P21. Biotic and sedimentary responses to past climate change: from deep geological time to recent


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Claudia Agnini (Università di Padova), Gabriele Gambacorta (Università di Firenze), Mariano Parente (Università di Napoli Federico II), Raffaele Sardella (Sapienza Università di Roma)
This session explores how organisms and sedimentary systems have responded to past climate evolution. By examining fossil records and sedimentary archives, we aim to uncover the interplay between climatic drivers, sedimentary dynamics, and biological evolution. Presentations will cover key intervals of Earth's history, from deep geological time to Recent, shedding light on how changes observed in the past biosphere and sediments/rocks may reflect responses to climatic and environmental shifts. The session calls for abstracts presenting paleontological and sedimentary datasets that contribute to the interpretation and reconstruction of past climates. These insights will help deepen our understanding of past climate dynamics and aid in predicting future climate change and biotic response.
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