F., Sanfilippo S.R.D., Genitili A., Belloni V., Grandi D., Rossi L. & Guarnieri A. : MACMAP: A Student-Designed Game to Simulate Multidisciplinary Climate Change Progect
  • Logrieco A.*, De Santis V., Ortiz J.E., Palencia Y.S., Mastrototaro F., Chimineti G., Sozio A. & Caldara M. : Survey on Pinna nobilis associated benthic biocenosis with a paleoenvironmental approach in terraced marine deposits of the Last Interglacial period (Taranto, Italy)
  • Lolli B.*, Vannucci G. & Gasperini P. : What is in the INGV ISIDe online database before 16 April 2005?
  • Lombardi S.*, Stori L., Federico L., Crispini L., Seno S. & Maino M. : Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244).
  • Longhitano S.G.* : Deflected deltas: What are they?
  • Lorenzet R., Corradetti A., Del Ben A., Franceschi M. & Bonini L.* : A potential site to store Hydrogen in the subsurface in Northeast Italy
  • Loreto M.F.* & Exp. Science Party : Sealing potential of the messiniaN SALT from IODP Expedition 402
  • Lorusso F., Liso I.S., Mastronuzzi G. & Parise M. : A flank margin cave along the Adriatic side of Apulia, southern Italy
  • Lovati S.*, Massa M., Maraio S., Puglia R., Ferrari E., Rizzo AL., Brunelli G., Varchetta F., Villani F., Figlioli A., Mascandola C. & Luzi L. : Geological and stratigraphic setting of the metropolitan area of Milan (Italy): implications for site-dependent seismic hazard assessment through high-resolution geophysical investigation
  • Lozar F.*, Gerbaudo A., Giardino M., Perona S. & Zambrotta M. : Dynamic geodiversity and environmental sustainability within alpine glacial areas: educational values for the secondary schools 
  • Lozar F., Gerbaudo A. & Tonon M.D.* : Geosites as a tool for climate change education: a case study in Piedmont, IT
  • Lubraco G.*, Ferrara V., Medici L., Sogliani F. & Di Leo P. : Answering archaeometric questions on technology and provenance relative to emblematic ancient ceramic productions in Basilicata by combining micro-Raman spectroscopy, micro X-ray fluorescence and micro X-ray diffraction to the study of pigments
  • Lucarini M.*, Brustia E., Olivetta L., Pompili R. & Primerano P. : Geosites Inventory and Territorial Planning
  • Lucchi R.G., St. John K., Ronge T. & IODP Exp- Science Party : IODP Expedition 403 Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive: preliminary results from the last expedition of the International Ocean Discovery Program
  • Lucci G.*, Bruno L., Purri F., Di Martino A. & Amorosi A. : Shallow subsurface stratigraphy of the Mirandola Area (central Po Plain) reconstructed through combined sedimentological and geotechnical analysis
  • Luconi I.*, Ercoli R. & Paris E. : Artificial weathering and surficial consolidation techniques applied to the 'Peperino' from the Alban Hills volcano (Latium, Italy)
  • Lupi C.*, Marchini A., Brioschi S.A. , Crenca E. , Gazzola F. & Innocenti Malini G. : "Can You Sea?": an aerial and acrobatic performance to involve people in marine bio-geoscience researches
  • Lupi C.*, Pelfini M.  & Pettinari C. : Geology in down town: easy fieldtrips for learning Earth sciences out of school 
  • Lustrino M.* : Miracles needed. Climate changes and the physical limits of the Earth
  • Macchia A.*, Diliberto Cascio C., Zicarelli M.A., Alisi C., Catania V., Schillaci D., La Russa M.F. & Ruffolo S.A. : Evaluating Biosurfactants as Eco-Friendly Biocides (TEch4YOU Project)
  • Maceroni D.*, Castorina G., Blumetti A.M., Bonadeo L., Comerci V., Di Manna P., Guerrieri L. & Congi M.P. : The new version of ITHACA Catalogue supported by GeoSciences IR and MEET projects
  • Macini P.* & Pantaloni M. : Geosciences and engineering of Lungro rock salt: unveiling Italy's longest-lived underground mining site in Calabria
  • Macini P.*, Mesini E. & Argentieri A. : Reflection Vs. refraction seismic: Tiziano Rocco and the development of applied geophysics in Italy
  • Macini P., Pantaloni M.* & Console F. : Antonio Stoppani: a pioneer of petroleum geology and his activity in the Italian oil production industry
  • Madarieta-Txurruka A.*, Galindo-Zaldívar J., Pietrolungo F., Sparacino F., Ercilla G. & Palano M. : New geodetic 3D velocity field of Iberia and adjacent mountain ranges
  • Maffucci R.*, Pascazio A., Vico G., Bonamico A., Corrado S., Giordano G. & Bigi S. : Elaboration of new regional temperature-at-depth maps, aiding in the assessment of the geothermal potential in the southern Latium
  • Maganuco S.*, Ambrogi L., Capuccella E., Figus C. & Gambini I. : Echoes of Extinction: How an Exhibition Can Unveil the Lost World of Dinosaurs through Science and Art
  • Mainini A.*, Conti S. & Serventi P. : Alternative origin for the middle Miocene mass transport deposits of the Marnoso Arenacea Formation
  • Mainini A.*, Sabattini M., Critelli V., Arosio D., Brozzo G., Panzani A., Droghieri E., Righetti S. & Ronchetti F. : River Magra aquifer system groundwater flow model, for correct water management in the perspective of climate change (Liguria Region, Italy)
  • Maino M.*, Perozzo M., Seno S., Niccolò M., Morelli D., Crispini L., Locatelli M., Corradi N., Federico L. & Notti D. : A geological dive from the western Alps into the Ligurian sea: the experience of the CARG 245 - Albenga sheet
  • Maiorana M.*, Rizzo G.F., Todaro S., Gasparo Morticelli M., Agate M. & Sulli A. : Linking an outcrop analogue to a deep potential CO2 storage site with 3D geological model: an example from southwestern Sicily
  • Majorana S.* & Barone G. : The cataloguing of the scientific instruments of the University of Catania: research and prospects
  • Malaspina N.*, Langenhorst F., Pollok K., Cerantola V., Murri M., Longa C., Bersani D. & Montanini A. : The redox state of heterogeneous mantle: clues from C-S-bearing clinopyroxenites
  • Malusà M.G.*, Resentini A. & Wittmann H. : A two-stage river capture event in Corsica and its impact on erosion rates and offshore sedimentation revealed by geological and in situ 10Be cosmogenic data
  • Mameli P.*, Martucci A., Alberti A.Ϯ, Mancinelli M. & Oggiano G. : First insights on the synthesis of cordierite from Sardinian raw materials
  • Mammoliti E.*, Fronzi D., Rapazzetti M., Domizi J. & Tazioli A. : Integrating Fracture Analysis and X-ray Tomography with Permeability Tests for rock fracture Hydraulic Conductivity assessment at laboratory-scale 
  • Mammoliti E., Fronzi D., Ruggeri P., Magi Galluzzi L. & Tazioli A. : Unravel the groundwater dynamics in a landfill with water isotopes: the peculiar case of Corinaldo Municipality landfill
  • Mancinelli M.*, Adami L. , Gigli L. , Sousa N.C.O. , Pedrotti J.J. , Plaisier J. , Pasti L. , Stevanin C. & Martucci A. : Structural behaviour of graphene and silver functionalized graphene oxide loaded with perfluorinated compounds during thermal heating
  • Mancinelli M.*, Ardit M., Chenet T., Pasti L. & Martucci A. : Thermogravimetric and High-Temperature X-ray Diffraction study on the desorption of humic monomers from Y zeolites
  • Mancinelli M.*, Spagnoli E., di Benedetto F., Cristino V., Montegrossi G., Vola G., Barion L., Martucci A. & Ardit M. : New insights in the optimization of sulfur dioxide flue gas desulfurization (FGD) using porous materials in a semi-dryer system
  • Mancinelli M., Precisvalle N., Ardit M., Beltrami G., Gigli L., Catizzone E., Migliori M., Giordano G. & Martucci A.* : An in-situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of the thermal stability of templated ZSM-5 zeolites
  • Mancini A.*, Brandano M. & Ferràndez-Cañadell C. : Coralgal buildup in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession of the Upper Eocene San Martí Xic Formation (Orís, Vic, SE Ebro basin, Spain)
  • Mancini A.*, Cornacchia I., Lamal J., Capezzuoli E., Swennen R. & Brandano M. : Deciphering climate changes from stable Isotopes in continental carbonate deposits: the Lapis Tiburtinus travertine succession (Acque Albule Basin, Tivoli, Central Italy)
  • Mancini A., Brandano M., Cardello GL. & Ronca S.* : Vertebrate pits recorded in carbonate sedimentary succession: the case study of the Pliocene Macco Formation (Tarquinia – Central Italy)
  • Mancini A.M.*, Gennari R., Lozar F. & Negri A. : The Climatic and Oceanographic Setting During the Messinian: What can be Learned for Present and Future Deoxygenation Dynamics?
  • Mancini A.M.*, Marino G., Dela Pierre F. & Negri A. : ECORD and IODP-Italy Project: The Mediterranean Deoxygenation Dynamics During the Pliocene in the Mediterranean
  • Mancini S.*, Dino G.A., Tazzini A. & Gambino F. : The Mg/Ca ratio in mortars used in ancient rural buildings in the north-Eastern Piedmont plain: a methodology to support archaeological studies
  • Mancini S.*, Pereira M.D., Lasagna M., Gambino F., Prego G., Gonçalves D., Jacinto A., Daud J., Loite J., Nganhane H., Rodrigues N., Dinis P. & Dino G.A. : Sustainability in geo-resource management through shared competence-building projects. The example of GEODES Erasmus Project
  • Mangenot X., Gasparrini M.*, Bonifacie M., Rouchon V., Deschamps P. & Ceriani A. : Low-temperature Δ47/(U-Pb) carbonate thermochronology reveals the exhumation history of the Paris Basin southern margin
  • Maniscalco R.*, Nadudvari A., Forzese M., Barbagallo V., Distefano S., Giustolisi C., Pellegrino A.G. & Di Stefano A. : Correlation of biomarker, foraminiferal and nannofossil records to unravel past environments: new insight from pre-evaporitic Torrente Vaccarizzo section (Sicily)
  • Manna L.*, Menegoni N., Maino M. & Perotti C. : Early deformations of carbonate platforms driven by differential compaction of the basinal unit: Finite Element Method-based numerical analysis
  • Manna L., Maino M.*, Dabrowski M. & Casini L. : A study on how the damage geometry governs the stress distribution within a fault zone
  • Mantovani L.*, Bernasconi A., Tribaudino M., Destefanis E., Caviglia C., Nazzareni S., Fornasini L. & Bersani D. : Temperature treatments of Bottom Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator: new perspective and existing applications
  • Manucci A.*, Cambi C., Fronzi D., Liso l.S., Mazzocca M., Mirabella F., Parise M., Casadei S., Tazioli A. & Valigi D. : Estimation of recharge to the karst Scirca spring (Central Italy) by using conventional and modified APLIS methods: a comparison
  • Manzari P.*, Marzo C., Giunta A. & Petropoulou V. : Supporting the characterization of Atira surfaces with synthetic photometry of meteorites
  • Maramai A.*, Lombardo V. & Piangiamore G.L. : Two Virtual Reality tools to enhance earthquake and tsunami awarness
  • Marcelli I.*, Piana F., Barbero E., Ossella L., Fioraso G., Irace A., Mosca P., Barale L., Frasca G., Catanzariti R., d'Atri A., Bertok C. & Festa A. : CARG geo-tech revolution: digitizing geological maps with innovative tools (practical examples from the CARG project)
  • Marcelli I.*, Irace A. & Fioraso G. : The subsurface geological map of the Torino metropolitan area (Western Po plain): from 3D model to 2D map export
  • Marchesini B.*, Pozzi G., Collettini C., Carminati E. & Tesei T. : Caprock genesis in hydrothermal systems via alteration-controlled fault weakening and impermeabilization
  • Marchesini B.*, Rossetti F., Ruggieri G., Cavallo A., Moretto V., Castorina F., Trippetta F., Aldega L., Novella D., Caracausi A., Billi A. & Carminati E. : Alteration-controlled repeated breakage of hydrothermally altered marly-limestones seals, Fenice-Capanne mining area (Tuscany, Italy)
  • Marianelli D.*, Yang J., Medici G., Cornacchia I., Aversa L. & Brandano M. : Diagenesis of karsified deposits to reconstruct the sea level drop at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in the Apulian Platform, Southeastern Italy
  • Marinangeli L.*, Garzarella A., La Torre V., Salerno V.M. & Shahini E. : Webinars of Ud'A ex-students to valorise the professional careers of women geologist
  • Marini L.*, Principe C. & Lelli M. : Are we able to listen what the fumarolic fluids of the Solfatara have been telling us for about 40 years?
  • Marini M., Patacci M.*, Cifelli F., Cipollari P., Mattei M. & Muttoni G. : Magnetostratigraphy and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of upper Eocene turbidites (Ventimiglia Flysch Fm) from the western Alps foreland basin
  • Marino L.*, Cecere G., Di Maio R., Di Martire D., Devoti R., Calcaterra D. & Vicari A. : Fiastra DSGSD spatio-temporal evolution analysis by means of GPS and DinSAR data
  • Marino M.*, Maiorano P., Girone A., Gallicchio S., Bassinot F., Nomade N., Simon Q., Bertini A., Herbert T., Petrosino P., Addante M., La Perna R., Trotta S. & Ciaranfi N. : Climatostratigraphy through a Standard Auxiliary Boundary Stratotype for the Middle Pleistocene Subseries of the Quaternary System (Montalbano Jonico, southern Italy)
  • Marinoni A.*, Pezzotta A., Tantardini D., Arrigoni F.,Pigazzi E., Colzada G., Apuani T., Zerboni A. & Tartarotti P. : Multi-scale landscape evolution of Central Alps: another side of the Valchiavenna CARG project
  • Maritan L., Filippou V., Renson V., Pasqual D., Cattò S., Koutovaki E., Nodarou E., Cantisani E., Dikomitou Eliadou M. & Zomeni Z. : Influence of clay processing on bulk chemistry signature in ancient pottery productions
  • Maron M.*, Onoue T., Satolli S., Soda K., Sato H., Muttoni G. & Rigo M. : Weathering trends in the Norian through geochemical and rock magnetic analyses from the Pignola-Abriola Section (Lagonegro Basin, Italy)
  • Maroni A.*, Miccoli A., Balestro G., Groppo C. & Castelli D. : The Monte Pagliano Unit in the southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): a preliminary petrologic study
  • Marras G.* & Stagno V. : Chemistry of sulfides in the Earth's mantle: insights from magmas, mantle xenoliths and inclusions in diamonds
  • Marsico A.*, Colacicco R., La Salandra M. & Capolongo D. : Monitoring Badland Features and Dynamics through LiDAR and UAV Technology 
  • Martella A.*, Sarti G. & Baneschi I. : Environmental and human control factors on the Holocene evolution of Venice lagoon: sedimentological and geochemical approach
  • Martina A.*, Aliprandi E., Ferroni L., Tassinari R. & Marrocchino E. : Multiparameter markers of territoriality: geochemical-isotopic and fluorometric analysis for asparagus characterization
  • Martinello C.*, Di Frisco G., Conte A., Mineo G., Bellomo, V., Azzara, G., Mercurio C., Albo S., Calderon-Cucunuba L.P., Conoscenti C., Cappadonia C., Agnesi V. & Rotigliano E. : Biased landslide inventories and illusory susceptibility model high performances: a test in western Sicily
  • Martiniello S.*, Capitanio A., Legnaioli S. & Raneri S. : Gemstone, treatments and imitations in medieval goldworking: a gemmological and spectroscopic combined approach
  • Maruca G., Cipriani M., Apollaro C., Vespasiano G., Dominici R., Bruno F., Lagudi A., Bracchi V.A., Basso D., Mauri F., Cellini E., Pirrera L. , De Benedetto C. , Piscitelli V.F. & Guido A.* : GIS-based protocol for benthic habitat mapping of Coralligenous build-ups (Isola Capo Rizzuto, Calabria, Italy)
  • Mascaro M.E.*, Auriemma R., Mazzoli C. & Maritan L. : Investigating post-depositional alterations in underwater ceramics. The case of the archaeological site of Torre Santa Sabina (south-eastern italy).
