T22. The employment of space-based remote sensing technologies for monitoring surface dynamics and landscape evolution


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Space-based remote sensing technologies are increasingly being applied for monitoring the dynamics of Earth surface. The continuous enhancing of technologies (multi-/hyperspectral sensors, Synthetic Aperture Radar-SAR), products (high and very high spectral and spatial resolution images, digital elevation models, etc.), techniques (photogrammetry, image processing, interferometry, visual inspection, thermal imaging, etc.) and tools (platforms and software for satellite data analysis and processing) contributes to providing valuable sources of information for observing landforms, understanding the processes that shape them and reconstructing landscape evolution. Such progress enables the development of innovative and applicative solutions based on integrated methodologies (multi-temporal change detection, modeling, machine learning, etc.) that improve downstream segment of the space system. The new italian and european IRIDE project reflects this scenery representing a great opportunity for fully exploiting the advancement of the satellite technology. The session welcomes contributions focusing on the employment of space-based remote sensing in the hydro-geomorphological investigation of surface phenomena, their interaction and their impact on landscape evolution. Applications are encouraged to cover, but not limited to, the monitoring of Earth surface changes through new quantitative approaches, data fusion methods and artificial intelligence-AI algorithms.
CONVENERS: Marina Zingaro (Università di Bari), Vincenzo Massimi (Planetek Srl), Domenico Capolongo (Università di Bari).
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