The architecture and depositional geometries of carbonate platforms are shaped by the interaction of production, sediment transport and deposition, and diagenetic processes: carbonate platforms thus respond to sea-level, environmental and climate changes, but in a complex way that makes challenging to extract palaeoenvironmental information. Furthermore, when looking at the geological past, modern analogues hardly apply to carbonate systems of the rock record.
Hence, the investigation of carbonate platforms increasingly requires a multi-disciplinary and multiscale approach, integrating sedimentology and stratigraphy with geochemistry and modelling. The geochemistry of carbonates is particularly informative: abiotic, microbial and skeletal carbonates may carry and preserve unique information about past environmental conditions in their geochemical signatures.
In this session, we invite contributions that explore carbonate deposits as archives of past sea-level, climates and marine environmental conditions through sedimentological, stratigraphic and geochemical approaches, including 3D modelling. Presentations of both case studies and methodological investigations are welcome.
CONVENERS: Nereo Preto (Università di Padova), Marcello Caggiati (Università di Ferrara), Giovanna Della Porta (Università di Milano Statale), Marco Franceschi (Università di Trieste), Michele Morsilli (Università di Ferrara).