  • Masoch S.*, Fondriest M., Preto N., Prando F., Di Toro G., Pennacchioni G. & Molli G. : Deformation processes and origin of fluids during Miocene exhumation of Alpine Corsica
  • Masotta M.*, Colle F., Costa S. & Landi P. : Plagioclase dissolution and reaction in a hydrous basaltic melt: a proxy for deciphering time scales of mixing events at Stromboli volcano (Italy)
  • Massa B., Famiglietti N.A.*, Memmolo A. & Miele P. : Use of low-frequency GPR to refine stratigraphy and tectonics in the Ofanto River Valley (Southern Apennines)
  • Massa M.*, Calce S., Pachaiappan P. & Bontempi E. : Sewage sludge ashes characterization and microwave thermochemical treatment for fertilizer production
  • Massa M.*, Vola G., Ardit M., Bresciani P. & Colombari V. : Hydration processes of geomaterials for green and sustainable applications
  • Massaro S.*, Ashruf T., Anderlini L., Drymoni K., Forni F., Geyer A., Guerrero A., Pardo N., Scaini C., Tomašek I. & Viveiros F. : Is there still a price to pay for being a woman geoscientist?: Perspectives and lessons learnt 
  • Mastrobattista P., Guarino P.M.*, D'Angiò D., Fiano V. & Pompili R. : Sinkholes in the Campo Soriano karst plain (Central Italy)
  • Mastronuzzi G.*, Fiore A., Parise M., Tropeano M. & Tarantini F. : Karst and cave environment conservation in the Alta Murgia National Park
  • Mastrorilli M.*, De Felice G., Turchiano M. & Eramo G. : The POW camp 65 (Altamura, Southern Italy) as a case study for archeometry and contemporary archaeology
  • Mattei G.* & Aucelli P. : Ongoing vs Holocene morphodynamic effects of sea-level changes: a new perspective for the assessment of coastal resilience to climate changes
  • Mattioni L.*, Armitage J., Christ A.-B., Granjeon D., Lemgruber-Traby A., Pujol A. & Bourgeois F. : Why it is important to perform a fully integrated basin-scale modeling of CO2 storage in saline aquifers? Insights from the Paris Basin (France)
  • Mauro D.*, Biagioni C. & Bonaccorsi E. : The Angelo Da Costa mineral collection: a new acquisition of the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa
  • Mauro D.*, Sejkora J., Biagioni C. & Dolníček Z. : Second world occurrence of badalovite, Na2Mg2Fe(AsO4)3, from the Etna volcanic complex, Sicily
  • Mauro M.*, Volpe G., De Solda M., Magnani M.B., Collettini C. & Scuderi M.M. : Probing the Micromechanics of Laboratory Faults using Ultrasonic Waves: Insights from Borehole Samples from Delaware Basin, Texas
  • Mazzini I.* & CNR ECORD-IODP and ICDP commission : How do comics help to learn about Marine Geology?
  • Mecozzi B.*, Bona F., Conti J., Lembo G., Mazzini I., Muttillo B., Pieruccini P. & Sardella R. : Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the lower levels of Grotta Romanelli (Apulia, southern Italy) based on the mammal record
  • Medini M., Clausi M., Cofano V., El Chami D. & Pinto D. : Tailored Porous Geopolymers for Efficient Ammonium Adsorption: Towards Sustainable Agricultural Nutrient Recovery 
  • Melchiori G.*, Pozzobon R., Massironi M. & Mazzarini F. : Structural analysis of wrinkle ridges in the region between Aristarchus plateau and Marius Hills in Oceanus Procellarum (Moon)
  • Mele D.*, Dellino P., Dioguardi F. & Sulpizio R. : Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): a new strategy for risk reduction
  • Mele G.*, Battelli P., Castello B., Carluccio I., Ciaccio M.G., Della Bina E., Lauciani V., Di Stefano R., Nardi A., Maniscalco M., Marchetti A., Latorre D. & BSI Working Group : The new website of the Italian Seismic Bulletin (BSI): architecture and content
  • Mellone G.*, Scarrica V., Mattei G., Staiano A., Ciaramella A. & Aucelli P.P.C. : New Approaches for Coastal Zone Monitoring Aimed at Litter Detection in Emerged and Submerged Environments
  • Meloni P., Columbu S., Cocco O., Carcangiu G. & Palomba M. : Lime and higth zeolitic geomaterials content in mixtures: perspectives in hydraulicized eco-mortars production
  • Meneghini F.*, Rielli A., Boschi C., Baneschi I., Amabile F., Perondi F., Marroni M. & Pandolfi L. : In search of a geological signature of slow earthquakes: structural and geochemical characterization of crack-seal veins in metasediments from the Alpine accretionary prism
  • Menta S.*, Stroscio A., Mazzoleni P. & Belfiore C.M. : Reproduction of ancient lime mortars from the Baroque built heritage of Catania (Sicily): An experimental study
  • Merlini M.* & Mangano C. : The Mineralogical Collections at the Earth's Science Department, University of Milano: History, Conservation, Digitization, and Valorization
  • Merlino S.*, Locritani M., Morigi C., Gerard N., Bianucci M., Muccini F., Lombardi C., Bronco S., Ricci L., De Monte C., Granata U. & Cucco A. : Plastic accumulation on a marine protected area: the case study of the Giannutri Island in Tuscan Archipelago
  • Mesto E.*, Lacalamita M., Kaneva E.,, Shendrik R., Bogdanov A, Merli M. & Schingaro E. : High temperature study of fluorcarletonite from Murun alkaline complex (Russia): a synergic experimental and theoretical approach
  • Mesto E.*, Lacalamita M., Zucchi M., Iaccarino S., Vezzoni S., Pieruccioni D., Brogi A. & Schingaro E. : Crystal chemistry of carpholite of the Middle Tuscan Ridge (inner Northern Apennines)
  • Mevoli F.A., Fazio N.L., Perrotti M., Parise M., Lollino P.* : A user-friendly and mechanically-based method to assess the stability of underground caves: the iSUMM abaci
  • Micheletti F.*, Coppola G., Fanelli G., Fornelli A., Montenegro V., Santarcangelo S., Semeraro V., Venisti N. & Monno A. : Museums for the development of inclusive education practices:  A case study in the Earth Sciences Museum - University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • Micheletti F.*, Fornelli A., Gallicchio S., Tursi F., Criniti S. & Critelli S. : Petrographic and geochronological records from turbidite successions of the Lucanian external chain: new insights for the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Southern Apennines, Italy
  • Micheletti F., Fanelli G.*, Festa V., Fornelli A., Bruno G., Gjata I. & Tommasi F. : Geosites as natural scientific laboratory: investigating the links between geology, soil chemistry and botany
  • Milaneschi L.*, Cornamusini G., Maffei J., Martini I., Cifelli F., Corti V., Mattei M., Zurli L. & Foresi L. M. : Portable X-ray fluorescence and Milankovitch cycles in coeval marine and continental Upper Pliocene deposits from the Valdelsa Neogene Basin (Southern Tuscany, Italy)
  • Minervino Amodio A.*, Gioia D., Corrado G., Abate N., Masini N., Lasaponara R. & Schiattarella M. : Monitoring and quantifying soil erosion rates using LiDAR data and soil erosion models in a Post-Fire area: the Pisticci (Italy) case study
  • Minervino Amodio A., D. Gioia G., Corrado G.* & Schiattarella M. : Multi-temporal geomorphological analysis and seismic surveys as tools for the investigation of a complex slow-moving landslide: an example from the southern Apennines
  • Moggi Cecchi V.*, Fabrizi L., Barbagli F. & Benvenuti M. : From the past to the future: the new exhibition of the MIneralogical collection of the Florence University Natural History Museum and its relocation to the "La Specola"
  • Molinari C.*, Conte S., Zanelli C., Ardit M., Mantovani L., Cruciani G., Tribaudino M. & Dondi M. : Mobility of hazardous elements in ceramic bodies
  • Molinari C.*, Graziano S.F., Guarini G., Conte S., Dondi M., Cappelletti P. & Zanelli C. : Suitability of zeolitized tuff use in porcelain stoneware tiles production
  • Monico S.*, Marinoni N., Gatta G.D., Adamo I., Prosperi L., Mácová P. & Ševčík R. : Partially crystalline silica varieties in gemmology: The case study of the blue Andean opal
  • Monnanni A.*, Rimondi V., Morelli G., Nannoni A., Sforzi L., Martellini T., Cincinelli A., Chelazzi D., Laurati M., Lattanzi P. & Costagliola P. : Microplastics characterisation in shallow waters of the Arno River (Central Italy) and its discharge into the Mediterranean Sea: the main impacting role of the smallest size particles
  • Monno A.*, Iurilli V. & Eramo G. : Earth Sciences in the Divine Comedy: a hidden story
  • Montanini A.*, Cluzel D., Secchiari A., Ferrari E., Heizler M., Jourdan F., Meffre S., Zhou R. & Teyssier C. : New geochemical and age constraints on forearc intrusive rocks from the New Caledonia ophiolite (SW Pacific): diversity of melts  generated at hot subduction inception
  • Montano D.*, Gasparrini M., Vergara Sassarini N.A., Michel P., Teles V., Corrado S., Lasseur E., Berra F., Decarlis A. & Ceriani A. : Paleo-fluid characterization of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic reservoirs from the Paris Basin depocenter (France)
  • Montemagni C.*, Rocca M., Zanchi A., Favaro S., Viola G., Aldega L. & Zanchetta S. : Long-lived activity of a regional thrust-system in a pre-collisional setting: The Orobic Thrust (Southern Alps, N Italy)
  • Montemagni C., Monti R., Malaspina N. & Zanchetta S.* : Shearing at the top of the Adula nappe: syn-collisional exhumation of the San Bernardino eclogites
  • Montesano G.*, Rispoli C., Petrosino P. & Cappelletti P. : Secondary and authigenic phase formation in the 50-year-old tuff from Surtsey (Iceland)
  • Montomoli C.* : The Gender Equality Plan @ UniTo
  • Montomoli C.*, Iaccarino S., Montemagni C., Nania L. & Carosi R. : Multistage evolution of a regional shear zone: constraints from the South Tibetan Detachment System
  • Morabito C. & Morsilli M. : The Eocene carbonate deposits of the Gargano Promontory and Tremiti Islands (southern Italy)
  • Morabito C.* & Morsilli M. : The importance of lithofacies mapping: A case study of Eocene base-of-slope deposits of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy)
  • Morabito G.*, Gatta G.D., Marinoni N., Colombo C., Catrambone M., Botto M. & Pedrazzi T. : Investigating the past: a multi-analytical approach for the analysis of Phoenician pottery from the archaeological site of Pani Loriga
  • Morelli A.*, Saccorotti G., Anderlini L., Anselmi M., Braun T., Caciagli M., Carannante S., Errico M., Famiani D., Garcia A., Molinari I., Salimbeni S., Vassallo M., Zaccarelli L., Zerbinato P. : CMS@INGV: An operational monitoring center for risk mitigation related to anthropic underground operations in italy
  • Morelli D., Crispini L. *, Locatelli M., Cianfarra P., Federico L., Maino M., Perozzo M. & Seno S. : Past to recent tectonic activity in the western Ligurian Margin: new insights from geophysical marine data
  • Morelli F.*, Chiarini E., Nirta G., Nocentini M., Piacentini. T. & Pizzi A. : Rock avalanche deposits along normal-fault and thrust-fault-related tectonic slopes: new insights from CARG Project surveys in the Majella-Porrara ridges (central-eastern Apennines, Abruzzo Region)
  • Morelli G.*, Chmes H., Costagliola P., Dore E., Frau F., Gonnelli C., Lattanzi P., Medas D., Nannoni A.,, Regini G., Ruggieri G., Trumpy, E., Vezzoni S. & Rimondi V. : The antimony resource in Italy: evaluation of environmental impact and ore exploration of a Critical Raw Material under the MOLIERE project
  • Morelli G., Ciani F.*, Costagliola P., Fagotti C., Lattanzi P., Manca R., Monnanni A., Nannoni A. & Rimondi V. : Mercury (Hg) pollution in riparian vegetation along the Paglia River in the Monte Amiata Hg mining district (Italy): implications for a sustainable environmental management and risks
  • Morelli R.S.*, Delle Donne D., Orazi M., Nardone L., Pappalardo L., Gammaldi S., Soldovieri M.G., Benincasa A., Bobbio A., Caputo A., Morra V. & Caliro S. : Hydrothermal outgassing dynamics revealed by seismic observations at Pisciarelli, Campi Flegrei caldera
  • Moretti M.*, Bianco F., Castello B., Cocina O., Cultrera G., Graziani L., Latorre D., Margheriti L., Montone P., Nostro C., Pastori M., Pondrelli S., Scognamiglio L. & Valoroso L. : The role of women in the geosciences: the case of INGV in preparing and managing the emergencies
  • Moretti R.* : H2O-CO2 fluid infiltration and the Campi Flegrei unrest: from hydrothermal drying to shallow magma rejuvenation
  • Moretto V.*, Del Sole L., Curzi M., Dallai L., Vignaroli G., Viola G. & Aldega L. : Paleothermal indicators and H, O stable isotopes for constraining temperature and fluid evolutionary models of complex fault zones: a new approach
  • Moricca C., Ciccola A.*, Matassa R., Favero G., Nottola S., Nigro L., Spagnoli F., Nucara A. & Sadori L. : Phoenician seeds are rich in minerals: a multi-analytical study of mineralised archaeobotanical remains from the archaeological site of Motya
  • Moro D.*, Ulian G. & Valdrè G. : SPM of layer silicates and interaction with single biomolecules at the nano-atomic scale
  • Moro D.*, Ulian G. & Valdrè G. : Atomic Force, Kelvin Probe, Electric Force Microscopy and Nanolithography of Clinochlore.
