P19. Mountains in motion: decoding the Alpine-Himalayan orogen


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Djordje Grujic (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada), Federico Rossetti (Università Roma Tre), Chiara Montomoli (Università di Torino), Stefano Zanchetta (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Convergent margins are the locus where orogenic processes take place through large-scale deformation, underplating, burial and metamorphism of continental and oceanic lithosphere. The final structure of these belts is highly diverse, influenced by several controlling factors, such as the pre-collisional tectonic history, rate and angle of convergence, mechanical strength and thermal state of colliding plates. The Alpine-Himalayan orogen, a prime example of a collisional mountain belt, has been shaped by a complex interplay of processes such as the consumption of oceanic and continental realms, motions of smaller continental ribbons, accretion of magmatic arcs, retreating and advancing subduction systems, and back-arc extension. Understanding the tectonic evolution of this orogen along its entire length necessitates a multidisciplinary approach and the development of robust spatio-temporal constraints coupling leading-edge structural analyses, metamorphic petrology, petrochronology, multi-system thermochronology and geochronology, and modeling from lithosphere to crustal scale. We encourage the submission of multidisciplinary contributions presenting novel meso-to microstructural data, tectonic, petrological, geochronological and modelling results to guide the advancement of knowledge about how orogens grow and decay in space and time. This session will provide a platform for Earth scientists to discuss the current understanding of the Alpine-Himalayan orogen and identify promising directions for future research.
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