The session aims to give visibility to the most innovative hydrogeological research and sustainability techniques, at the local, site and basin scale, to better understand aquifers, to counter the risks of qualitative and quantitative degradation, to increase the knowledge on how water on contaminants transport, including microorganisms, that move through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater.
A non-exhaustive list of desired contributions includes theoretical and experimental studies, both at laboratory and field scale. Topics as tools, equipment, methods, modelling and/or experiences regarding hydrogeological, geophysical, geochemical, monitoring and characterization of aquifer, climate change impacts, quantity and quality risks for groundwater resources are welcome.
In addition aquifer management methods, including MAR plants using unconventional or treated water, tools for efficient online visualization and dissemination, monitoring and remediation experiences are also encouraged.
CONVENERS: Maria Clementina Caputo (CNR), Stefania Da Pelo (Università di Cagliari), Lorenzo De Carlo (CNR), Matia Menichini (CNR), Maurizio Polemio (CNR), Glenda Taddia (Politecnico di Torino)