  • Morsilli M.* : Urban Geology and Geoheritage Conservation: Enhancing aspiring UNESCO Geopark Development in the Gargano Promontory
  • Morsilli M. : Unraveling the evolution of the Apulia Carbonate Platform and its sedimentary dynamics
  • Mostafa M.F.*, D'Ettorre U.S., Liso I.S. & Parise M. : On the hydraulic role of dolines
  • Mostafa M.F.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : Seawater Intrusion and Coastal Karst Aquifers in Apulia: Status, Challenges and Future Scenarios
  • Motti A.*, Berti F. & Natali N. : The new geosites identified by the Sezione Geologica regionale and the geological forms of the landscape in Umbria
  • Motti A.*, Berti F., Natali N. & Ogna M. : Geotourism: Empowering Geologists or engaging the masses?
  • Mowbray V.*, Sue C., Beauval C., Lemoine A., Mathey M. & Baize S. : Integrating geophysical, structural and tectonic data in a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for the South- East of France
  • Muluneh A.*, Brune S., Pagli C., La Rosa A., Keir D., Neuharth D. & Corti G. : Time-dependent rift connection between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts in central Afar
  • Muntoni I.M.*, Eramo G., Ruggiero G. & Clemens L. : Sand slaking in the lime mortars of Tertiveri (Foggia, 12th-15th century)
  • Mureddu A.* : Zoning of territorial hazard for the evaluation and mitigation of hydrogeological risk: morphometric, meteorological, climatic, geolithological and hydrogeological - hydraulic analysis of the Rio Corr'e Pruna basin (Sardinia – Italy)
  • Mureddu A.* : Functional recovery of provincial road no. 2 and management of waste materials: from waste to by-products. Experiences of the Province of Southern Sardinia in the reuse and cold recycling of geomaterials
  • Muscioni M.*, Arbulla D. & Fanti F. : The relevance and current state of the Villaggio del Pescatore lagerstätte (Campanian, Italy)
  • Musu A.*, Caricchi L., Vetere F., Griffiths T., Petrelli M., Corsaro R.A., Peres S., Perugini D. & Pisello A. : Linking crystal textural and chemical features to pre-eruptive magmatic processes: insights from dynamic experiments on natural Mt. Etna trachybasalts
  • Musumeci D.* & Furlani S. : The conquest of the submerged landscape: a neglected history
  • Musumeci D.*, Branca S., Ingaliso L., Baumann B., Briole P., Cirrincione R., Corsaro R. A,, Monaco C., , Napolitani M. & Privitera F. : The Der Aetna and the studies on Etna by Sartorius von Waltershausen (1809-1876)
  • Musumeci R.E., Di Pietro G.* & Ortolano G. : Methodology for the assessment of coastal morphodynamics due to storm surges in the Mediterranean Area using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing data
  • Nádudvari Á.*, Maniscalco R., Forzese M., Staneczek D., Marynowski L., Cassarino G.S. & Więcław D. : Geochemical characterization of natural superficial seeps and their subsequent evolution: the case of Sicily
  • Naitza S.*, Conte A.M., Petrelli M., Giovanardi T. & Secchi F. : Petrogenetic and metallogenic constraints from dark micas compositions of late-Variscan post-collisional granite suites from southern Sardinia (Italy)
  • Nakhaeiashtari M., Rabee A., Reitano R., Funiciello F., Capitelli F. & Della Ventura G.* : Toward novel strategies for consolidating earther cultural heritage manufacts
  • Nanni T.*, Chiozzi P., Miola M., Verdoya M. & Vetuschi Zuccolini M. : Stochastic and thermophysical modelling for geothermal resource assessment: the case of the Po Basin
  • Napolitano F.*, Amoroso O., De Siena L., Convertito V., De Matteis R., La Rocca M., De Novellis V. & Capuano P. : Multidisciplinary study to characterize seismic gap crustal properties
  • Natale J., Ilacqua S., D'Aniello M., Terlizzi F., Lämmle L., Borges Moreira V., Conversano F., Brandolini P., Randazzo G., Perez Filho A., Stanislao C. & Donadio C.* : Urban geomorphology and geostructural aspects of Pozzuoli, southern Italy
  • Natali F.*, Quaranta S., Agostini M., De Giorgio F., Latini A., Miranda Figueira B.A. & Valdrè G. : An old material for a new application: Hydrous Manganese dioxide from Mining Tailings as Supercapacitor Electrode
  • Natali F.*, Quaranta S., Agostini M., Latini A., Miranda Figueira B.A. & Valdrè G. : "Low cost/low end" birnessite-like MnO2 recovered from Amazon mining tailings as conversion anode for Li-batteries
  • Natali S.*, Doveri M., Franceschi L., Giannecchini R., Menichini M., Nigro M., Delgado-Huertas A., D'Orazio M. & Zanchetta G. : Isotope composition of dissolved sulfates reveals solutes origin and groundwater flows: insights from aquifer systems in Tuscany
  • Natalicchio M.*, Pellegrino L., Carnevale G., Cavagna S., Dela Pierre F., Lozar F., Pastero L. & Varese C. : Minerals & microorganisms, a possible relationship: an awareness project of GEOMICROBIology
  • Nava L.*, Mondini A., Bhuyan K., Fang C., Monserrat O., Novellino A. & Catani F. : Sentinel-1 SAR-based Globally Distributed Landslide Detection by Deep Neural Networks
  • Neglia F.*, Caruso E., Dioguardi F., Mele D., Sarocchi D. & Sulpizio R. : Experimental analysis to calculate the coefficient of restitution of irregular volcanic particles
  • Negri A.*, Storta E., Guerini M.,, Khoso R.B., Mantovani A. & Giardino M. : Geoheritage and cultural heritage in the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (North-West Italy): new approach for monitoring and assessing geosites and cultural sites.
  • Nerone S.*, Groppo C., Ágreda-López M., Petrelli M. & Rolfo F. : Kyanite trace element zoning as a method for unravelling migmatite petrological evolution
  • Nerone S.*, Lanari P., Forshaw J. B., Groppo C. & Rolfo F. : Quantitative isopleth thermobarometry for determination of optimal P–T conditions from Perple_X models
  • Niaz J.*, Lollino P. & Niaz A. : Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical investigations of Upper Sarbala Landslide: A Case Study of Himalayas Mountain ranges, Pakistan
  • Nisio S., Madonna S.*, Ruggiero L. & Gentili F. : Natural and anthropogenic sinkholes in volcanic areas an underestimated hazard
  • Nisio S., Madonna S.*, Ruggiero L. & Gentili F. : Natural and anthropogenic sinkhole in Italy: the importance of an interdisciplinary approach
  • Norini G.*, Caielli G., De Franco R., Rusconi D., Aghib F., Schirolli P., Zerboni A., Piccin A., D'Ambrogi C. & the CARG sheet Brescia research group : Approach and methodologies for the 3D geological modelling of the CARG 121 Brescia 1:50,000 sheet
  • Novellino R.*, Prosser G., Lettino A., Costa S. & Agosta F. : From fault weakening to re-strengthening, new insights on fluidization in carbonate-hosted normal fault
  • Novembre D.*, Carrazana A. & Gimeno D. : Solid-state synthesis of calcosilicates mimics pyroclastic rheomorphic rhyolitic- xenolith interaction in the Monte Ulmus peralkaline unit (SW Sardinia, Italy)
  • Occhioni M.* & Paris E. : A web virtual world activity on critical minerals in smartphones for 14-years old students
  • Occhipinti M.*, Carboni F., Amorini S., López-Martinez C., Paltriccia N. & Porreca M. : SNAP2DQuake: an implemented and automatic tool of ESA SNAP's Python module for DInSAR technique on ground deformation estimation from Sentinel-1 data
  • Occhipinti M.*, Lanari R., Carboni F. & Porreca M. : DInSAR coseismic surface deformation of the 2023 Mw 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake(High Atlas Mountains, Morocco)
  • Occhipinti R.*, Belfiore C.M., Fugazzotto M., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : The mortars as a marker of the evolution over time of materials and construction techniques in the Benedictine Monastery of Catania
  • Occhipinti R.*, Bertino A., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : Tripoli Formation rocks as new resources in alkaline-activation technology: a feasibility study
  • Olita F.*, Giampaolo V., Rizzo E., Giano S.I., Capozzoli L., De Martino G. & Prosser G. : Interpretation of subsurface data for the 3D static model of the High Agri intermontane basin: inferences for Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines
  • Olivetti O.*, Cattò S. & Zattin M. : The topography of the high latitude mountain chain and the enigma of high-standing plateau
  • Omori S.*, Sato H., Onoue T. & Rigo M. : High-resolution radiolarian biostratigraphy across the impact ejecta layer in the upper Norian hemipelagic sediments in the Sasso di Castalda section, southern Italy
  • Onida M.C.*, Fusi N. & Bonomi T. : Soil Ecosystem: STEM Approach for Developing Scientific Thinking
  • Onnis P.*, Calandrelli T., Alisi C., Dore E., Fancello D., Frau F., Marras P.A., Medas D., Musu E., Pisano B., Podda F. & De Giudici G. : From bioleaching to biomining: learning from geomicrobial processes in mining areas
  • Onorato M.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Zini L., Onorato R., Congedo M., Poto M., Palmisano G. & Puglia G. : Collapse sinkholes at Palude del Capitano (Nardò, Italy)
  • Onorato M.*, Di Capua I. , Liso I.S., Onorato R., Congedo M., Poto M., Palmisano G., Puglia G., Zini L. & Parise M. : Palude del Capitano (Apulia, Italy): a natural coastal laboratory to monitor biological diversity and dynamics of karst hydrogeology.
  • Onoue T.*, Hori S., Tomimatsu Y. & Rigo M. : A dilute sodium hydroxide technique for extracting radiolarians and conodonts from chert
  • Orefice S.*, Pensa A. & Fiorentino A. : Geological mapping of submerged areas withing the CARG project. The example of "Asinara" sheet (n. 425)
  • Ortolano G.*, Fazio E., Visalli R., D'Agostino A., Menta S., Portale S. & Cirrincione R. : Multiscale geological structural analysis of the late-Eocene to early-Miocene mylonites from the southern Calabrian Peloritani Orogen (Aspromonte Massif-Southern Italy): new insights for the western Mediterranean geodynamics
  • Ortolano G*. , Fazio E. , Visalli R. , D'Agostino A. , Menta S., Portale S. & Cirrincione R. : The overturned nappe-like structure of the Peloritani Mountains Upper Complex in the light of the new multiscale structural investigations (Peloritani Mountains - Sicily): new insights for the western Mediterranean geodynamics
  • Ossoli E., Ercoli R.*, Stabile P. & Paris E. : Recycling of surgical masks into green products for the building sector
  • Ouladmansour A.*, Mesto E., Lacalamita M., Mongelli G., Mameli P., Cerri G., Capitani G., Conconi R., Agrosì G. & Schingaro E. : Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of Red Muds from Portovesme (SW Sardinia, Italy)
  • Pérez-Villar G., Bausilio G.*, Calcaterra D., Di Martire D. & Gutiérrez F. : Diapiric uplift and ground-instability processes in the Cardona salt extrusion (NE Spain) analysed by geomorphological mapping and satellite interferometry
  • Pace P.*, Scisciani V. & Mancinelli P. : 3D Subsurface structural-geological modelling at the Central-Southern Apennines boundary: The 379-Capracotta geological sheet
  • Paciello R.*, Bailo R. & Freda C. : The EPOS Research Infrastructure and its FAIR Data Management approach
  • Pagano S.*, Germinario C., Giorgi E., Mercurio M. & Grifa C. : Preliminary diagnostic analyses of the wall painting materials of the Vignale's villa (Tuscany region, central Italy)
  • Palano M.*, Billi A., Conti A., Cuffaro M., Orecchio B., Presti D., Scolaro S., Sparacino F. & Totaro C. : Geodetic and seismological constraints for the intra-orogenic normal Lakes Fault (Sila, Calabria, southern Italy)
  • Palano M.*, Parrino N., MadarietaTxurruka A., Pietrolungo F., Sparacino F. & Sulli A. : Crustal deformation along the Dead Sea fault system
  • Palazzo Q.*, Raaijmakers S., Belleman R.G., Prada F., Hammel J.U., Kaandorp J.A., Goffredo S., Falini G. & Valdrè G. : Unveiling the acoustic-morphological features of fish otolith structures by multiscale imaging investigations
  • Palladino G.*, Prosser G., Grimaldi S., Olita F., Cascini L. & Dello Iacovo B. : The geological map of the western side of the high Agri Valley
  • Palmucci A.*, Brozzetti F., Akimbekova A., Bello S., Ercoli M., Pauselli C., Carboni F., Barchi M.R., Lavecchia G. & Cirillo D. : Field and seismic reflection constraints for the geometric and kinematic characterization of the Quaternary Extensional Fault System in the Campania-Lucania Arc (Southern Apennines, Italy)
  • Pandolfi Balbi E.*, Comodi P., Fastelli M., Zucchini A., Cambi C., Corradini A., Mantovani L., Cerni G., Bou Farhat H. & Snellings R. : Sustainable binders for the stabilisation of subgrade layers of road pavement by recycling of biomass ash, municipal solid waste incineration ash and concrete demolition waste
  • Pandolfi Balbi E., Corradini A.*, Cambi C., Fastelli M., Cerni G., Cotana F., Zucchini A. & Comodi P. : Wood biomass ash: a possible alternative to free lime and cement as stabilizing agent in clayey subgrade of road pavement
  • Pantuso A.*, Apollaro C., Fuoco I., La Russa M.F. & Ricca M. : New Application Prospectives of Reaction Path Modelling for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage:  Preliminary Presentation of a Novel Research Project
  • Paolillo A.*, Orefice S. & Fiorentino A. : Geological data from submerged areas: a national standardised and harmonised database
  • Parisi A.*, Di Gregorio S. & Gentini A. : BIOflushing technology for in situ applications of the Soil-Omic protocol. Operational scale prototype of a plant for the decontamination of soil in the saturated and unsaturated zone.
