Le Geoscienze e le sfide del XXI secolo

Padova, 16-18 settembre 2025

Elenco Temi e Sessioni

Chair: Elisabetta Rampone & Cecilia Viti

This theme explores the formation, differentiation, and evolution of Earth's interior with a focus on magmatic and metamorphic processes, mineral physics, crystal-chemical reactions, and crystal structures. It examines the processes that shaped the Earth's core, mantle, and crust, emphasizing melting, melt generation and transport, deep recycling of crustal components, melt/fluid-rock interactions and chemical/mineralogical transformations. By studying these key mechanisms, sessions offer insights into the geodynamic behavior of our planet and other celestial bodies.

P1. Shaping mantle heterogeneity through field observations, experiments and modeling

P2. Unveiling crustal processes by rock micro- and nanostructures and crystal structures

P3. Advances in mineral sciences: exploring Earth and rocky bodies' building blocks

P4. Mineral physics and crystal chemistry: crucial tools for Earth Sciences

P5. Metamorphic petrology and petrochronology - reading and learning at the library of crustal rocks

P6. A journey through planetary geology: Insights from remote sensing, petrographic and mineral studies

P7. From deep feeding systems to eruptive processes: petrologic tools for probing volcanoes