  • Parisi A.*, Doveri M., Franceschi L., Baneschi I., Provenzale P., Raco B. & Menichini M. : Hydrological processes in the Aquifer System Unsaturated Zone: insights from the small Mediterranean island of Pianosa (Tuscan Archipelago)
  • Parisi R.*, Aiello G., Barra D., Vitolo J.P. & Mazzini I. : Messinian, Pliocene and Pleistocene ostracod events in the Atlantic-Mediterranean area
  • Parisi R.*, Mazzini I. & Cronin T.M. : Ecosystem dynamics, climate change and glacial-interglacial cycles from Quaternary ostracod assemblages in the Corinth Gulf, Greece
  • Parlapiano F.* : New method to quantify fluorite in geo-complex material: the case of Pianciano mine (Central Italy)
  • Parnas M.*, Pagli C., Keir D., La Rosa A. & McNeill L. : New analysis of InSAR and seismology for kinematic reconstruction of the 1995 offshore Aigion M6.5 earthquake (Greece)
  • Parrino N.*, Caldareri F., Palano M., Burrato P., Lo Presti V., Agate M., Gasparo M. & Sulli A. : Eroding edges: Exploring the tectonic forcing on submarine canyon evolution
  • Parrino N.*, Srivastava E., Caldareri F., Burrato P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Di Maggio C., Agate M., Bonfardeci A. & Sulli A. : Tectonic Imprints on Quaternary Landscapes: Insights from Morphometric Analysis and New Luminescence Dating in Southwestern Sicily
  • Pascucci V.*, Stelletti M., Sechi D., Cossu G. & Andreucci S. : Lanzarote as suitable mars analogue to test if recent mars deposits could be dataed using luminescence
  • Pasqualone L.* & Urbani M. : Digital structural analysis from outcrops and VOMs: case studies from Umbria turbiditic successions
  • Pasqualone L.*, Brozzetti F., Luchetti L., Tangari A.C., Barchi M.R. & Mirabella F. : Development of a foredeep basin in the Northern Apennines through a multidisciplinary approach: the example of the Miocene Marnoso-arenacea fm. (Umbria, Italy)
  • Passaseo C.* & Morsilli M. : Lower Messinian Halimeda bioherms from the Mediterranean area: new insights on the controlling factors
  • Pastore G.*, Marschalek J., van de Flierdt T., Andò S., Vermeesch P. & Carter A. : Contrasting provenance signals during Pleistocene interglacial periods influenced by West Antarctic Ice Sheet climatic response recorded at IODP Site U1524 exp. 37
  • Patacci M.* & Marini M. : The stratigraphic record of the Ventimiglia Flysch Fm, north-west Italy (western Alps foreland basin, Grès d'Annot turbidite system)
  • Patera A.* & Fabbri A.G. : Assessing Landslide Hazards in the Volcanic Crater of Lake Albano, Rome, Italy: Feasibility and Challenges
  • Paterni M., Alvisi F., Bianucci M.*, Bini M., Casanova E., Caselli L., Castagnetti T., Ferdeghini F., Gigantesco P., Godani M., Locritani M., Luppichini M., Perfetti A., Rossi A. & Merlino S. : Adopt-a-Dune project: use of 'virtual adoption' and citizen science approach to increase knowledge and raise student awareness on coastal systems management
  • Patruno S.* : Deltaic clinoforms and the stratigraphic architecture of clastic wedges: implications for the prediction of reservoir and seal facies
  • Pavano F.*, Pazzaglia F.J., Barnes L., Rittenour T.M., Catalano S., Corbett L.B.. & Bierman P. : Tectonic forcing encoding in the geomorphic and stratigraphic records of a tight source-to-sink system (Northeastern Sicily, Italy)
  • Pavese A.* : Interpreting mineral transformations
  • Pedini M.*, Cella F., Mazzoli S., Pierantoni P.P. & Di Celma C. : 3D Structural model of the Messinian Umbria-Marche Foredeep basin: insights from the Ascoli Piceno sector, southern Marche (Italy)
  • Pedini M.*, Cella. F., Invernizzi C., Mazzoli S., Viramonte J.G. & Filipovich R. : New Insights in Andean Geothermal Exploration: Preliminary results from the Tocomar geothermal system case study (Puna, Argentina)
  • Pedone M. & Manzari P.* : Insights on the geological characterization of Solfatara using data from PRISMA mission
  • Pelfini M., Bollati I., Brandolini P., Faccini F. & Azzoni R.S.* : Hiking trails for discovering the geomorphological heritage: fruition and related hazard, risk and impact scenarios
  • Pellegrini C.*, Saliu F., Bosman A., Sammartino I., Raguso C., Mercorella A., Galvez D., Petrizzo A., Madricardo F., Lasagni M., Clemenza M., Trincardi F. & Rovere M. : Hotspots of microplastic accumulation at the land-sea transition and their spatial heterogeneity: the Po river prodelta (Adriatic Sea)
  • Pellegrini C.*, Sammartino I., Schieber J., Tesi T., Paladini de Mendoza F., Rossi V., Chiggiato J., Schroeder K., Gallerani A., Langone L., Trincardi F. & Amorosi A. : On depositional processes governing along-strike facies variations of fine-grained subaqueous deltas in the Adriatic Sea
  • Peng S.Y.*, Wu K., Shi Z.Q., Qiao D. & Wang M.L. : Marlstone Pseudo-desiccation Cracks: An Enigmatic Sedimentary Structure in the Early Triassic Feixianguan Formation in South China
  • Pennisi M., Baneschi I., Vivaldo G., D'Incecco S., Raco B., Donato A., Lelli M., Berton A., Pieracci D., Puglisi G. & Provenzale A. : Instrumental enhancement to study Mt Etna ecosystem: Carbon dioxide measurements using Eddy Covariance and flux chambers (PON-GRINT project)
  • Pepe F., Corradino M., Cirelli C.*, Casalbore D., Di Donato V., Incarbona A., Melini D., Molisso F. & Spada G. : The interplay between sedimentary supply, sea-level rise and tectonics from the Last Glacial Maximum onwards: Insights from the Sant'Eufemia continental shelf (Offshore Calabria, Italy)
  • Permunian G., Tagliacollo L.*, Bonadiman C., Nodari L., Brombin V. & Tassinari R. : Geochemical characteristics of a newly discovered Vigarano chondrite fragment (CV3) - Study of redox conditions with unconventional Mössbauer spectroscopy
  • Perotti M., Zurli L.*, Marschalek J., Mallery C., van de Flierdt T., Licht K., De Santis L., McKay R., Kulhanek D. & Expedition Scientists. : Clast petrography from IODP 374 cores in the central Ross Sea (Antarctica): implications for sediment provenance and source terranes
  • Perozzo M.*, Maino M., Menegoni N., Crispini L., Federico L. & Seno S. : Fracture network analysis in a polyphasic tectonic framework: the importance to integrate field-based structural data in the era of digital geology (CARG Project 245-Albenga)
  • Perrini M.*, Gola G., Tizzani P., Fedi F., Brahimi M. & Castaldo R. : Thermo-rheological modelling of the Yellowstone caldera: insights into volcanic processes
  • Perrone E.*, Di Giuseppe P., Gennaro S., Agostini S., Trumpy E., Baneschi, I., Boschi C., Cornacchia I., Pennisi M., Regattieri E., Rielli A., Salvadori M., Vezzoni S. & Provenzale A. : The ISOTOPE Virtual Research Environment (ITINERIS project, PNRR)
  • Perrucci F.* & de Lorenzo S. : A method for the determination of the orientation of fault plane from the analysis of seismograms in the time domain
  • Peruzzo L.*, De Carlo L., Caputo M.C. & Cassiani G. : ERT characterization of treated water pathways from large infiltration trenches in unsaturated fractured/karstified calcarenite
  • Peruzzo L.*, Werban U., Pohle M., Cassiani G., Consoli S. & Vanella D. : EMI and ERT characterization of plant-scale irrigation and ET: an orange orchard-case study and methodological challenges
  • Petrella F.* & Todaro S. : Sedimentological analysis of the Jurassic pelagic "oolites" (Buccheri Formation, Western Sicily): paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic implications
  • Petricca P.*, Castorina G., Congi M.P. & D'Ambrogi C. : A proposal for simple accuracy evaluation of geological surfaces based on spatial autocorrelation
  • Petroccia A.*, Caso F., Nerone S., Maffeis A., Corno A. & Zucali M. : 2D vs. 3D rock investigation comparison and possible influences for thermodynamic modelling estimates
  • Petroccia A.*, Giuntoli F., Viola G. & Callegari I. : Heterogeneous rock response to deformation in subduction-related continental shear zones: a possible record of episodic tremors and slow slip events from the Saih Hatat window, Oman
  • Petroccia A., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S.*, Forshaw J.B. & Petrelli M. : Constraining the deformation in transpressive shear zones: insights from the Monte Grighini Shear Zone in Sardinia and implications for the Southern European Variscan belt
  • Petruzzelli M., Francescangeli R., Mesto E., Monno A., Sabato L., Scillitani G., Simone O., Spalluto L. & Tropeano M.* : The late Cenomanian Aigialosaur (Reptilia, Squamata) exposed in the Earth Science Museum of Bari University (Italy)
  • Pezzotta A.*, Marinoni A., Al Kindi M., Zucali M. & Zerboni A. : How long does the signature of tectonic events last in the landscape? Topographical analysis of Jebel Akhdar dome and surrounding Semail Ophiolite in the Al-Hajar Mountains (northern Sultanate of Oman)
  • Piana F.*, Mantovani A. & Lombardo V. : Geological Data and the concept of Quality. Theory and application.
  • Pica A.*, Montaldi A., Capotorti G. & Del Monte M. : Geodiversity - biodiversity relationship for the identification and conservation of priority natural areas in urban ecosystems. The case study of the city of Rome
  • Piepoli L.*, Della Porta G., Grieco G., Sinojmeri A.& Fociro A. : Multi analytical approach to the study of Albanian phosphorite deposits in Jurassic and Cretaceous marine carbonate successions
  • Piepoli L.*, Grieco G., Della Porta G., Marinoni N., Govoni D. & Fumagalli L. : Comparative trace element concentrations in carbonate lithologies used for the production of lime and their washing muds
  • Pierdomenico M.*, Casalbore D., Morgana S., Ridente D. & Chiocci F.L. : Source-to-sink propagation of marine plastic and accumulation in seafloor sediments: the role of sedimentary gravity flows
  • Pierozzi A.*, Rateau R., Orlando A., Borrini D., Tassi F. & Rodriguez Blanco J.D. : A mineralogical and geochemical approach to evaluate the redox capacity of basaltic glass and crystals via experiments
  • Pieruccioni D.* & Simonetti M. : The medium- to high-grade metamorphic basements of NW Sardinia: the example of the Sheet n. 425 "Isola Asinara"
  • Pieruccioni D.* & Simonetti M. : Preliminary results from microstructural investigations of post‐collisional granitoid from the Asinara Island (NW Sardinia)
  • Pietrogrande S.*, Brandolini P., Bollati I.M., Pelfini M., Faccini F., Ferrando A., Forti L. & Azzoni R.S. : GEOTRes – Geoheritage threats and resilience: mapping the impact of geomorphological and anthropic processes in sensitive morphoclimatic environments
  • Pietrolungo F.*, Palano M., MadarietaTxurruka A., Srivastava E., Sparacino F., Sulli A., Parrino N., Andrenacci C., Cirillo D., Bello S. & Lavecchia G. : Strain-rate estimation and focal mechanism stress inversion in Himalaya-Tibet region
  • Pietrosante A.*, Di Salvo C., Maffucci R. & Ciotoli G. : Multi-hazard map of the coastal area of Rome near the Fiumicino airport
  • Pignatiello G.*, Coco I., De Girolamo M., Di Persio M., Giannattasio F., Gizzi C., Materni V., Miconi L., Miconi M., Piangiamore G.M., Romano G., Romano V., Santarelli L., Sapia V., Spadoni S., Tozzi R., Tripaldi S., Siniscalchi A., De Michelis P. & Balasco M. : Geoelectromagnetic map for central Italy: preliminary results of the MARGE project
  • Piloni C.B.*, Orellana H.E., Gusmeo T., Assanelli M., Filippi M., Rebay G., Zanoni D., Roda M., Zucali M. & Spalla M.I. : Tectono-metamorphic evolution of continental and oceanic crustal slices in the Alpine Subduction Complex (Piemonte – Sesia-Lanzo Zone boundary, Western Italian Alps)
  • Pinto D.*, Lenaz D., Paronuzzi P. & Bolla A. : Application of Rietveld refinement for Quantitive Phase Analysis of clays containing illite-smectite mixed-layer structures: the case study of Vajont bentonites
  • Pioggia M., Della Seta M. & Medeghini L.* : IN-MUST: for an inclusive earth sciences museum
  • Pioggia M.* & Sardella R. : SIGN ME IN - accessibility and usability of MUST (University Museum of Earth Sciences) explanatory panels for deaf visitors: an analysis
  • Pioggia M.*, Sardella R., Della Seta M. & Medeghini L. : European Museums' Night 2024: understanding radiometric dating through a scavenger hunt inside the MUST (Museo Universitario di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza) 
  • Pirani G.* & Mengarelli M. : Eastern side of Monte San Vicino: discovering its geo-environmental and architectural heritage
  • Pirulli G., Mancino S.*, Sabato G., Parise M., Scardino G. & Scicchitano G. : Landslide body segmentation from satellite imagery using artificial intelligence model: case studies Ischia island and Forlì - Cesena area
  • Piscedda F.A.*, Wanty R., Arras C., Porru M.C., Biddau R., Musu F., Podda F. & Da Pelo S. : Assessing Surface water-Groundwater exchange dynamics for Managed Aquifer Recharge design: a case study in Muravera, Southeastern Sardinia, Italy
  • Piscitelli A.*, Liso I.S., Parise M. & Mastronuzzi G. : Coastal sinkhole mapping and evolution along the Taranto coastline
  • Pisello A.* , Fastelli M., Baroni M., Schmitt B., Beck P., Zucchini, A., Petrelli M., Comodi P. & Perugini D. : Reflectance spectra of synthetic Nakhlitic rocks as lab-made analogues for Martian terrains: influence of mineralogy, glass content and acquisition geometry.
  • Pisello A.*, Fastelli M., Baroni M., Schmitt B., Beck P., Zucchini A., Petrelli M., Comodi P. & Perugini D. : Reflectance spectra of synthetic Nakhlitic rocks as lab-made analogues for Martian terrains: influence of mineralogy, glass content and acquisition geometry
  • Pittau S.*, Rinaldi M., Simonelli T. & Scorpio V. : Historical and remote sensing analysis as an instrument for the delineation of erodible corridor area in the Serio River: a case study aimed to its sustainable and integrated managemen
  • Pizzati M.*, Aretusini S., Spagnuolo E., Aldega L., Torabi A., Storti F. & Balsamo F. : Shallow earthquakes affecting high-porosity rocks in forearc basin settings: a combined meso-microstructural, mineralogical, and experimental approach
  • Pizzati M.*, Torabi A., Cavozzi C., Iacumin P. & Balsamo F. : Fluid flow patterns inferred from selective cementation in fluvio-deltaic, sandstone-conglomerate bodies, Crotone forearc Basin
  • Pizzati V.* & Tinterri R. : Turbidite lobe deposits in a tectonically confined foredeep basin (Firenzuola turbidite system, Marnoso-arenacea Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy)
  • Poli S.* & Melluso L. : The origin of melilitites: an experimental study
  • Pondrelli M.*, Di Pietro I., Le Deit L., Marinangeli L., Pantaloni M. & Rossi A.P. : Geological map, depositional processes, environments, and evolution of the Eberswalde delta (Mars)
  • Porcaro M.*, Cognigni F., La Penna G., Proietti A., Regoli C., Casi C., Carosi S., Rossi M., Brunetti A. & De Vito C. : Analyzing the Structure and Chemical Composition of an Etruscan Bronze Fibula from Tomb Number 129 at Vulci (VT, Italy) through a Non-Destructive Multi-Analytical Approach
  • Porcaro M.*, Mazzotta G., Michetti L.M., Conti A., De Caro T., Brunetti A. & De Vito C. : Microstructure, chemistry and corrosion products of copper and copper alloys of artefacts from Pyrgi (Italy) through a multi-analytical approach
  • Porru M.C.*, Davids T., Arras C., Oude Essink G.H.P., Piscedda F.A. & Da Pelo S. : Methodological approach to simulate the evolution seawater intrusion with climate change
  • Pozzi G.*, Volpe G., Ruggieri R., Scuderi M., Tesei T., Marone C., Collettini C. & Cocco M. : Friction, Mineralogy, and Microstructures: how Complex is the Brittle Deformation of Faults?
  • Pozzobon R.*, Rossi A. P., Massironi M., Marinangeli L., Pondrelli M., Carli C., Zambon F., vander Bogert C., Baschetti B., Penasa L., Frigeri A., Rossi C., Alemanno G., Chirico R., Heyer T., Lopez I., Stephan K. & Wagner R. : EUROPLANET GMAP: the Geology and Planetary Mapping Winter School
  • Pratesi G.* : Mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever. The Space It Up project
  • Preto N.*, Borsato A., Carampin R., Della Porta G., Frisia S., Gattolin G., Klügel A., Himmler T, Westphal H. & Zorzi F. : On the potential and pitfalls of REE+Y analyses on fossil microbial carbonates: two case studies from the Triassic of the Dolomites compared
  • Preto N.*, Caggiati M., Della Porta G., Franceschi M. & Morsilli M. : The record of paleoenvironmental change in Mesozoic carbonate platforms of Western Tethys: some half-baked ideas
  • Primerano P.*, Brustia E., Funaro M., Gerardi M., Lucarini M., Olivetta L. & Pompili R. : The Italian Geosites Inventory: making travellers aware through knowledge of geodiversity
  • Proietti Scopetta A.* & Piangiamore G.L. : Places reborn. Two cases of regenerated historic villages in Liguria and Umbria (Italy)
  • Pronti L.*, Romani M., Balerna A. & Cestelli Guidi M. : Micro and macro mapping and imaging analyses for the identification of mineral pigments on paintings by using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopies.
  • Pugliese E.*, Tangari A.C. & Le Pera E. : Heavy Minerals analysis of fluvial sand in the Crati River (Northern Calabria)
  • Puliti I., Pizzi A.*, Gori S., Falcucci E., Galadini F., Moro M. & Saroli M. : Paleoseismological evidence of multiple, large magnitude earthquake surface ruptures on the active Mt. Morrone normal fault, central Apennines, Italy 
  • Punturo R.*, Rizzo G., Buccione R., Visalli R., Indelicato V. & Cirrincione R. : Petrography, Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Serpentinite Rocks in the Ophiolite Units at the Calabria and Basilicata regions, Southern Apennine (Italy): state of the art and ongoing research
  • Punturo R.*, Visalli R., Sturiale G., Maniscalco R. & Cirrincione R. : Raising environmental awareness in the students through geosciences: the educational importance of geotrails
  • Punturo R., La Rosa A., Maniscalco R. & Cirrincione R.* : Gabara Park: a magic place to recall sicilian mining history
  • Purri F.*, Di Martino A. & Amorosi A. : 3D stratigraphic architecture of the late Quaternary Pescara paleovalley and seismic site characterization.
  • Putzolu F.*, Armstrong R., Benson T., Emproto C., Ball R., Abad I., Boyce A., Hepburn L., Bompard N. & Herrington R. : Lithium clays in volcano-sedimentary deposits
  • Qadir A.*, Maiorana M., Chizzini N., Artoni A., Torelli L., Le Breton E. & Sulli A. : New insights into the structural setting of North-Western offshore Sicily, Central Mediterranean
  • Radica F.*, Iezzi G., Capasso I., Galderisi A., Bianchini G., Paris E. & de Brito J. : Physical and petrographic features of CDW rubbles of 2016/2017 earthquakes from Central Italy
  • Radica F.-, Iezzi G.*--, Piccioni R. & Bernardini V. : Petrographic variation of CDW in an industrial plant: a case from Central Italy
  • Radicchi A., Fastelli M., Zucchini A.*, Vivani R., Corradini A., Cerni G. & Comodi P. : Recycling and reusing of Construction and Demolition Waste from Umbria Region: a second-generation binder
  • Ranaldi M.*, Carapezza M.L., Tarchini L. & Barberi F. : Hazard from endogenous gas emission in the north and center Lazio Region
  • Randazzo V.*, Berra F. , Todaro S. & Di Stefano P. : Diagenetic and tectonic history of the Upper Triassic, Dachstein-type margin of the Panormide Carbonate Platform (Sicily, Southern Italy)
  • Ranellucci F.*, Ulian G., Moro D. & Valdrè G. : Theoretical and experimental study of structural, vibrational, and electronic properties of Dolomite
  • Ranellucci F.*, Ulian G., Moro D., Sangiorgi C., Tataranni P. & Valdrè G. : Recovered silt filled geopolymers for low-strength concrete applications in road construction
  • Raspi C.*, Jobbagy Z., Minerva N., Folini T., Fagioli L., Mirandola D., Amadei P., Castro J., Moran J., Garcia O., Morrone L., Rotondi A., Martelli F., Coltorti M., Faccini B., Stefani E., Galamini G., Cavazzoni C., Kos T., Šimunac S., Baričevića M., Pipolo A., Pegoiani E. & Cerrato A. : LIFE MICROFIGHTER: Innovative Zeo-Biopesticides, based on useful microorganisms, for eliminating the use of copper-based pesticides. Project presentation
  • Ravasi T., Haynes I., Vagnuzzi S., Rispoli C., Randazzo L.* & La Russa M.F. : Assessing Construction Techniques through Minero-Petrographic Analysis of Roman Mortars: Insights into Imperial Economic Investments in Building Projects
  • Rea C.*, Calzolari L., Capriotti S., De Vito C., Aurisicchio C., Mignardi S. & Medeghini L. : Application of infrared external reflection spectroscopy in the identification of emerald provenance
  • Rea C.*, Di Fazio M., Mercuri L., Calzolari L., Capriotti S., Mignardi S., Dallai L., Stasolla F.R. & Medeghini L. : Archaeometric investigation of lithic materials from the archaeological site of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)
  • Rea C., Bastida Armesto M., Calzolari L., Di Fazio M., Capriotti S., Mignardi S., Stasolla F.R. & Medeghini L. : Statistical analysis of IR spectra of mortar for studying the relationship between building phases
  • Realdon G.*, Gallo M.T. & Occhioni M. : Ocean Literacy beyond knowledge: investigating ocean connections among a sample of children in Friuli Venezia Giulia (N-E Italy)
  • Relvini A.*, Ascione A., De Luzio E., Artegiani F., Cascini L., Muraro C., Parente M., Ogata K., Di Donato V. & Iannace A. : Inheritance of pre-orogenic faults in Miocene foredeep evolution in Southern Apennines, Italy
  • Remi M.*, La Salandra M., Zingaro M. , Mancino S., Palombella M., Mastronuzzi G. & Capolongo D. : Full-coverage geomorphological mapping using opensource software: a tool for geomorphological risk analysis, management, and mitigation
  • Remitti F.*, Festa A., Nirta G., Barbero E. & Mittempergher S. : The External Ligurian Units of the Northern Apennines: a glimpse in the deformation of shallow accretionary prisms and implications for seismicity
  • Ricca M.*, La Russa M.F., Lagudi A. & Bruno F. : Advancing in Underwater Cultural Heritage Monitoring: The Case of NERITES Project
  • Ricca M., La Russa M.F., Sfravara F., Catania V., Montana G. & Randazzo L.* : SOUTH - Safeguard Of sUbmerged culTural Heritage: project presentation
  • Ridolfi R.M.*, Azzaro S., Beaubien S.E., Da Pra A., Pontiggia M. & Bigi S. : Development of a site-screening method for hydrogen storage purposes and its application to an industrial dataset of Italian reservoirs
  • Rigo M.*, Bertinelli A., Onoue T., Sato H., Tomimatsu Y., Maron M., P., Zaffani M., Satolli S., Roghi G. & Nicora A. : The Pignola-Abriola section (southern Apennines, Italy): a GSSP candidate for the base of the Rhaetian Stage
  • Rigo M.*, Di Stefano P., Todaro S. : Organic carbon isotope (δ13Corg) curve and extinction trends across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary at Mt Sparagio (Italy): a tool for global correlations between peritidal and pelagic successions.
  • Rinaldi A., Bonamassa G., Fracchiolla R., Lapietra I., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Lorusso G. & Parise M. : Sinkhole risk perception in the urban area of Altamura (Southern Italy)
  • Rinaldi N., Marenghi L., Mittempergher S., Brozzo G., Longoni L., Papini M., Sabattini M., Mainini A. & Ronchetti F.* : New groundwater chemistry and isotope evidence on the La Spezia karst aquifer (western promontory, Gulf of La Spezia)
  • Riva A., Longanesi G. & Ghirotti M. : Preliminary insights on hydrogeology of Mount Toc from 3D modeling
  • Riva A.*, Caggiati M., Preto N., Fioraso M. & Crocitto L. : Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Bajocian - Tithonian, Jurassic) from the Trento Platform to the Belluno Basin: can we really map it?
  • Riva F.*, Marzorati S., Agostinetti N.P., Latorre D., Chiaraluce L. & Barchi M.R. : Integration of active and passive seismic data to investigate the relationships between seismicity and geological structures at the hanging-wall of the alto Tiberina fault (Northern Apennines of Italy)
  • Rizzo A.*, Barracane G., Bonifazi G., Capobianco G., Cucuzza P., Gorga E., Mele D., Scardino G., De Santis V., Lapietra I., La Salandra M., Lisco S., Liso S., Marsico A., Mastronuzzi G., Parise M., Serranti S., Scicchitano G. & Sozio A. : Litter distribution in marine and coastal environments: highlights from ongoing research projects.
  • Rizzo F.* : Study of color zoning in tourmalines from different localities before and after treatments using chemical analysis and high-resolution images
  • Rizzo F.*, Bosi F. , Tempesta G. , Skogby H., Bernardini S. , Vadrucci M. & Agrosì, G. : Causes of color changes in tourmalines after thermal and irradiation treatments
  • Rizzo G.F.*, Maiorana M. & Gasparo Morticelli M. : Multidisciplinary approach for 3D geological model reconstruction: the example of Mt. San Calogero (Sciacca, Southwestern Sicily)
  • Rizzo G.F.*, Maiorana M., Avellone G., Gennuso M., Bonfardeci A. & Gasparo Morticelli M. : 3D reconstruction of an integrated onshore/offshore geological model: the example of geological sheet 628 Sciacca (Southwestern Sicily)
  • Roberto R.*, De Tullio M., Liso S.*, Rizzo A.* & Mastronuzzi G. : Education and training activities in the frame of the ecological transition: insights from the Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences context
  • Rocca M.*, Zanchetta S., Montemagni C., Aldega L., Fiorini A., Carminati E., Kylander-Clark A. & Zanchi A. : New insights on the Late Cretaceous S-verging thrusting in the central Southern Alps: clues from structural, geochemical, and geochronological analyses
  • Romagnoli G.* & Muraro C. : Field preliminary data to reconstruct the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Mt. di Muccia-Mt. Val di Fibbia area (Northern Apennines, Italy)
  • Romagnoli G.*, Muraro C., Niceforo D., Puzzilli L.M. & Ruscito V. : Geological complexity vs. Seismic Risk reduction strategies: preliminary results from Level III Seismic Microzonation Studies of Etnean municipalities (eastern Sicily, Italy)
  • Romani M.*, Pronti L. & Cestelli Guidi M. : SINBAD-IR beamline at DAFNE-Light: application and developments of FT-IR spectroscopy in the field of Earth Sciences
  • Romano M.* & Chiocci F.L. : The woman who painted the ocean floor: celebrating Marie Tharp's legacy
  • Romano M.* & Carnevale G. : Early interpretations of the Eocene Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätte (Italy): three centuries of debates for the emerging Earth Sciences
  • Romano M. & Petti F.M.* : The legendary Central Asiatic Expedition: celebrating 100 years of Oviraptor
  • Romano M.A.*, Bernardi P., Diez E., Franceschinel F., Garbin M., Guidarelli M., Klin P., Laurenzano G., Magrin A., Moratto L., Peruzza L., Pettenati F., Plasencia M., Priolo E., Rebez A., Romanelli M., Sandron D., Santulin M., Saraò A., Tamaro A., Tunini L., Zuliani D., Bonano M., De Luca C., Lanari R. & Zinno I. : Seismic and geodetic monitoring of two underground gas storages in Northern Italy
  • Romeo A.*, Cecere G., Filippucci M., Selvaggi G. & Tallarico A. : GNSS CORS network of the University of Bari: an open infrastructure for research and educational
  • Ronca S., Berra F.*, Crippa G., Fumagalli P., Garavaglia A., Lustrino M., Mosconi A., Saracino G. & Sottili G. : Disaggregation of geological dissemination activities in focused initiatives: "hands-on" approach for stimulating geological curiosity and knowledge
  • Rosati A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Stubbornly holistic: Zonia Baber and her groundbreaking work in the field of geosciences education
  • Rosati A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Staring into the abyss: the unfathomable true age of the Earth or how to reshape the way we perceive Time
  • Roseto R.*, La Salandra M., Dellino P. & Capolongo D. : Integrating Probabilistic and Hydrodynamic Models for Enhanced Flood Hazard Assessment and Mapping in the Basento River Basin (southern Italy)
  • Roseto R.*, Lollino P., Parise M., Spalluto L., Festa V. & Fazio L. : Analysis of possible failure mechanisms of a coastal rocky cliff by means of a three-dimensional discrete element model
  • Rossi F. *, Pucci S., Volpe G. & Collettini C. : The role of structural complexity in seismicity distribution: L'Aquila 2009 seismic sequence (Central Apennines, Italy)
  • Rossi G.*, Cipriani A. & Fabbi S. : Jurassic evolution and paleogeography of the Fiastrone gorge (Marche, Italy): new data from detailed geological mapping
  • Rovella N.*, Cirone M., Belfiore M.C., Török Á., Figoli A. & La Russa M.F. : Inside the stone: new elements for targeted conservation of Sicilian Baroque Monuments
  • Ruberti D.*, Buffardi C., Da Lio C., Donnici S. & Tosi L. : Land subsidence in the Italian coastal plains: an overview
  • Ruberti D.*, Fabozzi M.A., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Vennari C., Vigliotti M., Capasso G., Corbelli V. & Parise M. : Artificial cavities and sinkholes in the hydrographic district of the Southern Apennines of Italy: findings, architectural variability and risk assessment
  • Ruberti N.* & Sanna L. : Teaching sustainable planning of show caves
  • Ruberti N.*, Esposito M. & Sanna L. : Radon monitoring in underground workplaces. The case of Sardinia region (Italy)
  • Ruggiero L.*, Ciotoli G., Mori F., Varone C., Di Salvo C., Finoia M.G., Annunziatellis A., Moscatelli M. & Nisio S. : Exploring the Relationship Between Anthropogenic Sinkholes and Pluvial Flooding in the Urban area of Rome: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Multiple Hazards
  • Ruggiero L.*, Ciotoli G., Mori F., Varone C., Moscatelli M. & Nisio S. : Mapping Sinkhole Susceptibility in Italy: A Machine-Learning Approach for Risk Assessment and Management
  • Ruospo D.*, Brogi A., Liotta D., Lucci F. & Zucchi M. : Syn-tectonic emplacement of late-magmatic granitic dyke swarms in the Capo Focardo area (Exhumed geothermal system of eastern Elba island, Italy)
  • Ruscitto V.*, Delchiaro M., Della Seta M., Gribenski N., Richard M., Iacobucci G., Piacentini D., Zocchi M. & Troiani F. : Fluvial record interpretation for the extraction of climatic and tectonic signals in the Adriatic Piedmont Zone of the Apennines (central Italy, Marche region)
  • Russo D. , Fazio E. *, Fiannacca P., Vento S., Portale S. & Cirrincione R. : Digital field mapping of granitoid outcrops: a study case of late Variscan granitoids from Michelino Beach, Capo Vaticano Promontory (southern Calabria)
  • Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Cirrincione R. & Mamtani M.A. : An integrated field, microstructural, AMS and EBSD approach to unveil the architecture and construction mechanisms of post-collisional granitoid complexes: evidence from the late Variscan Serre Batholith (southern Calabria)
  • Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Portale S., Cirrincione R. & Mamtani M.A. : Macro- to micro-scale investigation of the relationships between granitoid magma emplacement and tectonics at Capo Vaticano Promontory (southern Calabria, Italy)
  • Sabato G.*, Scardino G., Kushabaha A., Casagrande G., Chirivì M., Fontolan G., Fracaros S., Luparelli A., Spadotto S. & Scicchitano G. : Using deep learning system-based for tide and surge measurement
  • Sabato L.* & Tropeano M. : Paintings and writings by Carlo Levi: an unlikely combination with geology?
  • Sabato L.* : Maria Matilda Ogilvie Gordon: the "Lady of Dolomite", a pioneer of geological surveying and more . . .
  • Sabato L., Zucchi M. & Tropeano M.* : A contribute to the PLS Project from "Women in Geosciences" of Bari University
  • Sabbatini A.*, Morigi C., Bartolini A.C., Bardin J., Caridi F. & Monti M. : Assessing planktonic foraminiferal species from Antarctic sea-ice as a paleoceanographic proxy: preliminary insights
  • Sabbatini A., Birarda G., Buosi C., Caridi F.*, De Giudici G., Medas D. & Vaccari L. : Effect of plastics on marine ecosystem: preliminary findings of Phthalates (PAEs) on Gromiids
  • Safarzadeh E., Barchi M.R.*, Ercoli M., Carboni F., Akimbekova A., Mirabella, F. & Porreca M. : Structural style and seismicity: a geological focus on the 2022 Mw5.5 Northern Adriatic off-shore earthquake
  • Salamè E., Cinelli C., Tonutti P., Brizzolara S., Panattoni F., Tardani M., Freitas Pio de Azevedo B.* & Masini C. : Ethylene capture using natural and altered zeolites during the storage period of kiwifruits
  • Salerno A.*, Commis L. & Catalano S. : Rock outcrops classification by Sentinel-2 images: a new gis-based toolbox proposal
  • Salone R.*, Troiano A., Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R. & Di Maio R. : A new insight into the dynamics of the Pisciarelli hydrothermal system (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy) based on the integration of geophysical and numerical modelling
  • Saltarelli C.* : Seismic maps between historical approach and scientific research. A contribution from the history of science to risk reduction
  • Salvador C.*, Fanti F. & Catuneanu O. : Depositional architecture and provenance analysis of the non-marine deposits of the Oldman Formation (Campanian, Belly River Group) at the U.S.-Canada border.
  • Salvadori L.*, Tesei T. & Di Toro G. : Frictional strength, healing behaviour and deformation mechanism of low-grade serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions
  • Salvadori M.*, Pennisi M., D'Orazio M. & Dini A. : Potential sources of Li-rich fluids in Northern Apennines (Italy): first results on lithium distribution in pelitic rocks
  • Sammuri P.* : The ancient mine of Poggio Mozzeto in the Bai valley (Roccastrada, Grosseto)
  • Sandron D.*, Saraò A., Tamaro A. & Rebez A. : Citizen Science for seismic risk reduction strategies and sustainable management
  • Sanna L.* : Moisture on underground walls in abandoned mines as source of acid drainage
  • Sanna L.*, Pusceddu C., Sanna U. & Floris G. : Disentangling natural signal from anthropogenic contribution in the temperature dynamics within show caves
  • Santagati P.*, Borrelli M., Guerrieri S. & Perri E. : Microbial micritic cementation in a Late Pleistocene (MIS 5.5) mid-latitude shallow-water calcarenite (Gulf of Taranto, central Mediterranean)
  • Santagati P.*, Guerrieri S., Borrelli M. & Perri E. : Capo Colonna (Crotone Basin – Southern Italy) MIS 5 calcareous bioconstructions: an association of algal, metazoan, and microbial framebuilders
  • Santarsiere C.*, Palladino G. & Bentivenga M. : The "Cantine di Sant'Angelo Le Fratte" geosite and the historical-cultural heritage used as a growth driver for an inland area of Basilicata
  • Santone S.*, Franceschi M., Franceschi P. & Rusciadelli G. : Exploring shallow-water carbonate precipitation rates through geological time
  • Santoro L.* & Domenighini G. : Punta Corna five-element vein system (Italy): Late-Alpine hydrothermal circulation and metallogenesis
  • Santoro V.P.*, Brozzetti F. & Cirillo D. : Tectono-Stratigraphic setting of the Abruzzo Sub-Apennines along the Colledara-Montefino transect (Abruzzo-Italy)
  • Sarı S.*, Cipollari P., Cosentino D., Gliozzi E., Lirer F., Cornacchia I., Marchegiano M., Öğretmen N., Kanbur S., Mattei M. & Cifelli F. : The Mid-Pleistocene transition in the Eastern Mediterranean: a multi-proxy approach to reconstruct its impact at the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP)
  • Sarti G.*, Capitani M., Cascella A., Collareta A., Da Prato S., Nocentini M., Pappalardo M., Ragaini L., Baneschi I., Casati S., Bertoni D., Bosio G., Martella A., Merella M. & Sacchelli T. : Multi-proxy Investigation of Pliocene transgressive-regressive high-frequency cycles in Geological Sheet 274 Empoli (Tuscany, Italy): insights from the CARG Project
  • Sasso C.*, Lapietra I., Liso I.S., Marsico A. & Rizzo A. : Microplastics analysis from sediment samples collected at Capitolo Beach (Apulia, Italy)
  • Sato H.*, Ishikawa A., Lowery C.M., Arenillas I., Arz J.A., Gilabert V., Claeys P., Goderis S., Gulick S.P.S. & Morgan J.V. : Post-impact marine environment within the Chicxulub impact basin inferred from Re-Os isotopes
  • Sblano A.*, Mancino S., Lovergine F.P., Massimi V., Capolongo D. & Amatulli D. : Unified Global Landslide Catalog - A single global-scale standardized landslide dataset
  • Scano I.*, Moroni M., Frau F. & Naitza S. : Ore variability in five-element (Ni-Co-As-Ag-Bi)  vein systems: insights from the As/S vs S binary plot
  • Scanu M.*, Capaldi C., Ciotola A., D'Uva F., Morra V., Verde M. & De Bonis A. : African amphorae from Cumae: archaeometric study for provenance and technological features
  • Scarani S.*, Sanfilippo A., Basch V., Genske F. & Stracke A. : Compositional variability of the oceanic crust as a function of spreading rates: insights from the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge (Arctic Ocean)
  • Scarciglia F.* : Weathering and erosion rates at different timescales in a granitic area of the Mediterranean (Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy): An overview on recent advances
  • Scarponi D., Fitzgerald E., Nawrot R., Huntley J.W., Tomasovych A., Zuschin M. & Kowalewski M. : Late Holocene breakdown of antagonistic interspecific interactions in the western Adriatic Sea
  • Scervini S.*, Baldassarre G. & Bellopede R. : Sonic drilling: evaluation of the best  techniques for tailings and mining waste exploration and valorization 
  • Schiavo M., Giambastiani B.M.S.*, Greggio N., Colombani N. & Mastrocicco M. : Integrated Approach for Arsenic Contamination Assessment in the entire Padana Plain (Italy)
  • Schito A.*, Muirhead D., Bowden S. & Parnell J. : Hydrothermal hydrocarbons generation and migration into the basement rocks of Southern Tuscany
  • Sciarra A.*, Di Toro G., Cantucci B., Gomila R., Grassa F., Piochi M., Brusca L., Bellomo S. & Ricci T. : The study of the seismic cycle in hydrothermal conditions through experiments, analysis and modeling in the SCHOTTA project
  • Sciarra A.*, Ruggiero L., Mazzini A., Florindo F., Wilson G., Mazzoli C., Anderson J.T.H., Olivetti V., Romano V., Sassi R., Bigi S. & Ciotoli G. : A multidisciplinary investigation into the source and impact of greenhouse gases in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
  • Scolamacchia T.* : Variations in elemental sulfur viscosity and volcanic hazard assessment implications
  • Scolaro S.*, Batlló J., Orecchio B., Presti D., Stich D. & Totaro C. : Exploring Historical Seismograms: Moment Tensor Inversion of the 1947 Squillace Basin Earthquake (Calabria, South Italy)
  • Scrocca D.* & Alimonti C. : Assessment of the geothermal conversion potential of depleted hydrocarbon wells in Italy
  • Secchiari A.*, Toffolo L. & Tumiati S. : Quantitative analysis of sulfur volatile species generated from HP-HT experiments: a novel approach
  • Sedda L.*, Attardi A., De Giudici G. & Naitza S. : Sardinia's Mining Heritage Revaluing: A Path to Sustainable Critical Raw Materials Extraction
  • Sedda L.*, Attardi A., Deidda M.L., De Giudici G., Fancello D., Naitza S. & Scano I. : Critical raw materials (CRMs) in the Fluminèse-Arburèse districts (SW Sardinia): guidelines for regional-scale mineral exploration
  • Semprebello A.*, Lazzaro G., Caruso C., Scirè Scappuzzo S., Morici S., Gattuso A. & Longo M. : Inverse modelling for estimating gas flow emission rate on stationary vents
  • Senesi M.* & Fino M. : The mineralogical and petrographic collections of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences in Turin, Italy: a dazzling journey through the wonders of nature
  • Servetto G.P.*, Root C.M., Di Felice S., Passarella A., Ruiz-Zepeda F., Gieré R. & Vigliaturo R. : Magnetite nanoparticles dissolution in simulated biological fluids
  • Shehaj X. *, Ammannito E. & Pratesi G. : "Chirfa" Meteorite: The Largest Specimen From Mars
  • Sieber J.*, Arzilli F., Lo Monaco S. & Carroll M.R. : Alkali feldspar dissolution kinetics in trachytic melts
  • Silvani F.*, Melelli L., Mirabella F., Cardinali M., Bucci F., Santangelo M., Pazzaglia F.J. & Barchi M.R. : Geomorphic signature of the eastward marching of Quaternary extensional tectonics in the Northern Apennines (central Italy): the Colfiorito intermontane basins key area
  • Silvani F.*, Mirabella F., Pazzaglia F.J. & Barchi M.R. : A previously unknown loess deposit in the Quaternary Gubbio basin (Umbria, central Italy): a stratigraphical record of the paleoenvironment of the area
  • Silvestri S.*, Giambastiani B.M.S. , Costantini F., Pezzolesi L., Guerrini F., Turicchia E., Merloni N., Archetti R. , Guerrero M. , Gaeta M.G. , Zanutta A. , Girelli V.A. , Tini M.A. , Lambertini A. , Giordano C.M. , Boninsegni A. , Casadei I. , Costa M., Cavalieri E. , Del Bianco F. , Stanghellini G., Ravaioli S., Nannini S., Bonaccorso E., Cerrano C., Scottà F.C. & Ponti M. : Past and recent evolution of the submerged beach, shoreline, and dune-beach morphology as baseline to monitor a nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement
  • Simonetti M.*, Langone A., Bonazzi M., Corvò S. & Maino M. : Evolution of a rift-related mid-crustal shear zone: the case study of the Forno-Rosarolo shear zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
  • Simonetti M.*, Montomoli C., Capponi G., Salvatore M.C., Casale S., Musumeci G., Cox S., Lyttle B.S., Pertusati P.C. & Läufer A. : Geological map of the Convoy Range and Franklin Island quadrangles (Victoria Land, Antarctica)
  • Sist E.*, Parisi F. & Princivalle F. : Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes and spinels enclosed in mantle xenoliths (Mandakh-Mandal-Gobi area, Mongolia)
  • Sisti M.*, Andreola F., Barbieri L., Guidetti D., Gualtieri A.F., Fantini R., Colombo F. & Arletti R. : Sustainable Development in Traditional Ceramic Glazes: Harnessing MMVF Waste for Environmental Innovation
  • Smiljanić D., Daković A*., Marković M., Ožegović M. & Obradović M. : Organobentonites as perspective adsorbents for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug –diclofenac sodium
  • Sobbe A.*, Bianchini G., Rizzo E. & Brombin V. : Geophysical and geochemical data integration for agricultural soil monitoring and prevention of the effects of salinity, organic matter, and climate change in the Province of Ferrara (Northern Italy)
  • Soltanmohammadi A.*, Bedard JH. & Hinchey A. : Sulfide mineralization in the Lower Crust of the Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Canada
  • Soltanmohammadi A*., Rabinowicz M. & Fontaine JF. : From Cold to Hot Mantle: Exploring new concepts for migration of alkaline melts and perspective on critical minerals
  • Sorrentino A.*, Fasciglione G., Mattei G., Pappone G. & Aucelli P.P.C. : On the resilience to climate change of sites of community importance (SCI): the case of Cala del Cefalo (Southern Italy)
  • Sorrentino A.*, Asadzadeh S., Gleeson S., Chabrillat S., Boni M. & Mondillo N. : Alteration mineral mapping of Zn mineralization using EnMAP hyperspectral satellite data: a comparative study of the Skorpion-Rosh Pinah (Namibia) and Beltana (Australia) deposits
  • Sortino F., Calderone L., Giammanco S. & Ferlito C. : Monitoring fumarole emissions on the flanks of mount Etna and correlation with volcanic activity
  • Sozio A.*, Rizzo A., Aucelli P.P.C., Anfuso G., Barracane G., Dimuccio L., La Salandra M., Scarrica V.M., Staiano A., Tarantino M.P. & Scicchitano G. : Multidisciplinary approaches for the analysis of Beach Litter distribution in coastal environments
  • Spadaro A.*, Piras M., Grasso N., Lollino P., Parisi A. & Giordan D. : The role of advanced surveying technologies for geomechanical analysis of artificial caves: the case study of Gravina in Puglia (Puglia region, Southern Italy)
  • Spadavecchia S.*, Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Montesano G. & Cesarano M. : Mineralogical and technological characterization of pozzolan mortars from the Brick Amphitheater in Nola (NA)
  • Spadotto S.*, Fracaros S., Bezzi A., Casagrande G., Popesso C. & Fontolan G. : Coastal flooding risk scenario for the city of Grado, northern Adriatic Sea
  • Spahić D., Cocco F.* & Tančić P. : Far-field interplay between the intra-Ordovician compressional tectonics along the northeastern Gondwana active margin and Gondwana interior: Insights from the central Lybia Ordovician succession
  • Spahić D., Radović M., Blagojević D., Tanasković L., Jovanović D., Vuković S. & Cocco F.* : Polyphase deformations and transposition cycles in the "Median Dacides" tectonic units
  • Spalluto L.*, Petruzzelli M., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Cretaceous cyclic peritidal carbonates of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Apulia, southern Italy) in a hierarchical sequence-stratigraphic perspective: a case study from the Murge area (the Giovinazzo sea-cliff section)
  • Španiček J.* & Korbar T. : Open questions on the Likva locality K-Pg boundary bed on the Adriatic carbonate platform
  • Španiček J.*, Korbar T., Fuček L. & Steuber T. : Diversity of Early Cretaceous carbonate facies around the OAE1a on Adriatic carbonate platform
  • Sparacino F.*, Galuzzi B.G., Palano M. & Azzaro R. : Analysis of the Seismic Coupling Coefficient for Italy: first results
  • Spiess R.*, Festa V. & Tursi F. : When modern petrology meets advanced microstructural analysis
  • Spina A.*, Rettori G., Cirilli S., Mansour G. & Rettori R. : How did the plant ecosystem adapt to climatic variations (shifts) during the middle to the late Permian? A case study from Northern Gondwana
  • Spina A., Brogi A.*, Capezzuoli E., Caggianelli A., Zucchi M., Langone A., Tursi F., Chinedu I. & Liotta D. : The Palaeozoic succession of the Giglio Island (Tuscan Archipelago)
  • Spina A., Capezzuoli E., Gretter N., Marchetti L., Corradini C., Degl'Innocenti N., Scarani R.* & Ronchi A. : Onset of the Permian 2nd tectono-sedimentary cycle from the Southern Alps: new constraints from palynological assemblages and regional-global inferences
  • Spironello M.Y.*, Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Caggiani M.C. & Fugazzotto M. : Precious votive offerings in 17th- and 18th-century Sicilian production: non-invasive gemmological analyses
  • Spironello M.Y.*, Majorana S., Barone G. & Fugazzotto M. : A multi-sensory experimental laboratory for Earth Sciences at the Museum of Sicilian Knowledge and Mirabilia of the University of Catania
  • Spizzichino D., Fumanti F., Mariano S., De Corso S., Andrisani M.G., Dacquino C., Guerra. M., Lanz A., Lucarini M., Muto L., Serra M. & Amanti M. : URBES (URBan mining and Extractive waste information Sistem) Project
  • Srivastava E.*, Parrino N., Caldareri F., Morticelli M.G., Burrato P., Pucci S., Agate M. & Sulli A. : Late Pleistocene Eustatic Variations and Fluvial Terrace Development in the Carboj River Catchment, Southern Sicily
  • Srivastava E.*, Parrino N., Kumar P.C., Caldareri F., Maiorana M., Palano M. & Sulli A. : Fluid Migration Along Fault and Fracture Systems in the Sicily Straits: High-Resolution Mapping Reveals Connections
  • Stabile P., Fornasini L.*, Bersani D., Dominijanni S., Di Genova D., Romano C. & Paris E. : A DSC-derived viscosity and Raman Spectroscopy study on waste-based glasses in the CAS system
  • Stabile P.*, Ercoli R., Paris E. & Carrol M.R. : Time-Temperature-Crystalline behavior of thermally treated MSW Bottom Ashes
  • Stagno V.*, Di Fazio M., Giuliani L. & Capuani S. : Non-invasive combined FT-IR and NMR protocol to assess the cleaning action of a lignin-based hydrogel on stones
  • Stagno V.*, Mignardi S., Antonacci A., Gasperuzzo G., Carfì Pavia F., Lima S., Scargiali F. & Medeghini L. : BIO-DUST: BIO-circular 3D printable prodUctS for cultural heriTage
  • Stefanelli D.*, Mecozzi B., Marino M. & Sardella R. : Paleoenvironmental remarks on the early middle Pleistocene site of Contrada Monticelli (Apulia, Southern Italy)
  • Stendardi F.*, Viola G., Carrapa B. & Vignaroli G. : Oligocene-Miocene exhumation history of the Epiligurian wedge-top basins (Northern Apennines) constrained by low-temperature thermochronology
  • Stocchi M.*, Houzeaux G., Costa A., Folch A., Massaro S. & Sulpizio R. : Modeling the priming mechanism of phreatic and geothermal eruptions: physical model and preliminary integration results
  • Storta E.*, Senesi M. & Borghi A. : Mèmora: a showcase for the cultural heritage of Piemonte Region
  • Sulli A.*, Agate M., Gasparo Morticelli M., Todaro S., Lo Presti V., Avellone G., Bonfardeci A., Maiorana M., Rizzo G.F., Gennuso M., Petrella F., Parrino N. & Muraro C. : From onshore to offshore, from outcrop to subsurface: an innovative multi-scale approach to the geological mapping of the Sheet 628 Sciacca (southwestern Sicily)
  • Summino L.*, Giorno M., Barale L., Bertok C., Frenzel M., Gasparrini M. & Martire L. : Gorno and Piani Resinelli: genesis and correlations of two Alpine-type Pb-Zn districts
  • Surian B.*, Forte E. & Zini L. : Monitoring saltwater intrusion in the area surrounding the Grado lagoon (NE Italy)
  • Taddia G.*, Gizzi M., Berta A. & Lo Russo S. : Renewable Energy Application: Sustainability Techniques in Torino Urban City
  • Tagliacollo L.*, Bonadiman C., Saccani E., Bianchini G., Brombin V. & Tassinari R. : Potential mineral resources in historically dismissed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Emilia Romagna region (Italy): petrological and geochemical study for Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) exploration and exploitation
  • Talone D.*-, de Nardis R.-, De Siena L.- & Lavecchia G.- : Geometric Constraints for Thrust-Related Deformation in Eastern Central-Southern Italy: New Insights from Travel-Time and Attenuation Tomography
  • Tangari A.C.*, Le Pera E., Andò S., Garzanti E., Piluso E., Marinangeli L. & Scarciglia F. : Weathering processes and soil formation in Sila Massif and Catena Costiera (Calabria,southern Italy): Insight from heavy minerals
  • Tangari A.C.*, Marinangeli L., Scarciglia F.,Pompilio L. & Piluso E. : Experimental alteration of volcanic bedrock: A terrestrial analogue for Mars
  • Tarchini L.*, Carapezza M.L. & Ranaldi M. : Assessing and mitigating natural gas risk at Cava dei Selci (Colli Albani volcano) through combined geochemical, epidemiological and agro-environmental studies
  • Tardani D.*, Álvarez-Amado F., Taucare M., Sánchez J., Taussi M. & Daniele L. : The effect of anthropogenic pressure on the coastal groundwater resources: the case of Toro Bayo aquifer, Southern Chile
  • Tardani D.*, Älvarez-Amado F., Poblete-González C., Godfrey L. & Matte-Estrada D. : Decoding the processes that lead to the extraordinary enrichment of lithium in the Salar de Atacama (northern Chile): new insights from Li, B and Sr isotopes in surface and groundwater
  • Tateo F.* : Clay sediments for health in the special geological area of the Euganean Hills
  • Taussi M.*, Vespasiano G., Tardani D., Chemeri L., Nisi B., Vaselli O., Gozzi C., Delgado-Huertas A., Agostini S., Apollaro C. & Renzulli A. : Synergic application of stable isotopes (N-O, B, C) to recognize nitrates sources and processes in the shallow phreatic aquifer of the Metauro River Basin (Central Italy)
  • Tavani S.*, Corradetti A., Rizzo R. & Seers T.D. : Measuring geological surfaces in virtual outcrop models
  • Tavani S., Petracchini L., Billi A., Carminati E., Chiarabba C., Conti A., Devoti R., Palano M., Pezzo G., Scognamiglio L. & Tinti E. : Unraveling the dynamics of the active frontal sector of the Northern Apennine thrust belt: a multidisciplinary investigation following the 2022 Mw 5.5 Adriatic earthquake
  • Tavecchio W.* : Protects and heats
  • Tazzini A.*, Gambino F., Mancini S. & Dino G.A. : Circular economy in the dimension stone industry: problems and challenges related to fine fractions generated during marble exploitation
  • Teatini P.*, Baldan S., Cosma M., Da Lio C., Donnici S., Ferronato M., Mazzia A., Minderhoud P., Tosi L. & Zoccarato C. : Autocompaction as a main driver of coastal depositional environments
  • Tempesta G.*, Monno A., de Ceglia F.P. & Maraschi A. : On site analyses of geomaterials in Sansevero Chapel Museum (Naples)
  • Tempesta G.*, Calvano C.D. & Rigante E.C.L. : Spectroscopic studies of white and black pigments in a Dalì painting
  • Tentori D.*, Mancini M., Livani M., Stigliano F., Milli S. & Moscatelli M. : Stratigraphic Constraints for the 3D Modeling of the Tevere Alluvial Valley beneath Rome (Italy)
  • Tenuta S.*, Evans K.A., Reddy S.R., Rickard W.D.A. & Saxey D.W. : Nanoscale biosignatures in native-Cu and sulphides from the Wadi Tayin ophiolite, Oman
  • Terranova E.*, Casati S., Bosio G., Di Cencio A. , Pieri A. & Collareta A. : "Fauglia... un mare di anni fa": a new palaeontological exhibition and an example of valorization of the palaeontological heritage in the Fauglia Municipality (Pisa Province, Italy)
  • Terranova K.G.*, Narduzzi F., Venier M., Del Rio M., Černok A. & Ziberna L. : Exploring a Garnet-bearing Pegmatoid Pyroxenite in the Ivrea Verbano Zone (northwestern Italy): Petrography and Phase Equilibrium Modelling
  • Tesauro M.*, Cortassa V., Gola G., Galgaro A. & Manzella A. : New insights from analyses of geophysical data in the Northern Apennine buried structures for evaluation of their geothermal potential
  • Tesei T.*, Molli G., Remitti F. , Mittempergher S. & Pozzi G. : The Structural Geology of fault healing: a preliminary view
  • Tiberti M.M.*, Maesano F.E., Buttinelli M., De Gori P., Ferri F., Minelli L. & Di Nezza M. : A multidisciplinary geophysical approach as help to validate 3D models and investigate the seismotectonics of the Central Apennines (Italy)
  • Tieri M.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Palmisano G., Gambini R., Caliro S. & Santi A. : Springs water geochemistry in central-southern Albania
  • Tilley L., Kroh A., Kvaček J., Howe M., Mergen P., Miller G., Dijkema T. & Norton B. : Unveiling Earth' Archives: Harnessing Earth Science Collections to Navigate Modern Challenges
  • Tinagli L.*, La Rosa A. & Paoli G. : A long-term analysis of mining-induced sinkhole activity in Gavorrano (Tuscany, Italy) by remote sensing and field data
  • Tinivella U.*, Giustiniani M., Castellani B., Giovannetti R., Zannotti M., Nicolini A. & Rossi F. : Reliable long-term CO2 storage as clathrate hydrates in seawater and marine sediments: the CO2-RESTO project
  • Tinterri R.* Lima D.F. & Civa A. : Low efficiency turbidite systems controlled by the geometry of structurally-confined mini-basins (Valla and Fraschetto Systems, Oligocene, Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy)
  • Tiwari S., Saviano S. & Polemio M.* : An integrated numerical modelling approach to the management of a coastal plain aquifer (southern Italy)
  • Todaro S.*, Petrella F., Rigo M. & Sulli A. : The recovery of carbonate platforms after the End Triassic Mass Extinction: new data of a Lower Jurassic succession from south-wester Sicily
  • Toffol G.*, Pennacchioni G., Scambelluri M. & Morales L.F.G. : Microstructural record of seismic brittle failure at intermediate-depth conditions
  • Tomassini A.*, Rocchi I., Masotta M., Petrelli M., Ágreda López M., Ubide T. & Rocchi S. : Ice load modulation of plumbing system dynamics: Insights from intracrystalline texture and chemistry at The Pleiades Volcanic Field, Antarctica
  • Tomimatsu Y., Onoue T.*, Sato H. & Rigo M. : Oceanic anoxia during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic) in the Panthalassa Ocean
  • Tommasone M.A.*, Di Domenico G., Bortolotti V., Cruciani G., Chiarella D., Nagmutdinova A. & Frijia G. : Characterization of dual porosity in bioturbated carbonates: A case study of Cenomanian-Turonian platform carbonates from the Southern Apennines (Italy)
  • Torok A.* : Air pollution related deterioration of limestone heritage: an overview
  • Torres D.*, Zambrano M. & Baena J.G. : Use of GPR imaging for early detection of water leaks in pipelines
  • Tosetti V.* & Giamborino A. : "Nella fucina di Efesto": A new teaching project to promote meaningful geological learning. Peer tutoring from high school to primary school 
  • Tranfa P.*, Di Renzo V., Izzo F., Langella A., Mercurio M., Mercurio V., Cappelletti P. & D'Antonio M. : A multidisciplinary approach used for winemaking process investigation: the Cantina di Solopaca (Benevento, Italy) case study.
  • Tranquilino C.*, Dioguardi F., Gentile L., Caballero L. & Sarocchi D. : Finding the best protocol to characterize the rheological behavior of fine volcanic sediment suspensions
  • Trigila A.* & Iadanza C. : Data and maps on natural hazards to support risk mitigation measures
  • Trippanera D.*, Anzidei M., Bosman A., Vecchio A., Alberti T. & Doumaz F. : Relative Sea Level Rise projections and flooding scenario for 2150 A.D. for the Panarea Island and Islets (Aeolian Islands, Italy) by Ultra High-Resolution terrestrial and marine Digital Elevation Models
  • Troco E., Manucci F., Maganuco S.* & Ambasciano L. : Through the Pages of the Ages: Conveying the Unfathomable Depth of Time in an Illustrated Book
  • Tropeano M., Caldara M.A., De Santis V., Festa V.*, Parise M., Sabato L., Spalluto L., Francescangeli R., Iurilli V., Mastronuzzi G.A., Petruzzelli M., Bellini F., Cicala M. , Lippolis E., Petti F.M., Antonelli M., Cardia S., Conti J., La Perna R., Marino M., Marsico A. , Sacco E., Fiore A. , Simone O., Valletta S., D'Ettorre U.S., De Giorgio V., Liso I.S., Rosati A., Stigliano E. & Venezia V. : Evidences of geodiversity in Murge and Premurge territories (Southern Italy), potential training grounds for geotouristic experiences
  • Tsitsishvili V.*, Panayotova M., Mirdzveli N. & Bish D. : Thermal stability of some natural zeolites from Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Armenia
  • Tufano R.*, Bausilio G., Di Martire D., Guerriero L., Annibali Corona M., Nisio S. & Calcaterra D. : Updated inventory of anthropogenic sinkholes in Naples (Italy) Updated inventory of anthropogenic sinkholes in Naples (Italy)
  • Tumiati S.*, Faucher G., Monzillo A., Ferrari E., Toffolo L., Erba E. & Poli S. : Investigating isotopic signatures of CO2 produced by coccolithophore algae in subduction zones: Experimental insights and modeling approach
  • Turconi L., Coratza P., Faccini F.*, Ferrando A., Luino F., Palmieri W., Soldati M. & Gizzi F. : The contribution of toponyms to geomorphological hazard: hillslope processes and landslides highlighted by the Italian Military Geographycal Institute maps at 1:25,000 scale
  • Turconi L., Luino F. & Faccini F.* : Geotoponyms as indicators of hydrogeomorphological features in the Portofino Promontory
  • Tursi F.*, Godard G., Braga R. & Piluso E. : It's getting hot, depleted, dense and dry: evolution of garnet-sillimanite restites from Catena Costiera (northern Calabria, Italy)
  • Tursi M.F.*, Matano F., Fortelli A., Sacchi M. & Aucelli P.P.C. : Coastal hazard in tuffaceous high coast in the gulf of Naples (South Italy)
  • Turturro A.C.*, De Carlo L. & Caputo M.C. : Integrated experimental approach for supporting the planning of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) plantIntegrated experimental approach for supporting the planning of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) plant
  • Ulian G.* & Valdrè G. : Graphene–brucite 2D heterojunctions: an ab initio crystal-chemical investigation
  • Ulian G.* & Valdrè G. : Multi-methodological analysis of orpiment As2S3 and related possible applications in bidimensional optoelectronics
  • Urban I.*, Bridi E., Cesare B., Mazzoli C. & Preto N. : Heritage stones: the case of Aurisina Limestone to promote geodiversity in the Classical Karst cross-border area
  • Ursi A.*, Tapete D., Montuori A., Sacco P., Virelli M., Zoffoli S. & Coletta A. : The Role of ASI in the Development of Novel User-driven EO-based Products for Geo-hazards Applications: the "Multi-mission and Multi-frequency SAR" and "I4DP_SCIENCE" Programs
  • Urso S.* & Viccaro M. : New paradigms for an energetic independence and sustainable development of minor volcanic islands in Sicily: opportunities from the geothermal resources  
  • Valdrè G.*, Grillini G.C., Moro D. & Ulian G. : Finishes in architectural elements: "Domus Pasolini" of Faenza
  • Valdrè G.*, Moro D., Moro L., Helal K.M. & Fragasso J. : Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs including gliders) for the characterization and monitoring of environmental conditions in fresh and marine waters
  • Valensise G.* : Beyond fault scarps: the role of geologists in the assessment of seismic hazard and risk
  • Valensise G.* : From active faults to seismogenic sources: understanding their geometry, hierarchy, and earthquake potential through a fully multidisciplinary approach
  • Valentini L.*, Liu Y., Molinari S., Dalconi M.C. & Artioli G. : Thermodynamic modelling in the management of industrial waste streams
  • Vallone R.* & Basili R. : Sharing data on seismogenic faulting in Europe: the EDSF platform
  • Vance G.*, Clementucci R., Picotti V. & Willett S.D. : Catchment-averaged denudation rates in the Northern Apennines and Ligurian Alps and implications for landscape dynamics
  • Vanzani F.*, Carbonneau P. & Fontana A. : Deep learning to automatically map braided palaeochannels from optical traces in the Venetian - Friulian Plain (NE Italy)
  • Velicogna M., Beltrame M., Barago N., De Min A., Lenaz D., Nimis P.*, Chiaradia M., Venier M., Chelle-Michou C. & Tavazzani L. : Age and evolution of the Raibl carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposit (NE Italy)
  • Venezia V.*, Bellini F., Festa V., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : The Water and the Rock: a geotouristic route through the geology of springs and fountains in Matera (Basilicata, Southern Italy)
  • Venezia V.*, Festa V. & Tropeano M. : The small-scale problem: loss of significant geological features in small scale geological maps. The case of the northern sector of the Murgia Materana, South Italy
  • Verani M.*, Caputo M.C., Cassiani G., De Giglio O., Milani M., Carducci A., Federigi I., Pagani A., Angori A., De Carlo L., Turturro A.C., Prigiobbe V., Triggiano F., Savino A.F., Bagordo F., De Donno M.A., Grassi T., Brigida S., Consoli S., D'Emilio A., Barresi S., Bivona F. & Montagna M.T. : Predictive dynamics of microbiological contamination of groundwater in the earth critical zone and impact on human health: the DY.MI.CR.ON Project
  • Verde M., De Bonis A., Di Benedetto C.*, Izzo F. , Picone R. & Morra V. : Arianna's Palette: A diagnostic study of the painting walls of the house of Arianna in Pompeii
  • Verdecchia M.*, Pedone M., Tomasetti B., Manzari P., Lombardi A. & Colaiuda V. : Application of CHyM hydrological model on Mars surface: clues of drainage patterns on Jezero crater
  • Veronese M.* & Artioli G. : Falsification techniques and materials in Geoheritage
  • Vespasiano G.*, Cipriani M., Maruca G., Apollaro C., Ponte M., Dominici R., Bruno F., Muzzupappa M., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Bracchi V.A., Basso D. & Guido A. : Integrated Geochemical/Geobiological approach for the identification of environmental proxies in Coralligenous bioconstructions
  • Vespasiano G.*, Floridia G., De Rosa R., Viccaro M., Cacace M., Bloise A., Fuoco I., Muto F., Guido A., Cipriani M., Maruca G. & Apollaro C. : 3D lithospheric thermal model of the Calabria region (Southern Italy): a supporting tool for new exploration campaigns for geothermal resources
  • Vidal-Reyes M.*, Tesauro M., Amadori C., Nader F., Marini M., Reguzzi S. & Maino M. : Geothermal potential of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin: structural and lithological controls
  • Vidi C.*, Roghi G., Preto N. & Breda A. : Response of a carbonate platform to the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event: the Akrabou Formation of Southern Morocco
  • Vigna B.* & Fiorucci A. : The Bossea Karst Hydrogeology Laboratory
  • Vigna B. & Balestra V.* : Anthropogenic impact assessment in show caves through environmental parameters monitoring
  • Vigna B. & Balestra V.* : Relationship between air-rock-water temperatures in karst caves and surface temperatures
  • Viola G., Zuccari C., Giuntoli F., Degl'Innocenti S., Sanguettoli, T., Callegari I. & Vignaroli G. : Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights, implications and new perspectives from the Oman Mountains
  • Visalli R.*, Ortolano G., D'Agostino A., Fiannacca P., Rebay G. & Cirrincione R. : Unraveling symplectite development during granulite/amphibolite facies retrogression through X-ray quantitative image analyses
  • Vitale A.*, Sansò P. & Giaccari E. : The drowned physical landscape of Porto Cesareo coastal area (southern Apulia, Italy)
  • Vitale E.* : Alkaline-activation of natural and artificial pozzolans as binders for soil treatment
  • Vitale L., Varola G., Graziano L., Coppola D., Galasso G., Tedesco P.,Vitale G.A., de Pascale D., Meisel T. C., Ulian G., Moro D., Valdré G., Dinelli E. & Funari V.* : Biotechnological potential of marine extremophiles in the treatment of valuable anthropogenic materials like spent car catalysts
  • Vitale S., Izzo F.*, Piegari E. & Riccardi U. : The GEOLAB experience at the DiSTAR (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
  • Vitale S.* & Ciarcia S. : Orogenic evolution of the northern Calabria-southern Apennines System: Tectonics
  • Vitale S.*, DI Giuseppe M.G., Ciarcia S., Albanese S., Isaia R., Cicchella D., Troiano A., Iezzi F. Natale J., Fabozzi C., Ambrosino M. & De Paola C. : Multidisciplinary study of non-volcanic CO2 degassing vents in Oliveto Citra area (southern Apennines)
  • Vitrano A.*, Viti C., Della Ventura G., Lucci F. & Vetere F. : A preliminary petrological study of refractory inclusions in NWA12800 meteorite
  • Vitrano A.*, Viti C., Della Ventura G., Lucci F. & Vetere F. : A preliminary petrological study of chondrules in NWA12800 meteorite
  • Vogel B., Calaforra J.M., Uasapud Enriquez N.V., Zupan Hajna N. & Parise M.* : List of endangered caves and karst, an initiative from the International Union of Speleology
  • Volpe A.*, De Carlo L., Masciale R. & Caputo M.C. : Groundwater - lake interaction in a mediterranean coastal aquifer: The Alimini lake case study (Southern Italy)
  • Wafik A., Visalli R.*, Punturo R., Conte A.M., Guglietta D., Ben Massoude M., El Aouad N., Mabika N.N. & Cirrincione R. : Neoproterozoic serpentinites from the Bou Azzer ophiolite (Central Anti-Atlas – Morocco): exploring the geodynamic changes and mantle processes beneath the boundaries of the West African Craton
  • Watanabe D.*, Bruno L. & Amorosi A. : Holocene sedimentary and geomorphological evolution of the Po Plain between Po, Secchia and Panaro rivers, reconstructed through a morpho-stratigraphic approach
  • Weert A., Vinci F., Ogata K. & Tavani S.* : Unlocking geothermal potential: Syn-rift fluvial deposits in the West Netherlands Basin
  • Wehrung Q.*, Pastero L., Bernasconi D., Cotellucci A., Bruno M., Destefanis E., Caviglia C. & Pavese A. : A Novel In-Situ Method to Continuously Monitor the Aqueous Carbonation Degree of High Calcium (Chloro)(Hydr-)Oxide Content-Industrial Alkaline Waste Through Gas Flow Sensors
  • Wehrung Q.*, Pastero L., Bernasconi D., Cotellucci A., Bruno M., Destefanis E., Caviglia C., Cavagna S. & Pavese A. : Carbonation Performance of Waste Incinerator Air Pollution Control Residues (APCr) under Wastewater Reuse Conditions—Towards a Sustainable Stabilization Process
  • Yaaqoub A.*, Essaifi A. , Clementucci R., Ballato P. , Zayane R., Faccenna C. & Pagli C. : Incision rates into Quaternary lava flows of the Middle Atlas and Western Mesta (Morocco): implications for landscape evolution
  • Yakisik O.*, Geloni C., Tamburelli S., Ruggieri G., Orlando A., Borrini D., Gherardi F. & Toscani G. : Laboratory experiments and geochemical models for CO2 mineralization in basalts
  • Yaqoob I.*, Zini L., Forte E., Ciotoli G. & Calligaris C. : Quinis: a small hamlet in the Alta Val Tagliamento valley (NE Italy), example of resilience to sinkhole geohazard
  • Youm C.I.*, Doumbouya M.F., Gueye A., García-Villalba E., Sow I. S., Samba R., Thiao G., Errami E., Morales J.A. & Sow E.  : PROMOTION and enhancement of the GEOHERITAGE of the Dindéfélo Geopark Project of the Dindéfélo Community Nature Reserve (Kédougou, Senegal)
  • Youm C.I.*, Gueye A., Miyouna T., Ba F., Signaté A. S., Sow S. N., Sissokho M., Doumbouya M. F., Errami E. & Sow E. : Petrography of stromatolites from the summit of the Pelel Formation in the Walidiala valley (Madina Kouta Basin, Kédougou, Senegal)
  • Yurdakul E.*, Arnone E., Nardi F. & Capolongo D. : Assessment Of The Risk Of Shallow Landslides Integrating InSAR And Optical Data With A Distributed Eco-Hydrological Model
  • Zafarana S.E.*, Achilli A., Barone G., Bersani D., Finocchiaro C., Fornasini L., Mantovani L., Portale S. & Mazzoleni P. : Valorisation of sawing sludge from Cuasso al Monte (Italy) in alkali-activation process: feasibility study
  • Zafarana S.E.*, Scanferla P., Finocchiaro C., Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Kraxner J. : Alkali-Activated Materials based on Volcanic Ash and Waste Glass: sustainable and alternative geomaterials from waste to resource
  • Zahabnazouri S.*, Capolongo D., Wigand P., Shahbazid S. & Dimotta A. : Soil erosion assessment using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in Google Earth Engine in Bradano Basin
  • Zambrano M.* : Preliminary Findings from Deep 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Active Faults
  • Zanchetta G.*, Bini M., Chuan-Chou S., Columbu A., Drysdale R., Hsun-Ming Hu H., Isola I., Luppichini M., Milevski I., Natali S., Regattieri E., Hellstrom J., Pennos C. & Izdebski A. : Hydrological variability during the Roman and Medieval periods in the Balkan Peninsula using speleothemsHydrological variability during the Roman and Medieval periods in the Balkan Peninsula using speleothems
  • Zanchi A.*, Angiolini L., Beauchamp B., Henderson C. & Snyder W. : Carlin Canyon, a key area for the study of the latest Carboniferous deformation in Nevada (USA)
  • Zanchi A.*, Ravazzi C., Chiesa S., Crosta G.B., Fascetta S. & Fusi N. : The deformational mega-structures of the Pianico-Sellere Basin (Iseo Lake, Lombardy) which evidence for their origin?
  • Zanellato N.*, Dela Pierre F. & Festa A. : Sheet 158 "Casale Monferrato"of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale (CARG Project): preliminary results
  • Zanola E.*, Bonomo S., Ferretti P., Fornaciari E., Incarbona A., Rodrigues T. & Capraro L. : High-resolution multi proxy records across the Plio-Pleistocene boundary: a central Mediterranean perspective
  • Zaragoza Alonzo A.D.* & Zambrano M. : Advancing Seismic Microzonation: Integration of Deep Learning for High-Resolution Vs30 Mapping in the Central Italy
  • Zaragoza Alonzo A.D.*, Zambrano M., Luzi L. & Tondi E. : Leveraging Machine Learning for Ground Motion Prediction: Advancements in Seismic Hazard Assessment
  • Zazzera A.*, Spisso N., De Prezzo G., Bruno Stamerra F., Spada I., Marsico A., La Perna R., Marino M., Venisti N. & Girone A. : Digitalization and reconstruction of Pleistocene vertebrates from Museo di Scienze della Terra (University of Bari Aldo Moro) for the valorization of the Apulian paleontological heritage and territory
  • Zhao X., Khelifi F., Casale M., Tazzini A., Cavallo A., Padoan E., Yang K. & Dino G.A.* : Critical raw materials supply: challenges and potentialities to exploit REEs from siliceous stones and extractive waste
  • Ziberna L.*, Beltrame M., De Min A., McCammon C., Masotta M., Del Rio M., Narduzzi F., Černok A., Terranova K. & Venier M. : The continental Moho from a geobarometric perspective
  • Zini L.*, Calligaris C., Finocchiaro F., Ponton M. & Potleca M. : A karst area shared between carbonate megabeds and siliciclastic units: the example of Mt. Bernadia (NE Italy)
  • Zito C.*, Mangifesta M., Francioni M., Guerriero L., Di Martire D., Calcaterra D., Pasculli A. & Sciarra N. : Cascading landslide risk assessment by means of an integrated approach
  • Zucali M.*, Spalla M.I., Roda M., Zanoni D. & Piloni C.B. : The Sesia-Lanzo Zone in the Western Alps Subduction Complex: Alpine evolution and pre-Alpine remnants
  • Zuccari C.*, Artegiani F., Fagioli G., Tancredi S. & Romano M. : From 'Gerusalemme Liberata' to Dante's Divina Commedia: the seismogenic hypothesis of earthquakes linked to underground winds
  • Zuccari C.*, Tavarnelli E., Mazzarini F., Viola G., Aldega L., Moretto V., van der Lelij R. & Musumeci G. : Fault architecture, age and deformation localisation history of the Mykonos Detachment, Cyclades, Greece
  • Zucchi M., Brogi A., Liotta D., Fregola R.A., Caggianelli A., Ventruti G., Avanzinelli R. & Ruggieri G.* : Tracing the palaeo-circulation of geothermal fluids in the shallow crust exposed in the eastern Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy)
  • Zuffetti C.*, Felletti F. & Marini M. : Architecture of a migrating channel belt: insights from the channel-levee Complex 6 (Tachrift turbidite system, Tortonian, NE Morocco)